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guide: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3998ETOC.asp
the translator has sworn, in the presence of a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 更新枫叶卡,去件要翻译护照内出入境盖章翻译. 到哪里搞certified translation?
    Passport stamps and visas, not in English/French, must be accompanied by a certified translation in one of
    the official languages;

    • 我刚打给CIC打了电话,接电话的说找任何certified translator就可以了,我问到那里去找,他说yellow page.
      • 我刚打通电话,说是家庭医生之类的专业人员签写个“certify that this is a true translation of the original doc" 也可以。 有人有这么做过吗?
        • 家庭医生有能力辨认那些英文和中文是否吻合么?只要他敢在commissioner面前发誓就可以。
          guide: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3998ETOC.asp
          the translator has sworn, in the presence of a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit.
    • 华人报纸上找找,那些律师事务所一般30块钱左右就可以办了,也省的费那个劲到处找这个找那个人的。
      • 难道我办漏了,申请续约的表格上没见这个要求阿
        • 可能lz的移民官对他的出入境有疑问,就让他做这个了。一般就按表格上规定的那些去做,寄出去之后,说不定来封信,让你再补充什么呢。
        • 不是申请的时候要,也不是要求补件。 是取件的时候要带去
    • PEng是可以签护照的,应该也可以签这个。找个PEng还是很容易的。
    • 在51上找找社区服务那些,有写帮人家做Settlement服务的机构,可以免费帮你翻译。