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Big words are not the issue. Big inappropriate words are. This paragraph from an online mag is very similar to Eric's writing.

What is even more startling about this reversal is that few thought the much-vilified Dodd-Frank act would have much effect at all. From the moment it was proposed in 2009, the bill was tarred from all sides. Critics from the left, who wanted a return of Glass-­Steagall, which had kept investments banks and commercial banks separate until it was repealed during the Clinton years, howled that Dodd-Frank wouldn’t go far enough to break up the too-big-to-fail banks. “Dodd-Frank was an attempt to preserve the status quo,” Harvard economist Ken Rogoff told me. The too-big-to-fail banks, for their part, argued that the 2,300-page bill would create an overly complex morass of overlapping regulators that risked killing their ability to compete against foreign rivals.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Big words are not the issue. Big inappropriate words are. This paragraph from an online mag is very similar to Eric's writing.
    What is even more startling about this reversal is that few thought the much-vilified Dodd-Frank act would have much effect at all. From the moment it was proposed in 2009, the bill was tarred from all sides. Critics from the left, who wanted a return of Glass-­Steagall, which had kept investments banks and commercial banks separate until it was repealed during the Clinton years, howled that Dodd-Frank wouldn’t go far enough to break up the too-big-to-fail banks. “Dodd-Frank was an attempt to preserve the status quo,” Harvard economist Ken Rogoff told me. The too-big-to-fail banks, for their part, argued that the 2,300-page bill would create an overly complex morass of overlapping regulators that risked killing their ability to compete against foreign rivals.
    • 已阅. 转酱油哥.
      • 那偶就不掺和了哈。法语地不会。就记着PARIS时陌生问路大哥温暖浪漫的拥肩就够了哈。
        • 扫扫盲吗. 像我, 人脸皮比较厚, 耶不太笨, 很快就能学会法语 :-)
          • 那我要学SPANISH哈。
            • Unless you are not coming back to Canada.
    • I'm afraid I disagree with you on this. What you quoted is a part of a business magazine. Eric's is an every day story that was meant to
      connect and strike a chord with readers. They should have different writing styles. I liked Eric's writing in general - good story lines. But in my humble opinion, the writing comes across that the author was trying way too hard. I would say some choices of his words are a bit of an overkill. But again, all in all, they are still good writing.
      • 大词生僻词最多的文章是小说,eric 写的是小说。我的 source 不是 business magazine,类似于 Toronto Star。
      • 来一段今天 Toronto Star 上的。俺竟然还有生词。觉得作者 try 的比 eric 还hard。作者叫 Stephanie Findlay,象是土著,不是新人显摆。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mayor Rob Ford took to the airwaves to advocate for his Sheppard subway and, he says, Scarborough residents.

        “The people have spoken loud and clear. Scarborough councillors. Scarborough MPPs. Everyone in Scarborough wants underground (transit),” Ford told CP24’s Stephen LeDrew Thursday evening.

        “Be it an LRT or a subway. I listen to the taxpayers and I’m sure the premier will do the same.”

        In a vote on Wednesday, Toronto city council supported a transit plan that would bring rapid light rail transit systems to swaths of the city. A panel of experts is considering the need for a subway in Scarborough.

        Ford said the subway is an essential component to his 2014 campaign.

        “The strategy is straightforward, it’s subways,” he said.

        “I’m going to run 100 per cent,” he said of the next election. “I’m running on subways and if my opponents choose to have streetcars, let the voters decide that.”

        Councillor Doug Ford, interviewed along with the mayor, said city council’s decision treated Scarborough residents poorly.

        “People were snubbing their nose at Scarborough and treating them as second-class citizens,” he said.

        Then the Fords went on the attack, naming six Scarborough councillors who did not vote for the subway and encouraged constituents to contact them.

        “We just want to encourage everyone to contact your MPP,” said Doug Ford, “contact the premier’s office, contact your councillors, if not, it might go the other way, we need the help of the people.”

        In a tangent, the mayor said he’d willingly give the province control of the TTC.

        “If the province wants to take over, let them take over, I’d be the first one to give them the TTC and say ‘you can run it,” he said.

        As well as answering questions about the city’s transit plan, the Fords fielded softer queries from viewers, including one asking why the mayor is often accompanied by his brother.

        “He’s my security,” said the mayor.

        When the topic of libraries came up, so did Margaret Atwood. “That’s Doug’s best friend,” said Rob Ford.

        “Margaret’s a great lady,” said Doug Ford, “you know something, sometimes politics gets a little carried away.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 好好背背GRE词库. 总体好可以吧. In a tangent用的太那个.
          • 都是高人。俺儿5岁读的书俺都有不认识的词。
        • 有生词很正常,学无止境,加上”竟然”二字,自满之心溢于言表.用居高临下的心态说话,即便有道理,也很难达到人心.
          • 同意。 兵哥要好好检讨。
            • 人家给你定性了,你怎么检讨都没用。
              • 我的理解兵哥是有意用这种对比来衬托那篇报道用词的方法问题. 玫瑰妹妹也是用的激将法吧?
                • exactly。“俺竟然还有生词”是俺那段话里点睛的一句。俺研究 communications,写过几篇文章,比较讲究怎么说话 impact 大。
                  • 是啊, 还是我研读的比较好吗.
                  • 那么你还是研究一下怎样communicate 自己的 idea,而不让人反感吧.我从来不给人定性,我只知道自己的好恶. 对装大尾巴狼的人,我从来是嗤之以鼻的.
                    • 你反感了,我给你下跪你照样反感。
                      • 知道兵哥是固执的,原来竟这样固执.人如果不能从别人的反应来反省自身, 是不会长进的.这个讨论可以告一段落了.
                    • 我这人心好,但是我不会为照顾别人unreasonable 的情绪而委屈自己。谁对我嗤之以鼻,我 don't give a damn。
                      • Same here.
        • This article is nowhere close to Eric's writing in style. I almost suspected that wincity had a hidden agenda on this.:-)
          • 我没有说这篇文章有 eric 的 style。这是一个平民报纸上的一个普通新闻,一半是quote,里面竟然有好几个大一点的词,所以我觉得是好例子。这是我去 Toronto Star 点的第一个链接。
      • 这个”connect”用的好,我啰唆了半天,也是这个意思.不过我更多的是指故事情节,而不是用词.话又说回来,Eric有些句子和用词真是很好,我对他的第一篇印象最深.刻画了一个很可爱的上课睡懒觉的小男孩形象.
        • 觉得他功力很深,很多big words也好 small words也好用的都很自然轻松。 希望他能再来
        • Thanks for your compliment. I really just stumbled on this thread and opened my big mouth without too much consideration.
          We all have great memories - be they happy or sad. But how many of us actually sit down and put them on paper? Writing is like giving birth. It's hard work. So yes, I do admire Eric for writing these stories.
          • Well said.
    • 兵哥,写东西,要看读者是谁,大,小嘛,只是个手段啊
      • 解释“啊”。
      • eric 不是写给普通国移“读”的,所以他的标准不是国移的标准,而是土著的标准。
        • 既然是以土著的标准写的,那就应当发到土著的网站上吧。
          • 我还是那句老话:一人显摆,所有的人受益,包括显摆的人。我相信文章引起的讨论对大家有益,而且他给了我们一个榜样。如果大家不泼酸水,他不走,我相信以后大家会受益更多,比如他的经验,他的窍门,他花了多少功夫达到现在的水平。毛主席说,榜样的力量是无穷的。
        • Please don't take this personally. I do understand that we need to respect each other and encourage people to learn English. But I still believe that
          honesty is the best policy. Eric's writings in a few ways are still Chinglish. They may have the correct grammar and the correct words. But they don't flow gracefully. I'm not a good writer myself. But I do know what a good article is.
          • 你说了我不敢我说的
            是chinglish, 我让一个CBC同事看了part3的第一段,他问我是google translation出来的吗?
            • 为什么不敢说呢?说出来大家都受益。
              • 怕你说我不够资格...:)
              • 估计她是怕被人谩骂。
            • 只要是客观,我支持。但是说象“google translation”,就很主观,不公平,而且有点硫酸。
              • 这不是我说的,因为里面可能写了compound,unit这些词,太chinglish了,所以他可能看不懂,他硫酸不硫酸就不知道了...
                • 这些东西英文里没有,Eric 算是直译吧,你说是 chinglish 也算客观。但是说是 google translation,就像说歌坛某人五音不全,即使是对的,也不能说,所以我说硫酸。
            • +1.
          • 同意一点, Eric写的东西有时给人一种感觉就是好像不是用英语思维自然流露出来的. 探讨一下啊, "They may have the correct grammar and the correct words."这里是要还是不要定冠词好呢?
            • 国人很少有能把冠词和不定冠词用得准确的。
              • I suspect that you may be an expert in linguistics. What's your take?
                • 喜欢研究语言学。并非专家。在下工科出身。
                  • Very impressive.
            • I learned English mainly by reading as many books as I could (still not enough though). I don't know the precise rules about the grammar. But it doesn't feel right if I omit the "the"s here.
              • You have your reason using THE twice in that sentence. My intuition strongly tells me that it is not proper English. It doesn’t sound right.
                • I share the same intuition regarding the 2 "the"here
                • 刺哥以咬文嚼字为乐,不要理他。  -wincity(红卫兵); 1.29 10:45 (#7244837@0)
                  • 别担心,不过碰到了百年不遇的好精神,想叫叫劲而已,刺儿同学被利用了。。。
                    • 被美丽的小鸟利用一下, 很幸运, 很开心啊 :-)
            • 我认为如果他一定要用这种表达方式,那就要用两个“the”. 因为句中所说的“语法”和“词汇”都是有特定范围的,并非泛指。
              • 具体来说,句中的“语法”指的是笔者写作时所遵循的那部分语法,并非泛指语法这一概念。“词汇”同理。所以需要用定冠词来限定。
                • For example: To do a good job, you need THE right tool and THE right person.
                  • 这两句的情况不一样,语感告诉我,你的例子里,用两个the对路,但是,the may have correct grammar and correct words听起来 更加顺一些
          • Totally agree! I had the same feeling all along, just didn't know how to best put it.
            • 说 Eric 的文章有chinglish 的味道,有不 graceful 的地方,不为过。我有时有这种感觉,但是我没有仔细读。整体是瑕不掩瑜。
              • 同意。
          • 既然都不 take it personally 而只是就事论事,也就说说看法吧。所谓Eric 文中的一些用法, 窃以为既然是因为直译必不可少的,就不能咬着牙硬说是chinglish,这不是chinglish原来该有的定义。从我自己的语感来说,看他的文章觉得很流畅,吸引人。
            当然,我也觉得1,2部分要更精细一些,我个人也更喜爱一些。可是,有一点我可以说,至少我觉得,eric 文中的幽默感即使在包括所谓土著所谓扑通国移里,也是上乘的
    • Eric的文章贴到工作坛,可能算“Big words”,在外语学习,再恰当不过了。