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坛子里有很多 PH.D.,写了无数的报告和论文,本轮不上我小字辈说3道4。可是有学问的人往往很低调,也不和我这样的搅浑水。我且再大言不惭一回。诸位忍忍。

如果读技术书籍,或技术报告,我上来就找两样东西:摘要 ABSTRACT 和目录 TABLE OF CONTENT。其他都排在这两样的后面。

各行各业的技术报告差别,我猜很大很大的。就说我见过的。以前学校的时候学过怎么写论文,现在也忘得 7788 了。



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Just banged off the first part of my article about report writing. I am open to candid discussions
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Attributes of a Successful Report

    Hopefully the following message gets across before you readers get bored. It is really dry.

    In my field of work, a report is generated when further investigation on a certain matter is needed or a particular piece of information needs to be disseminated within a specific group of readers. Having read and prepared numerous reports, I find that all successful reports have some attributes in common. I have summarized them as follows for your reference.

    1: Being Factual

    Your report might be the only source of information that your readers rely on and therefore it is paramount that whatever you state in the report are FACTS.

    For example, you interviewed a client, who advised you that he would certainly lodge a complaint against the government. However, you were not sure if that would actually happen. To be on the safe side, you stated in your report that “the client will probably lodge a complaint against the government”.

    Is this statement factual? The answer is no because what you stated is not a fact but your own opinion. At the time of your report, no one knew whether that person would make it happen or not. The readers of your report are more interested in what facts you have than what you think about the facts. So the factual way of putting it is simply adding “the client advised” in front of the sentence: The client advised that he would certainly lodge a complaint against the government.

    Let’s look into another example. Read the following statement of a single vehicle collision:

    The vehicle was speeding and was all over the road. Then it lost control and swerved into the oncoming traffic. The vehicle narrowly missed the oncoming vehicle, ploughed into the sidewalk and smashed into the store. The driver was able to exit the vehicle. He was not hurt but apparently drunk. A passerby phoned 911.

    The above paragraph does paint the picture. The reader can get an idea of what happened. However, is it factual? The answer is no because:

    1) There is a strict definition for speeding in the traffic law. Without a proper speed measuring device, one cannot determine the speed of a moving vehicle with his/her naked eyes. Stating “the car was speeding” is judgmental, not factual.

    2) The expression “all over the road” is vague. It is certainly acceptable in daily conversations but not for an official report.

    3) The expression “lost control” is not a fact but an opinion. At the time when the statement was made, the cause of the collision was still unknown. Losing control could be one of the reasons but it may not be the only reason.

    4) “He was not hurt but apparently drunk” is typically judgmental. When the driver exited the vehicle, it was impossible for a by-stander to determine his well-being by simply looking at him.

    5) “Passerby” is an opinion, not a fact. You did not know who that person was to the driver.

    6) “911” is just your assumption. It may not be true.

    Let’s rewrite the same story considering the above mentioned points and see if it paints a better picture:

    The vehicle appeared to be travelling at high rate of speed weaving between the two lanes. Then it suddenly swerved into the oncoming traffic narrowly missing one vehicle, ploughed into the sidewalk and smashed into the store. The vehicle finally came to a rest after hitting the concrete wall inside the store. The driver, who appeared to be a male party, was able to exit the vehicle. No visible injury was observed. Once outside, the driver appeared to be unstable on his feet. He staggered through the debris and made his way outside. A person out front of the store made a phone call. The emergency crew arrived in several minutes.

    Which paragraph is better? As far as factuality is concerned, the second one will keep you out of hassle down the road.

    To be continued.........更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 作为一篇 collision reporting centre report, 基本事实包涵进去了, 语言也还精炼. 我给79.9分.
      解释一下为什么这里要用 banged off?
    • very gooder!
      • Just make sure you never get involved in an accident so you don't need to report to a vehicle collision centre.
    • As a verb below is the defination of BANG OFF from dictionary.com - to strike or beat resoundingly; pound: to bang a door. to hit or bump painfully: to bang one's ankle on a chair leg.
      to throw or set down roughly; slam: He banged the plates on the table.
      Slang: Vulgar. to have sexual intercourse with.
      • Bang Off是不是可以理解成"挑刺"的意思啊.而且酱油已经表明态度,不会生气,因为他是个Open的人,"He is honest and doesn't not want or try to hide anything or to deceive anyone."
    • "Once outside, the driver appeared to be unstable on his feet. He staggered through the debris and made his way outside". what does the second outside mean?
    • Good article... I think he meant "banged out" here. Could have been a typo. The same goes for the sentence "A person out front of the store made a phone call". He probably meant "A person in front of the store made a phone call".
      • That would be even worse. The term 'bang out' usually is used by heterosexual males to describe engaging in sexual intercourse with a female or multiple females. I would suggest
        not use any terms that may have negative meanings and try to use simple layman terms in a report like his.
        • "Bang it out" is quite a layman idiom that doesn't have any sexual undertones.
        • 刺哥太黄了。“banged off”sounds right.
      • Thanks for reading. There was no typo.
        1. "Bang off " is a very colloquial expression meaning "complete", "finish","get rid of" (a report etc). We use it numerous times a day at work. For example, Let's bang off this report before lunch break. I'll bang off this paragraph while you are searching. etc.

        2. Out front of the store: It means the same as "in front of". However, when describing the location of tangible objects, natives use "out front" more often. For example, I am standing out(in) front of the house.

        When describing something abstract, natives use "in front of" only. For example, let's add one more word in front of this sentence. "Out front" cannot be used in this case.
        • Thanks for clarifying. Now I truly understand where you are at...
        • I would really like to give you the benefit of the doubt. But after some serious thinking, I decided that I just can't do that because it would not be fair to the English language.
          • Just because you have never heard of an expression, doesn't mean it's wrong. If you really want to discuss, adhere to the facts instead of blowing it out of proportion just because your ego has been bruised.
            Again, you are in Canada, aren't you? How hard is it for you to consult with your fellow Canadian co-workers about these expressions?
        • never heard of "out front of". maybe it's polish english?
          • I don't understand why you guys just can't go out there and ask a few natives about "out front" instead of making me laugh by your complete ignorance? Don't forget that you are in Canada.
            By the way, I am sure there will be a lot more COMMONLY used expressions that you have NEVER heard of.
            • if i never heard of something, then that something is either wrong or very obscure or very polish.
              • If you work with locals, uneducated or less educated people who won’t ever make it to or survive in a corporate environment you would understand him better. Perhaps…
            • Commonly used in your small world doesn't mean it's good or proper English. Nor does it mean that well-educated people would speak /write English in that manner either. I strongly suggest ordinaryone be your mentor.
            • I think the problem here is the consistency of your writing style in the same article. It's not that I haven't heard of "out front of the store". Actually, I heard a homeless
              person saying just that a few days ago. But it's a slang that doesn't go well with your article which is supposed to teach people how to write properly.
              • Well-educated people in a corporate environment would never speak /write English that way.
              • In fact, "Out front" is not a low register expression.
                • It is for sure. And the term 'low register' is inappropriate.
                • Are you talking about "out front" or "out front of" because they are totally different again.
                  • He is so confused and self centered that he would not be able to see the real world outside of his small workplace. probably ever.
            • Your small world doesn’t represent entire Canada or it is not even relecent to how English should be. I strongly suggest you have ordinaryone as your tutor you then will be making progress.
    • Again,I am open to all CANDID discussions. The comments based on no grounds will be considered to be ignorant and therefore ignored.
      • 只喜欢听表扬的, 听不进不同意见或批评的。这样的话就没有必要发贴啦。 你觉的自己完美无缺,别人不见得也那么看。 你就呆在自己的小天地里好好沾沾自喜吧。 你的英语水平回永远停留在车辆事故中心的水平, 跟现实搭不上边儿。 现在我只好给你59.99分啦。
        • 人家认真得有道理,你调侃得不太有档次。
          • 多担待了, 担心姐. 我的水平就是这样, 眼里容不得沙子啊. 看不惯那些常人摒弃的垃圾词汇下里巴人的英语表达方式招摇过市.你骂人家肥哥比我更甚吧? 我倒是觉得肥哥比酱油哥强不少呢.酱油哥老是自以为是美滋滋的推崇他从那些没受过良好教育的同事那儿学的地道英语,
            误人子弟, 还不许别人批评.平凡姐的话很中肯吧? 还不是被他血口大骂? 对他这种井底之蛙, 我的态度就是这个样子的.
            • 你看起来很纠结,人家都不理你,你总是死磕,累不累。比你英文好的有的是,总不能见一个嫉妒一个吧?
              • 谢谢提醒, 这个我比你清楚的多, 但酱油哥的英语在我看来就是street level, 值得我嫉妒? 我还没沦落在车辆事故报告中心混的地步, 更不屑那些人的所谓加拿大英语, 让他们一边儿呆着去吧. 再次感谢, 祝今天愉快.
            • 刺哥要注意心态啊。不要自己喜欢的人就没有缺点,自己不喜欢的人就全是缺点。肥肥英语不及酱油哥,却沾沾自喜,招摇过市,理应拍砖。酱油哥和网友分享自己的经验,这篇文章写的不错,理应嘉奖。
              • 肥哥态度比酱油哥强百倍. 酱油哥文章总体不错, 这个我已经肯定. 但那些垃圾词汇的用法是误导读者, 他却坚持那是地道英语. 再看见了我还是要大泼冷水的.
                • 倒不是垃圾词汇,就是大词用得有点突兀,和说明议论文的文体有点不相称,心里的自我多过心里的读者。不过酱油哥的文章真的有许多显著的优点值得我们学习,也道出了一个重要的大道理,反正我在当天的工作中就上了旋,还是很受益的。
                  • Did I not acknowledge it? That's my first comment.
            • 哎,兄弟们非要华山论剑,我就不拦了:), 各自性格鲜明,至少也可以说明血气方刚,活力四射,我就祝你们各自都精彩吧。不过说句公道话,平凡姐指出来的关于语言风格要守一致的意见,一针见血,中肯大气,酱油哥的写作有很多优点,
              • 担心姐也是老ID了, 酱油哥的风格你不会不知. 就是因为酱油哥从来不认错, 不觉得自己会出错, 所以本人才穷追猛打. 谢谢鼓励, 我会继续努力的.
    • 写挺好的。谢谢分享。读完第一感觉,跟人打交道的工作,政治正确很重要啊。就是用中文来写,也是一样的。
      觉得 make it happen在这里似乎有些生硬。个人感觉哈。

      • 其实中心就是一个“文风”的问题,与语言关系不大。用什么语言写报告都要尊重事实,本人看过很多报告,有些人语言能力很强,但其报告价值不大,原因就是主观因素太多,可信度打折扣。多谢你的意见。
        • 看来雅罗阿尼亚小姐的评论还不是CANDIA discussion. 你是基本上任何意见都听不进的. 再减10分, 只有49.99分了.
          • 刺哥有点过了。酱油哥这句话不过是强调一下自己的中心思想而已,没有说不同意阿丽亚MM。
    • Rewrite 那段当然好很多。学习啦。多谢。座板凳,等下集
      • 多谢鼓励。
    • 若是小说或闲聊的话,我喜欢第一段,通俗易懂。若是工作中用的文档的话,第二段更精确严谨些。楼主很喜欢用第二人称,听上去怪怪的。还有,high speed 仍然比较主观,不如用数据说话。
      • 第一次见到这种讨论,学习了,谢谢。
      • 多谢评论
    • I can safely say that “bang off” is not a phrase, nor is it slang. (I have given you the benefits of the doubt by asking three natives. No one understood it. )
      There are many types of report. Yours is so specialized that you may want to restrict it by adding something in front of the word “report”, or using a subtitle such as “--- how to write a collision report”. Otherwise, it is very misleading.

      There is nothing “successful” about writing a collision/traffic accident report, since you are not selling anything, persuading anybody, or proposing to someone; there are no analysis, conclusions and suggestions that are required in the report; at this stage, you are not even dealing with facts, but straight observations. If you are working for an insurance company, keen on finding out the truth, that has to come after your investigation. Fact and observation are two different concepts. So, it would be more appropriate to use words like “an effective/observational/subjective approach to....”

      No comment on the content when it is still incomplete.
      • 埃哥大气中肯, 虚怀若谷, 完全是 candid discussion. 不过你可能还是不小心打翻了醋瓶子. 因为酱油从来不会错, 也不知道什么是错. 他从那低层次环境里学来的垃圾英语还自以为是主流. 反正他自认为是英语大拿, professional elite. 随他去吧.
        • 多谢评论 -winterstorm(打酱油的); 12.13 13:50 (#7952025@0)
    • 本人的圣诞新年假期开始了,将会比上班还忙,要应付购物,出行,朋友聚会,单位的活动和应酬加上家里的杂事,这个系列还有7章,应当没时间写了,其实现在看来即使写了,于己于人也都没有什么现实意义。由于在本篇结尾本人说了“待续“,所以才特此解释一下。有些表达,
      比如bang off,本人几乎天天与同事在用, 发帖时想都没想就敲上去了,但并没有放在正文,没成想刺激到这么多人的敏感神经,本人有不少缺点,但绝对没有生造词汇的毛病。真的假不了,假的说得再像也真不了,我懒得再争了,时间会解释一切。

      感谢nothanks花时间评论,本人认同一部分,对另一部分保留看法。不管怎样,在这个坛子上你的英文写作技巧和going concern 的语音水准,本人一直是很欣赏的,但你看上去不太像容易接受意见的,所以才对你挑剔了点,产生了以前的不愉快,其实我不欣赏的仅仅是你的文风而已。时间关系,在此不深谈了。

      • Candid discussion. Don't just leave yet. This forum just can't be the same without you. Come back often. Or we'll miss you dearly as we'll NEVER forget you!. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
        This truly is not the end of an era,
        It is not time for us to say “So long”;
        We’re all heading down the holiday seasons tonight,
        To see you off with a dance and a song!

        All of us will surely miss you,
        Together we have fun on Rolia for many years;
        We will give you a send off to remember,
        Take you out for a few or more beers!

        We present this to you now our parting gift,
        Our lovely Rolian and Elite Winterstorm;
        All of us have dedicated this poem to you,
        And hope that you’re as touched as can be!

        Do make sure you keep in touch,
        We’d love to hear how you get on;
        Lots of love from Rolians
        • 都怪你。
          • I take it back
            I can’t tell you how sorry I am
            for the things I said to you
            My heart is hurting, my eyes are red
            And I wish I could take it back.
            Please give me a chance to apologize
            and to make things right.
            For only then could I continue my life
            and be happy once again.
      • 酱油哥不要走,你对坛子的贡献大家是有目共睹的。老刺不过是想急你上一段音频,手段也太拙劣了一些。
        • I Am Sorry
          There are no words to say
          how sorry I am for what happened.
          All I can do is be contrite
          and let you know that I am sorry.
          Please know that I am sincere
          and that I wish I could go back in time.
          But all I can do is give you a hug
          and not let it happen ever again.
    • bang off,你这个词字典里都查不到哩,也太“俚”了吧。
      • 我装的词典里有啊。
        • 中文的有,英文的没有
    • 神奇,我电脑装了个金山词霸,鼠标滑过"bang off",立刻翻译出中文“轰然开炮,立即,即刻”。为什么坛子里这么多高手说没有听过这个词呢?真是冤枉楼主了。
      • 你那个意思不是酱油哥的意思。酱油哥是“整出来”的意思。我在网上虽然找不到这个意思,但是我听着顺当,所以我应该是见过的。
        • 我听着不顺耳,觉得像是给“轰出来”的似的
          • bang 在口语里有 do 的意思,off 是成的意思,象 hot off the press。bang off 就是“整出来”了,俺听着相当顺耳。老刺想歪了。
            • I wish you were right.
              • 那个 urban dictionary 看起来像 garbage。bang 我见过用作 do,work 的,取 strike/beat/pound 的意思。bang off 听起来相当顺耳,没准是那个电影/电视里用过的。
                • 所以说嘛. 酱油哥那种用法100%是垃圾英语, 而他又不知道, 还以为是什么正经英语.
            • 刚查到了bang out,是匆忙写出来的意思,不会是酱油同志写错了吧?
              • 如果有 bang out,那么 bang off 也差不到哪里去,可见老刺的心有点歪。
                • 刚问了native,他认可bang out,但bang off 绝不是那个意思。
                • 大家别争了,BANG OFF 我也偶尔用,是个SLANG,means the article was written casually quickly here. 酱油大侠的英语比我强,我恐怕写不出来这么严谨的文章,献花。补充一下,除非上中文论坛,我生活中都是讲英文的,也许比大家都听了几个哩语。
                  • 不是争,一是一,二是二,即使是slang,也应该是正确的slang。
                  • Let us face it, "bang off" does exist as a slang. But it has totally different meaning for it. Nobody will say he just banged off an article, but you can say: Aight soldier, I'm outt, Bang Off.
                    • All I can say is I did hear and would use it the same way. It's not commonly used though.
                      • I am with you, totally. So the question is: why did he use it? Seriously, is there anybody will admire some guy simply because of his language skills? People has own superior skills one way or another. I don't mind at all if he correct me
                        for my mistakes. But I also look down him because of his show offs
                    • 如果是slang,native不会不知道bang off是什么意思,反而我们在这方面是最弱的。
                      • It may be not always the case cuz people come from all different background. For example, I used to have a chat with a native guy, and for something related to the topic, I said to him a word: bitter-sweet. I still can recall his puzzled
                        face and I knew right away that he had no idea about the word. But bitter-sweet is a common word even used in a song, it means: 苦乐交加
                        • 说出某个词,未必用对场合和句子。也许他对你的用法表示吃惊呢:“他怎么这么用呢?”。这是个常用词,不知道它的,的确很少见。
                  • 跳绳妹, 英语是有社会层次的, 有些习语俚语只在一定范围使用和流行, 永远登不了大雅之堂. 另外, 在加拿大生活工作中使用英语是很正常的.
                    • Perhaps you are right I am just an ordinary one not a VIP type, can only learn from the same average Joes.
                    • 刺哥带情绪了吧?bang off 和 bang out 就是非正式,没有雅不雅一说。俺刚开始也就是凭语感,觉得顺耳,现在有 captain MM 支持俺是信心大增。俺不是小看你,captain MM 既然生活在英语世界,应该比俺们更权威。
                      • 嗯, 在加拿大天天说英语, 用英语, 跟local一起工作真是个奇迹. 百乐您(⊙o⊙), 我还是去太古开个小店吧.
                        • Mr. Know It All, you rule. Ignorance is bliss.
                          • Oh Yeah. Get The Mr. Know it All back and enjoy your slum English. Ignorance is bliss, indeed. Thomas Gray got it right.
                            • 老刺真是倔啊,跟酱油哥有一拼。woody 妹妹生活在英语世界里,她的英语肯定比你强,她说有就是有,她说不是 slum 就不是 slum。俺现在觉得你真是跟酱油哥有仇。
                              • Well, who is not? I would rather trust ordinaryone in this case, not even you I am afraid. Like winterstorm said this is Canada, OK :-)
                                • 俺猜 woody 妹妹是华二代,她的整个世界都是英语,跟 native 没有两样,这一点连平姐都没法比。俺劝你从仇恨里走出来,仇恨使人偏执。
                                  • Well many LOCALS ended up the bottom 1%. And assumptions are aften proven wrong. Someone grew up here would speak better English to the least. This is CANDID DISCUSSION. No hard feelings involved. :-)p
                                    • 说句不吹牛的话,在华一代里,俺读过听过的英语在数量和种类上基本上是无人能比,这一点连酱油哥都不例外。bang off 很地道。不要迷信字典,字典记录生活所以总是比生活晚一步。
                                      • Yep because you heard it, ONCE somewhere somehow.
                                        • 俺相信刺哥对英语也是见多识广,而且俺相信你也见过 bang off,你也知道它没有问题。但是对酱油哥的仇恨扭曲了你的 judgment,就象老师被自己的私利扭曲了 judgement,每年做9个月工拿10万块钱还说政府欺负他们,真是令人发指啊。
                                          • Irrelevant argument and misconception. As much as I dislike ignorance and arrogance there is no reason for me to hate anyone let along hatred. Bang off as an English expression does exist and is still being used by certain people.
                                            But it's entirely wrong and misleading the way winterstorm used it in his context. The phrase is not in Big Four's or Goldman Sachs' vacabulary nor will it ever be.
                    • 非常同意语言有社会层次这一观点。我查了 Collins, Oxford, Longman 和 Webster 这几个权威词典,均没有 bang off 的词条,只有在 dictionary.com查到了,的确是slang,但却是副词的用法:“Chiefly British Slang. immediately; right away”,

                      至于酱油在回帖中说这个词刺激了许多人的敏感神经,其实刺激我的不是你的bang off ,而是你的回帖。经常使用的未必是正确的,也许是一错再错呢。
                      • +++ Always do your homework. :)
    • 金山词霸翻译"out front"成“在观众席上。。。”。多谢楼主分享。
      • out front 跟 out front of 不一样。酱油哥说 out front of = in front of,这个真是没有见过。out front 没问题的。
        • I think guys in soy's office are trying to make fun of him, that is why these wired words which were overheard by him are kind of fake and sound funny.
          • 俺觉得没准是他们 office 的方言吧。语言不就是约定俗成嘛,说的人多了,大家都理解,一个新词就出来了。就像 long time no see,已经成地道的英语了。
            • (#7955427@0).It is a perfect example about how a baby boy starts running without even know walking correctly first. By the way, I hate to see people trying show off their "Skills" or "life styles". It only makes them look pathetic to me.
              • 肥哥带情绪了吧?
                • You bet, lol. I am bored and can' sleep
    • 关于技术写作
      坛子里有很多 PH.D.,写了无数的报告和论文,本轮不上我小字辈说3道4。可是有学问的人往往很低调,也不和我这样的搅浑水。我且再大言不惭一回。诸位忍忍。

      如果读技术书籍,或技术报告,我上来就找两样东西:摘要 ABSTRACT 和目录 TABLE OF CONTENT。其他都排在这两样的后面。

      各行各业的技术报告差别,我猜很大很大的。就说我见过的。以前学校的时候学过怎么写论文,现在也忘得 7788 了。

