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some thoughts(I think I can use these words too):

1. Talk to her, tell her what are you and other people feel about it.

2. Sign an agreement with her. If she refuse to sign, ask her to move out with one month in advance, that is your right!

btw, i don't think you will get trouble if you ask her to move out.

3. You are a reasonable person, but sometimes as a landlord, you have no choice unless you don't rent at all.

4. I wouldn't say it is okay as long as she pay you rent, it is your choice to decide which is important to you, money or quiet of live.

5. I wouldn't say she is not good because of it since it is none of my business

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 不幸碰到这种情况,该怎么办?
    • 叫她走人吧, 不能心慈手软啊.
    • some thoughts(I think I can use these words too):
      1. Talk to her, tell her what are you and other people feel about it.

      2. Sign an agreement with her. If she refuse to sign, ask her to move out with one month in advance, that is your right!

      btw, i don't think you will get trouble if you ask her to move out.

      3. You are a reasonable person, but sometimes as a landlord, you have no choice unless you don't rent at all.

      4. I wouldn't say it is okay as long as she pay you rent, it is your choice to decide which is important to you, money or quiet of live.

      5. I wouldn't say she is not good because of it since it is none of my business
    • 她来之前就应该告诉她,不能带人来家里。如果总是不自觉,那你只能直接的告诉她,委婉可能没用。否则让她搬走吧。
    • 俺觉得只要没有人抱怨,就睁一只眼闭一只眼,算了。
    • 你有意见是觉得她‘办事’太吵,还是带人回来啊。她应该有权力带人回自己的屋子吧
      • 不是吧?她有没有权利带人回来,应该是房东说了算,否则她交一个人的房租,却天天带个人(固定不固定是她的事),那不等于是房东租给两个人却只收到一份房租吗?对房东来说不公平。
        • 不是后半夜就走了么?
          • 后半夜就走也得房东允许,不信你让那个MM带着“后半夜就走”的GG租一个老外的房子试试,一样赶她出门,不带还价的。:)
            • 赶出门?房东和房客不过是一个为赚钱一个为找地住而已,自己可以办事确不许别人,没劲。想清静就别租了贝
    • According to the THE TENANT PROTECTION ACT from ONTARIO RENTAL HOUSING TRIBUNAL, you can terminate the rental agreement.
      Termination for cause

      Some of the reasons allowed by the Act relate to the tenant’s behaviour or actions or that of their guests. These include:

      not paying the rent in full,
      often paying the rent late,
      illegal activity,
      affecting the safety of others,
      disturbing the enjoyment of other tenants or the landlord,
      allowing too many people to live in the rental unit ("overcrowding"),
      not reporting income in subsidized housing.
    • 让她搬来同俺住吧.
      • 原来你喜欢每夜换一个GG的JJ。:-)
        • 俺是热心肠. // 胖GG, 你的脑子总是那么~~~~~~~~~~~~~~啊 !