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需要工作吗?如果你是新移民,没有工作或有一个不理想的labor工作,想更多地了解加拿大,这里有一个电力销售工作非常适合你。请将你的电话号码及姓名email to: highincome2002@hotmail.com , 我将尽快和你联系(仅限多伦多)。

What I introduced is a very good job for new immigrants. In my group someone arriving just half a year got 35 thousand dollars, and also improve her English speaking and listening. This job is to help an energy company selling electricity.
If you are interested, please let me know your phone number before Monday.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 偶们公司来了位新同事,问他是如何找到偶们公司的(小公司从来不贴广告)
    他说他跑遍了密,马 和downtown, 一家家building去看,发现哪家公司的名字象挨踢的,就敲门递简历,到俺们公司大约已经递了200多份简历了。He made it!
    • 坚持和勇气!
      • 就是这样,机会显然不多,可还是有的
      • 有时候可以试试非专业工作,也许会有新的认识,请点阅!!!
        需要工作吗?如果你是新移民,没有工作或有一个不理想的labor工作,想更多地了解加拿大,这里有一个电力销售工作非常适合你。请将你的电话号码及姓名email to: highincome2002@hotmail.com , 我将尽快和你联系(仅限多伦多)。

        What I introduced is a very good job for new immigrants. In my group someone arriving just half a year got 35 thousand dollars, and also improve her English speaking and listening. This job is to help an energy company selling electricity.
        If you are interested, please let me know your phone number before Monday.
        • 好像可以贴到工作机会那里噢。
        • You can do it by yourself and your family memebers, because they are such high pay..... we never trust it and we just do our own jobs with $11/hour.
      • 我的第一个工作也是这样找到的只不过我是挨个发了一遍FAX &EMAIL.
    • 佩服!
    • 是中国人?
      • 意大利人
    • Good.
    • I know a chiness guy. He checked interested company on Yellow Page. Then he faxed his cover letter and resume to these companies. After more than 400 faxes, he got 3 interviews and 1 offer.
      • 厉害,功夫不负有心人