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Presumably, you ran a survey and got all statistics supporting your points:

A.1. High percentage complaints from clients.
A.2. Bad support causes loss of revenue.
A.3. Senior management is considering whether IT help desk brings value in current form.
Hence, actions have to be taken.

B.1. Staff are technically competent
B.2. Clients explicitly complain about communication skills
B.3. Staff are willing to take communication training
Therefore, training is a good option.

C.1. Other companies taking the training program get excellent results, according to statistics.
C.2. Previous trainees praise the course highly.
C.3. The course can be customized to the needs of this IT help desk team.
C.4. Estimated return is very high, while the cost of the training is a bargain.
Then, taking the training is no-brainer.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 请求帮助 assignment: How to pursuade the IT manager to agree for two-day business writing training session for IT staff. Issues: IT help desk's replies are not always timely and instructions are frequently unclear.
    • IT manager's points: 1. staff is working flat out. 2. he questioned the need for training 3.He questioned how effective two days of writing training would be.
      • Actually, it is questionable that two days training could prepare staff to reply the inquiries in a clear, concise, and timely manner.
        • 我自己都怀疑这点,怎么说服别人呢。 希望大家帮着想想办法。
          • 既然是写作文,就要把场景设计为尽量对自己有利。比如,这个培训是专门为 IT help desk设计的短平快班;你的 IT Staff 不是不会写,而是缺少对这个话题的技巧。
            • 好主意! 多谢! I need to emphasize on "对这个话题的技巧", not regular communication. This way, it won't offend their feelings.
              • It will also strike the root of issues. Thanks, Roller. I'll grab your idea.
            • 看到论坛上你有提供电子版的高中教科书,please pm me, thanks a lot.
    • IT helpdesk 为啥要写?不用电话吗?
      • 是用电话,但给的Instruction不清楚,也不及时,导致有人complain,培训可以是Verbal的。但IT主管认为没必要。怎么说服他开始培训他的Staff呢?
        • 如果是真实的case,不应该先预设解决方案,然后再说服主管,而是应该先分析事实,找出问题,那么解决方案就是顺理成章的。99%培训不是好办法。如果是作文,也是一样的思路,那就捏造事实吧。
          Presumably, you ran a survey and got all statistics supporting your points:

          A.1. High percentage complaints from clients.
          A.2. Bad support causes loss of revenue.
          A.3. Senior management is considering whether IT help desk brings value in current form.
          Hence, actions have to be taken.

          B.1. Staff are technically competent
          B.2. Clients explicitly complain about communication skills
          B.3. Staff are willing to take communication training
          Therefore, training is a good option.

          C.1. Other companies taking the training program get excellent results, according to statistics.
          C.2. Previous trainees praise the course highly.
          C.3. The course can be customized to the needs of this IT help desk team.
          C.4. Estimated return is very high, while the cost of the training is a bargain.
          Then, taking the training is no-brainer.
          • 太强了。这里能人真多。鞠躬感谢。好多点,我都会采用。特别是,培训是为他们量身定做的。通过Survey自然把问题提出来,摆事实找差距之后,培训就是solution啦。这个Approach好就好在让他自己得出同样的解决方法。再谢
          • 没看到这个。这个很好了。我也学习一下。我写的都是想到就说出来,没有仔细的组织。
            • 我也超级饭这位大侠的Idea。而且逻辑严谨,丝丝入扣。
              • 嘿嘿,那要小 15-20 年换来的。
    • 1. If the manpower is adequate? 2. if the staff has the right tools and plateforms. 3. how to prioritize tickets/tasks 4. staff's better time management.
      • IT主管不想培训,一个原因就是他们已经全负荷工作了,没时间。 right tools and plateforms 是指技术上的吗?Timemanagement太需要了,但不敢跟牛人们说呀。怎么说才好呢?
        • 你什么立场啊?
          • To Be Trained Or Not To Be, 呵呵,培训是必须滴。我的问题是怎样说服IT主管,还要Watch Out The Tone。
            • TONE 呢,可以尽量用 SEEM, APPEAR TO BE, FEEL LIKE, LIKELY 等等的。这样会“软”很多。就这么多了。
          • 再想了一下,不能提TimeManagement,不然就会分散了注意力,不能Focus,还是Kiss By Kiss, Step by Step 比较容易些。
            • KISS BY KISS -- 你可逗笑我了。晚安。
    • 5. were the questions clear to begin with 6. were staff motivated enough to be proactively and re-active 7. were staff trained and developped often and properly to undertake a variety of tasks/functions.
      • 技术is not an issue, 问题是他们不能 Reply The Inquiries Clear, Concise, Not in a timely manner。
        • 你看的 NOT TIMELY 是症状,这不是有原因的嘛。原因有多种,找到根源,才好下药不是?那个 SURVEY 的主意就不错。
    • 9. what additional values to take this training 10. intelligent investments are not always short-term measureable. 11. IT, being the supporting sole, how to facilitate the organization to advance short-term and for long-term profits as well.
      • I'd like to take your Long-term perspective;therefore,they may work more efficiently,instead of working flat out。
        • IT 不是主要的生产部门。但是辅助的效率和准确性很重要。怎么能准确,原因很多,最大的可能是人的 TRAINING 不够要 TRAINING,和知识层面差要招好人。我的观察。再有就是 IT MANAGER 的管理方法和技能了。