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Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. But the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. Many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 刺哥,泰拉,我也起哄录了一小段,水平低不敢直接上话筒哈,发音不好请提宝贵意见。

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    Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:

    Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. But the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. Many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.
    • 好,京腔!
      • 哎,真难改啊。
        • 只要不影响理解, 没什么大不了的.
    • 又听一回。。。。是我老乡
    • 平谷城关的。。。。错不了。。。。哈哈。。。。
    • 好!!语调很完美,对意群断句停顿轻重起伏掌握得非常好!音色很好,听起来很镇定有信心,佳品也!我觉得这就是一个虽然有点京腔口音,但完全不影响别人很好地听懂理解他的一个很成功的例子。楼主是个爱好音乐之人吧?
      • 牛哥的歌唱得不错, 朗诵更是一流.
    • 牛哥V5! 这才是咱北京爷们儿. 读得清楚, 自信, 有张有弛, 语速语调也很好. 虽有口音但完全不影响理解. 这才是正能量, 比那些阴阳怪气居高临下妄加评论却是哑巴一个的伪权威强一百倍.
      • 谢刺哥美言,我的观点是,带口音讲英语不是错,语言首先是个人们沟通的工具,我们努力提高它的有效性就可以了。语言也是一种艺术,在这方面,我们永远是学无止境。
        • 对了,你的成功不是在于你发音有多准,而是在语调,抑扬顿挫上,你的朗诵功底可谓功不可没。读的生动,不是读课文。这点比刺哥好。
          • This is CANDID DISCUSSION. I appreciate it :-)
            • 得罪了
              • hahaha, you are so cute. 赞直线思维。
                • 直接说我傻不就得了
                  • Not at all, 是直线思维.
            • 刺哥的口语主持会议绝对没有问题.
              • 他自己说英语时好着呢,开头以为时本地人呢。可他读演讲词时就好紧张
                • 所以吗我正削尖脑袋要参加 ToastmasterS呢, 酱油哥, 能不能帮帮忙?
                  • 你不用了吧。把机会留给需要的人吧
                • Tyra, 你太有才了,随便模仿一下就很有英英味道.网上贴音频的,我觉得都挺好,要是日常生活中也能够毫无障碍地表达自己,让别人毫无障碍地理解,有点口音确实没什么大不了.但是对很多人来说事实并不如此,所以该学还是要学.
                  • 啊,谢谢啊,其实刺儿哥的英语不论是笔头,还是口头都特好,一看就是几十年的功力摆在那的。我望尘莫及。
                    • 看看泰妹把这高帽子给我戴的,都快压死了。
        • I think not. Accent of spoken English is very important,indeed. For instance, while you start to talk on the phone, it is the only way for the other party to tell who you are from your accent.
          • Let us say you have 1 billion dollars to transfer, but your banker has never seen you before. Since you called him plenty of times, both of you decide to use your voice as password activation
            • What if you get the wrong idea from this forum where you believe you must go with eastern London accent of BBC and after years of practice, you forgot your very own unique accent, which is almost like birth mark to you.
              • So is one's accent important? My answer is definitely a yes. Not only saving money deposited in banks, butalso making a stand out appearance among others, I personally call it cute and unique
          • I think both of you are right. Let's get rid of our 难听的老中口音吧,省得把人家耳朵刺儿坏啦。