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reference list is different from reference/recommendation letter

A reference list is just a list of people who can be your referencees. This list should normally include people's name, title(project manager, team leader and son on), phone number, company names and so on.

A recommendation/reference letter is just a letter which written by the people who is going to be your referencees. Normally, it should state what's relationship between you and referencee, what's your responsibility, how does he/she think of your personality and/or working ability, how long did you work with him/her plus his/her signature.

Sometimes employer ask for reference letter, sometimes all they need is just a list.
Seach the web site, you can find a whole bunch of sample reference letter

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 大家去Interview,除了resume,文凭外,一般还需要携带什么东西?带个文件夹呢还是拎个公文包?
    • 俺去面试,就带简历和推荐信。学历证书没人看的。男士去面试,当然拿个公文包比较好,另外还得准备一个比较精致的文件夹。。。
      • 我好奇问个愚昧的问题, 推荐信是不是要封口的啊, 需不需要confidential啊
        • 不用不用,哪那么正规啊。俺去面试几次,都谈到reference问题,最后没谁给俺的推荐人打电话。
          • 领教领教
          • 当他们决定要你的时候一定会联系推荐人的。尤其是PROFESSIONGAL 的工作。
            • 哈,那只好说俺的工作不professional啦。
              • Are you a professional diver?
              • sorry, maybe you misunderstood me. 我的意思是推荐人很重要,要慎重对待。我的3个推荐人都被电话过。有些单位很重视这些。
                • I was just kidding. :-) 推荐人应该是很重要的。可能俺的个案比较特殊吧。
              • 请教referrence letter 没有用原来公司的信纸打印,有否影响?
    • Profolio一定要有。所有东西都可以放进去,就是简历、学位、证书、做过的项目的介绍,最后是推荐信和reference list。我们老师说的:现在找工profolio很重要,不只是对IT而言。
      • profolio是什么东东啊? 我查字典都没查到 //blush
        • 是portfolio,有点象个人档案的意思,没查过字典,用多了猜的
          • 收到
        • 就是!
        • 哪有朝鲜冷面啊?太想吃了.
          • Bloor 上从Christie到Bathurst一段是韩国街,随便哪家小店都有得吃。
      • What's fomat of the reference letter? Can you give a sample? Thanks.
        • reference list is different from reference/recommendation letter
          A reference list is just a list of people who can be your referencees. This list should normally include people's name, title(project manager, team leader and son on), phone number, company names and so on.

          A recommendation/reference letter is just a letter which written by the people who is going to be your referencees. Normally, it should state what's relationship between you and referencee, what's your responsibility, how does he/she think of your personality and/or working ability, how long did you work with him/her plus his/her signature.

          Sometimes employer ask for reference letter, sometimes all they need is just a list.
          Seach the web site, you can find a whole bunch of sample reference letter
        • 推荐信是你的老板写的,当然信中都是夸奖你的内容了,可是好像没有太多的老板愿意些。