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那个时候估计连普通话都还没定为标准语言,口音自然无从说起.前几天我发现原来早有大陆移民打入这边主流电台的,一个叫Lu Zhou 的MM, The producer of CBC Metro Morning.这个星期一她做了一个叫” 故土”的特别节目,讲中国移民的故事,

可惜在CBC的网站上没有找到录音.我找了她的另一个最近的录音, 可以听到发音相当不错,虽然还是能听到一点点口音,但至少已经达到让人信任的水平.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Accents in the Workplace (click "Listen" under the picture)- One in five Canadians speaks English as a second language. And more Canadians than ever speak with an accent, including Babel host Mariel Borelli.
    • Thanks for the interesting link! I myself do enjoy English with a bit flavor of accent (of coz not too much). However it is true in the world that people tend not to believe non-native speakers, especially in a highly competitive environment.
      • 那个时候估计连普通话都还没定为标准语言,口音自然无从说起.前几天我发现原来早有大陆移民打入这边主流电台的,一个叫Lu Zhou 的MM, The producer of CBC Metro Morning.这个星期一她做了一个叫” 故土”的特别节目,讲中国移民的故事,
        可惜在CBC的网站上没有找到录音.我找了她的另一个最近的录音, 可以听到发音相当不错,虽然还是能听到一点点口音,但至少已经达到让人信任的水平.
        • THanks again. My belief is accent reduction/elimination is not the only factor in raising your credibility; it is your will/determination to express yourself that often matters or even dominates
          For example, I was more attracted to Judy's vivid and energetic talk, than to Lu's smooth yet somewhat boring narrative. Sure Judy's accent was a lot stronger but that did not matter!
          • Yeah, it’s undeniable that content is key and personality and charisma are icing on the cake in communications. But don’t tell me, Colonel, you don’t care about the cover of a book. ;-)
            • Cover of a book...I like your analogy!
        • 北京MM,广州长大,嫁了本地白人.
          • Oh, I thought she was a Shanghai MM, maybe I’m wrong. She did mention her six-year old son who has brown hair at the end of the program.
            • She graduated from shanghai international studies univ if my memory is right
        • 不错,祝贺大陆移民也能上CBC当producer,以前的那个华裔多产的General Governor Adriane Clarkson就是从CBC当记者,主持人,作家,最后变成了总督,那英语太完美了,是二战时很小从香港逃到加拿大的难民。
          • Adriane Clarkson 是很优秀, 虽然看到过一些对她有争议的报道,但她至少一定程度上代表了华人这个minority,向人们展现了华人的风采.
            • 一个老外f,展示什么华人风采?
              • Someone posted this video before - 5 pioneers for change, all immigrants to Canada, all being honored by Skills for Change, a non-profit organization that specializes in employment services for new Canadians. I think the program purposely chose
                5 individuals to represent their respective culture and background with Adriane Clarkson being regarded as an accomplished Chinese immigrant. Sure her life may be very different than most of us, but her Chinese background is undeniable.

                • Although we need aim high but got to set a realistic goal. Hard to compare between 1st & 2nd generation immigrants, have to compare apple to apple. Of course paying attention to our accent is very important,
                  but perhaps it will be more effective and realistic to focus more on word choice and sentence structure during our daily communications at this stage for most of us I think.
                  • Understandable, this is the traditional way of thinking and I have no intention to argue about it, although in my opinion putting word selection and sentence structure ahead of pronunciation is akin to learning how to run before one can walk.
                    • the real question is: how well do you have to walk before you should start running?? time-cost-benefit are important for ADULT immigrants, who need a trade-off between walking perfectly and learning to run. perhaps walk, run, walk, run...
                      • If the traditional way has been practiced for 20 years, but still cannot get us to where we want to be, will you question yourself not capable or not putting in enough effort, or will you question how efficient the method is?
                        As adult, would you rather spend the rest of your life working on English, or get it done in several years and move on to other things. That’s the cost-efficiency I’m looking for. Pronunciation is no cosmetic, just to wow others; it’s Science, the fundamental of a language. There’s no how perfect the walk is; it’s you either got it right or not. But of course there’s no conflict to pay attention to words and sentences at the same time. If you ask me whether it’s achievable or realistic, I’d say yes. If you ask whether it’s achievable or realistic to other folks, I cannot speak for them because it’s up to them to determine what they can or cannot achieve.
                        • "get it done in several years and move on to other things"....i have to say this is a very naive statement. i dunno what's traditional, but i'm only practical. i've had enuf on this topic, hehe. thx.
              • 老外f?
    • 听了。有启发。特别是关于重音那段儿。她只提到只有一个重音,好像还有第二个重音,我经常搞错。
      • I found the last part on Kensington Market most interesting. :-)
        • He is accent savvy。
    • 对口音其实不必太耿耿于怀,最最关键的还是言之有物。前一段作培训,主讲两位,一位是迷倒一片的本地大帅哥,另一位是个年轻有轻微口音的亚裔女士(SG的头儿)。之后,大家不以貌取人,都对女士赞赏有加。
      • 轻微的口音不要紧,不给听众造成理解困难就行,再说4岁来加, 英语已近母语,相信完全能自如地表达自己的想法.要是象上面录音里说的wet newspaper with smudged words(从9:00开始,3分钟左右),胸中再有物,恐怕也难以达到效果,是很吃亏的.
    • You can say to others that you have an accent when you don't have. Never say you have an accent when you do.