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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



80-100之间吧,四口之加,两个小孩一个3岁,一个一岁。父母一年里面大概有半年过来住。目前在温哥华,想搬到多伦多去。看帖子里都说RICHMOND HILL和MARKHAM的渔人村不错。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 80-100万预算在哪里买房最好?可以买到什么样呢?
    80-100之间吧,四口之加,两个小孩一个3岁,一个一岁。父母一年里面大概有半年过来住。目前在温哥华,想搬到多伦多去。看帖子里都说RICHMOND HILL和MARKHAM的渔人村不错。
    • 补充一下,希望房子较新。10年以内最好
      • Richmond Hill或者Unionville, “希望环境好,房子3000左右,学区好,生活方便的地区”,再加上十年新,呵呵,不存在,鉴定完毕。
        • 是说这两个地方的这个价位都买不到对吗?那需要多少钱才能买?
          • 不是不存在,是非常少。比如unionville前几个月刚卖掉一套Monarch建的仅8年新的,叫价90万,最后成交85万7,3000sqft,一香港老太的房子,老太太和我们说当初custom built的呢,难怪上楼的楼梯都有分别的两套,非常气派。
            • 唉,这个要是卖给我就好了。可惜我还没过去,准备明年春天过去的,不知道是不是该提前过去抢房啊?!
          • 你这个同志,看贴不仔细,人家没提价钱。而是说在上述地区 生活方便 加 好学区 的十年新房不存在。 但鱼头的话太绝对了点, RICHONMD HILL 学区好的次新房还是有可能的,但UNIONVILLE 是绝对没有的。
            • 如果不考虑房子建成的时间,只考虑装修,unionville 也不是没可能的。那个区的房子,大家都知道是22到26年左右,这个当然是超出了楼主的要求。在上个月中旬,
              我带朋友去买那间ROLIA上聊过的48号,我给客人的估价上限是78万,结果一听来了八个offer,我们连去都没去,直接撤了offer 找朋友吃饺子喝酒去了,结果大家也知道,卖了82万。 那朋友很沮丧,要知道他以前是打算买bayview hill 的,结果因为回国再加上开始的犹豫,已经只能买unionville了,没想到还抢成这样。21号,我以前的一个客人最近买了北边的农场,突然打电话说想卖unionville的房子,三千尺,全部十年内的装修,背靠河谷,walkout basement,瓦顶,我一个小时带人看完,双方一拍即合,四个小时合同就做完了,根本没上市,他们都很满意,我自然也满意了。:-)
          • 我简单把你的条件列一下。


            • 不愧是鱼头,实话实说。
            • 鱼头太一刀切了吧. 老区也可以造新房子嘛.
              • 不考虑价钱,你说的不错。但问题是,好的学区和社区里,如果拆了旧房盖出三千尺左右的新房,哪个能卖到100万以下?
                • 那倒是.
            • 那就去掉10年新。其实主要是想住比较新的。当然要看综合情况。生活方便这个条件其实也很宽,我们夫妇都自驾车,希望买菜,孩子上学,一般休闲娱乐的周边能满足就行。 因为暂时也没上班,上班的话可能也只是老公一个人上班。
              • 去掉10年这个限制,买了再装修可能会更满意。
      • "希望环境好,房子3800左右,学区好,生活方便的地区”,再加上十年新,呵呵,在mississauga的富人山庄-----Credit Mills 100万around存在,所有要求都基本符合。看来还是我们密市人民比较幸福哈哈!
        • 请问Credit Mills 是哪个范围?
          • west of Mississauga Road, east of Erin Mills, North of Eglintong, South of Mcfarren.
            • 谢谢。这个范围我就没敢进去过。
        • 没关注过密市,等我多做些功课。
          • 老是涨说的是实话。但不管哪个JJ劝你买在哪儿,一定要实地考察,信自己。如果你将来在DOWNTOWN上班,住在RICHMOND HILL不是个好主意,已经堵的不行了,单程没一个半钟头到不了。GOTRAIN又没处停车。你先考察一下,希望能有JJ提示你通勤问题。
            • 非常感谢您的提醒!
            • 那万锦是不是更远?如果downtown 上班的话哪里比较方便但在我预算内呢
              • downtown上班很多人搭gotrain,Markham和RH都有,两区到downtown一样远。给你来张地图先学习一下,注意RH跟Markham是平行的。
            • Go has plenty of parking space in both rh and M. no seats on Go is true
        • 可以忽悠他再往北点。就那个,上次秋菊买房子的地方。更易满足准楼主的购房准则。
        • That will generate a big buyer agent fee too. Hehe...
        • 说个让密市兄弟姐妹拍砖的话,就我这喜欢中餐的胃,我就一直很同情大家。别忘了,我可是十一年前从那里搬出来的。至于现在,根据多伦多或者北边的发展,我就更不好意思来比较了,省得大家和我吵架,我现在很听老婆话,所以没看都只潜水不说话了。
          • 不用同情,我们密市人民的幸福指数之高是你不能理解的,看我不都在这里幸福的生活了12年了。当然这里马杀鸡,洗脚场所没你们那边多,这种糜烂的地方没你们多呵呵。
            • 强烈要求引进!!!
              • 努力中......
            • But you said you live in Brampton?!
              • 为了更好的“体察民情”,我这十几年搬了十次家,把密市的东南西北都住遍了,现住在密市和brampton的交界处,2月份又要搬回到密市的南边。(今天晚上谈offer的80岁老太太说她搬了23次家,我骄傲的对她说“i m gonna break your record!”)
                • 那你是租房子住呀,还是买房子住?这么折腾可能只能租吧。
                  • 你是挖坑呢还是刚来这儿混的啊?这可评为2011最牛贴了。:0
                  • 全是买的,千万别学我,我属于那“吃饱了没事儿干爱折腾”一类的,我的乐趣就在于什么样的户型都愿意实地try try的。
                • Come on! This sounds too surreal - “体察民情”. Not sure how many people will buy this.
                  • that's truth. 我身边的朋友都知道的,千万别学我,我属于那“吃饱了没事儿干爱折腾”一类的,我的乐趣就在于什么样的户型都愿意实地try try的。
                    • 商人重利轻别离, 换来换去还不是利字作怪
                      • “换来换去还不是利字作怪?” 错了!是个“动”字作怪,性格使然。你如果换过房子就会知道“利”这个字对屋主是何其难得的。我对我的每一个客人都是这么说“有事没事你别换房,换一次你要损失很多....当然,得利的是代理”
                        Jacky Xu
                        January 7 at 12:21am ·LikeUnlike · Comment
                        • 也不能说跟利字一点关系没有吧。况且,关键还是在于你从来不用付那高昂的buyer agent fee。‘体验’一下你也确实损失不了什么。否则再有性格也折腾不起吧!呵呵
                • “密市的南边”,好家伙,那是安大略湖呀。成岛主啦!还是我们密市出人才。朋友们去看你得乘游艇或直升机,了不得,不得了。
                  • 错了,密市南边是
                    buffalo。 ^_^
          • 小声问一句,搬哪儿去了。密市的北边,BT?那可是不用进饭馆,就能嗅到GL味的好地方呀。
      • 对了,给你推荐maple 新开发的区,具体就是major mac 以南,darfurrin 以西的那块新地。都是新房子,1,2年的吧,还有新的在建。小学非常好。离go train station 也很近,出行还算方便。比如这个:
        • 那不是著名的垃圾填埋场旁边吗??
          • 垃圾场已经没用了。垃圾场在major mac 以北,这些房子开发在以南。北边现在建mall, 目前已经在运营的有metro, lowe's, 什么的。
      • How about in Richmond Hill, the block north of Major Mackenzie, south of Elgin Mills, West of Leslie & east of Bayivew?
        There are a few brand new houses, close to highway/GO Train, surrounded by malls, shops, chinese restaurants, only a short drive from chinese supermarkets on Bayview and the concentrated Chinese entertainment area on Leslie/Hwy 7. It's just north of Bayview Hill and the schools are new & decent (Richmond Green).

        You can look it up yourself on mls.ca

        If you insist on having the highest ranking school, then Bayview S.S. is in the area but you will have to wait for new listings to come out in the Southern side of the neighbourhood. The houses there are around 10 years old and the price is still way below 1 million.
    • 好好的温哥华不住,搬到多伦多干哈呀?
      • 不喜欢漫长的雨季,还有地震几率很大。工作学习环境相对没多伦多健康。太多有钱人,不用工作。有点物欲天下的感觉,个人不喜欢。
        • 说的也是。有孩子的话还是在多伦多成长环境更好。
          • 也不觉得,感觉如果能在 victoria 是最好
        • totally agree!!
        • 只听说从多伦多搬去温哥华的,还第一次见到有相反的。漫长的雪景可以代替雨季,在多伦多住一段你就会怀念温哥华了。没有可比性。
          • 各人感觉不同吧,温哥华那个氛围我各人确实是不怎么喜欢的。当然温哥华也有很多优点,但我胆子小啊,怕地震海啸。
            • 地震海啸没那么玄乎,俺是在温哥华住过的,那里工作难找,挣的少,开销大,什么都贵,60万也就买个TH,稍微看上眼的house都过百万了。地方到确实是真美。
    • 可以看看 BATHURST,16AVE以北19AVE以南,最近很火
      • +1,感觉那一带不错-------老公如是说。
      • 同学,你管Bathurst和19街叫生活方便?我相信,十年后一定没问题,但现在?
        • 他在NEWMARKET上班,也许就觉得生活方便了。
        • +1, 目前那里至少还需要3,5年才能成些气候,要发展得比较成熟,7,8年起码,但是那时候的房价也就涨上天了,,,看每人的预算和期望值了,我是预算有限,但是可以接受那里目前的生活环境,也愿意挨个3,5年等社区慢慢成熟的。
        • I would say Near Bathurst, highway7, 16AVE以北 and Major Mackenzie 以南 are very convenient, not to 19AVE.
      • BATHURST房子走的火的原因就是,越来越多中国人买在这里。GOTRAIN停车场已经爆满,404爆堵,相比较而言YONGE还能走的动也可以搭地铁。正在建一个大型社区中心,此区域内即有2个大型社区中心。

        • 前一段时间有人说那里每个星期六都是万圣节
        • 去yonge上坐车岂不是还得从家门口走一段才到??
        • Yonge street just north of Major Mackenzie is single lane. As more houses are getting built at the North, can't imagine what the traffic will be like...
    • coquitlam三联市,再往东比特草原或枫树岭都很好啊,白石也不错。国人多的地方是不太好住,周末去消费还可以。
      • 工作机会太少
    • 要是图交通方便,欢迎来etobicoke,这个价位3年前还能找到顺眼的,现在能找到的只剩很旧的房子了。
      • 解释一下我说的交通方便,其实也不是要特别方便那种,因为夫妇两个都是自驾车。只是不希望随便去个地方都得开个把小时的。
        • 一般的活动范围,开车坐车到那都不会超过一小时,etobicoke你找到的是住在Midtown的感觉。温哥华咱也觉得是个好地方,但是不适合我。
      • 很旧的房子我还是不考虑了,宁愿远一点。
        • 我跟你预算差不多,想买120到150万房,同不好选。不过我倒是想要旧房,地大,买来再装修或者以后推了重盖!
          • 120-150万就好选多了。随便挑啊
        • 从你的名字看你可能比较好吃,Markham应该是首选。
          • 神人!我真的很好吃,呵呵。MARKHAM美食最多吗?
            • Yes, and it has much more than Mississauga, Oakville, Etobicoke have
            • Your budget is good enough for markham & Richmond hill. No need to move far. Rule 1 for buying houses: location, location, location
              • 终于有个人说可以买到了,高兴。
            • 密市的火锅店可是不少。到Toronto Downtown, 30(平时)-50min(上下班)。到机场15min。到南边的那个国家,1h。停车场,很少见到收费的。地域宽敞了,就没了都市的浮气,那生活就叫做心平气和呀。常见车让路的,堪见车抢路的。来吧,感受一下密市田园式的生活。
      • 你在ETOBICOKE的什么位置?
    • 可以到Oakville的Joshua Creek看看,房子新,社区不错,交通方便,学区还行,就是中餐选择少些
      • 严重推荐aurora,属于GTA, just north of Richmond Hill and Markham. 我以前住markham and Richmond Hill 交界处, 方便舒适,
        想换大房, 预算有限又不想贷太多钱, 500k-700k, 也是东西南北找了快两年. 结果被price out of this 2 town, 在北边找到3000尺以上新房,不到60万. 不太东, 不太西,downtown 上班, 和以前一样平时上班坐GO TRAIN,Go Bus, 住宅周围步行15-20分钟有各品牌大型连锁西人商场超市plaza,theater,restaurant,etc, 开车去不要5分钟, 周末高速很好开, 30分钟以内到达所有Markham Richmond Hill 的中餐馆, TNT 及其他华人超市, 以你的预算可买到ravine lot , premium lot 这类的大房了.
        • Aurora太北了。而且冬天开404不安全,没有路灯。
          • both me and my wife drive 404 at middle night for parties etc, no such problem as you concerned ,
            strongly suggest you drive 2-3 times yourself to see if you really scary or not. My wife used to have the same feeling as you, now she is pretty fine and released.
        • Which area in Aurora?
          • bayview and lesley, north of wellington for working middle class, east of bayview south of wellington big lot 70'' upx160'' for custom built house starts from 700k, 搂主shall really go this site and take a look.
            • Just beware that there's no good restaurant nor Chinese supermarket in Aurora. In Winter there's also a lot more snow.
              I have friends who are regretting moving there and want to move back South. Unfortunately for them, the house price up there has gone down a bit so it's getting difficult.

              You may think driving to Richmond Hill/Markham to do shopping is not a problem, but over a long period of time, it becomes a nuisance. Plus you may have problems inviting people to your house because it's so far.
              • last 2 years most house price went down and up, I went to Burthust and 19th/Jeferson sdrd, there are ""Inspiration" went down 100k, there are Encore houses(cheap material and cheap price)from Aspenridge. And
                on top of it, I don't mean Aurora is perfect, in terms of snow, same as if you live in north of Richmond Hill or Markham, in terms of Chinese restaurant and grocery shopping, how many times do you need go there per week? I visit both of them 1 times per week on average, don't fell any inconvenience.Most meat stuff my wife buy from lawblos and longos and costco. My friends live in RH and Markham, they don't think I am living faraway, Instead, they are considering moving to north since south is getting lousy and crowded. I used to consider Oakville or milton, my friends all think I am gone! That is faraway for them to see me. Plus the price! I have limit budget. Aurora satisfied me a lot.
                • It does depend on lifestyle and budget. My firends moved to Aurora originally because they wanted a bigger house for a cheaper price.
                  But if you like to eat out/shop a lot, Aurora will be a poor choice. Plus for 800k-1mil, there's really no need to move that far north just to live in 3000 sq ft house--for a budget of 600k-800k, maybe.

                  My friends have the opposite experience from you, they tried several times to host a party at their house but most of the time, people are reluctant to go because it's so far. Different people have different experiences I guess.

                  House price does go up & down but it doesn't apply to all areas. Some hot areas in Richmond Hill & Markham consistently go up. Overtime, there will be a price gap between different areas.
                  • more and more we like to eat in Mandarin or Kegs / Boston Pizza/ taco? bells etc, not typical Chinese food anymore. There are lots such great restaurant in Aurora. I shop a lot in Upper Canada mall. Plus I recommend 搂主for those custom build house
                    in north which are far above 3000 sqf with unique design and huge lot size under his budget. Good investment compared with putting money in those Chinese hot spot if they can be upper middle class. and willing to be top middle class.Plus traditionally, Aurora is a nice area with lots of nature trails and valleys/ marines, price gap does exists between some old traditional nice area in whole GTA, but not apply to those new hot spot for new money, BTW, I fell sorry for your friends, do they really have real good friends around by? I used to be priced out of RH富豪山庄( 2005 can buy a not bad one around 500k-600k if we had made decision to buy at that time) , now I don't regret anymore since I am enjoy living in Aurora. Of course you may have different opinion which I do respect.
            • I thought it is over 1M over there. Do you know the community or builder name?
              • wow, that much?Even for the smallest ? 您真有钱呀。2009 我们去了bayview and bloomington 以北的几个新区,around 800k can buy the smallest custom build ones on a big lot.
                Fontaine blue community or north of vandorf side road 附近,我们没有认真看,知道负担不起,进去纯粹瞎起哄. 抱歉, 您还是得自己去查。
                • yes, Fontaine - 800k not anymore If we are rich, we should not bother to look at Aurora. Aurora is no longer cheap.
    • Not sure if you are aware of school rankings, posting them here just in case you need them for your research...
      • I am studying this ranking every year just like the rest of typical chinese parents do. However, I also learned local people including teachers have other opinion in terms of this EQAO ranking.
        I also know bad boy in good school such as St. Andrew's College and quite nice kids graduated to top university in school ranked 200 above.
        • How about Aurora elementary and secondary schools? Any good ones?
          • Elementary school rank are not so serious and that important. As a matter of fact, High school is much more important. This is my 心得。Truly honestly.
            Aurora High and Newmarket High are both very good, there is a new high school going to be build too. if kid can go Gifted program, Aurora Senior is no difference with Crosby gifted in RH, and can go either of Aurora High/ RH High/ Newmarket High. You need to send kid or take bus / public transit though.
    • 唉, 国人呀, 我们何时才能走出一条自己的路, 涉自己的河, 给后人留下我们足迹的河山?
      • 敢问您住哪?我可以考虑卖了aurora 的搬去和您共创chinese (mandarin/main land chinese) heritage.
        • 喜欢清静,你那地方不算差。不过80-100的预算,选择那么远去住大房子的实在不多见,特别是如果有老人一起住的。
          • 拜托,不是普通大房,是要高n个档次的custom build, 貌似80-100 现在也买不到了?中国老人俺们这公园已经组队练剑舞扇啦,不算少啦,不过比住十家宝/马可汗姆还差点。所以我不是号召爱清静的赶紧搬吗
            • 很高兴你那里越来越方便,而且能住在高档次的大房子里。对地产没有研究,但很多人老说location,location 我以前也不信。
              • Thanks, all what I can say is Aurora is not as convenience as RH and Markham to Chinese, but also it is not that bad as many people concerned it is too faraway like living in North Pole.
                I live in working class community, I recommend 搂主considering customs build house in Aurora with his huge budget, not mainly just focus on those Hot Spot which I think already been much overpriced. Again, if your budget is limited, you agree the life style as I posted above, then try a little bit far north, you may be satisfied.
            • 能说说练剑舞扇的公园在哪儿吗?替公婆找组织。
              • Good to see a neighbor, welcome! There are 2 parks( Ada and Hartman), you can see Chinese seniors do traditional exercise as team almost every morning and afternoon during summer time in both parks.
                Especially in Ada park which has a water park for fun.
                • Thanks a lot!