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Let's sing, let's dance, let's have fun~! (Sat / 19-Nov)

Time: Nov. 19 / Saturday (Afternoon --- Sing, evening --- dinner)

Vendor: will be PMed, should be in markham

Cost: Sing, roughly $15 - $20 per person, including drinks & some snacks
Dinner: $20 - $25 per person (chuan cai or xiang cai)

The ones showed interests in my previous post are:

- myself

total: 9

please let me know who else wants to go, i don't want to make a super big party, so 15 people limited, NO NEW ID ACCEPTED ( i don't want to explain this, that's my rule, you agree, come, you disagree, don't come, thank you. ^_^)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / Let's sing, let's dance, let's have fun~! (Sat / 19-Nov)
    Time: Nov. 19 / Saturday (Afternoon --- Sing, evening --- dinner)

    Vendor: will be PMed, should be in markham

    Cost: Sing, roughly $15 - $20 per person, including drinks & some snacks
    Dinner: $20 - $25 per person (chuan cai or xiang cai)

    The ones showed interests in my previous post are:

    - myself

    total: 9

    please let me know who else wants to go, i don't want to make a super big party, so 15 people limited, NO NEW ID ACCEPTED ( i don't want to explain this, that's my rule, you agree, come, you disagree, don't come, thank you. ^_^)
    • Sorry Lilian.... I don't want to let you down, but I will be on business trip for the next two weeks. Enjoy and have fun without me :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~
      • ok!
    • I have no problem with the time and location and plus i love "xiang cai or chuan cai"
      • nice~!
    • 哇,这么快就定时间啦?地点定了吗?我知道有一个地方唱K不错,音响很棒,而且有小舞台,可以满足各位歌星的表演欲:)
      • 该不会是叶公馆吧?
        • 哈哈,你要是张开双臂欢迎,大家都不会拒绝吧。。。我说的是另一个地方,叫皇家歌友会,老板超喜欢唱歌的,自己干脆就开了一个K歌房。
          • 呃,听起来很不错。你们多伦多人有很多好地方可去哦。。。
            • 欢迎你们伦敦人随时变成咱们多伦多人:))
          • 叶公好龙,哈哈
        • lol....
      • 地点我有一个备选项,如果ingale有更好选择当然也可以。
        • Please count me in. Thanks :)
          • 好~!地点定下来后通知~!
        • 这个供你备选吧:皇家歌友会,100 Silver Star, Unit 206. Phone: 416 321 5635 or 416 893 7786. 我周六给儿子当司机,实在走不开,你们玩好:)
          • 好~!
    • I would like to join you guys to have fun
      but I will be in Wien then...
      • ditto
        but i'll see my gal then and look after her....
        • ??.. !!!
          • ,,,
    • i'll check with my husband about his schedule and let you know. Even i can't make it, my heart will be with you :)
      • oh..... my~~~~~~~~~~ you are so sweet~~~~~~~~~~~ i want you & your heart, so, please come~
    • current list of attendants:
      - myself

      and a SECRET guest will join. :-)
      • wow, a secret guest? George Clooney or Brad Pitt? :)
        • you'll know. :-)