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First, I asked my uplink to tell me how to cancel, my uplink try their best to keep me. When they know that no way to keep me. Then suddenly, they become too busy to answer me ....

I send fax to MA to cancel but MA keep on charging my $. I told my VISA company to refuse the payment but I was told that I can not do that because:
I can not cancel the pre-authentication throught the VISA. The cancellation of pre-authentication only be done through MA. And MA ignore my cancellation.
Later, Visa company suggest me to fax MA and copy VISA company.
In my cancellation letter to MA, I told them that a copy of cancellation form was sent to my visa compnay, any futher chage will not be paid. Then, this fax worked.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 曾经因为实在拖不过朋友的情而加入了美安, (不久后找借口退了). 目睹了他们的周会和各种聚会, 感觉太不是味道.诸如"什么人都是潜在的下线","先拉进来再说","鼓励600点加入,这样上线拿钱块","想办法用省税作为切入点".......
    你会发现, 加入的人都言比称XX, XX每月拿多少支票. 也说自己很快就能拿多少, 产品如何好..... 在会上整个一"皇帝的新装"美安版. 滑稽倒罢了, 把目标瞄准连工作都没有的新移民也实在缺德了些.
    • I joined MA for 8 months. I did not have somebody joined yet. I want to make money but do not want to make my friends feel upset. I do not know whether I can get huge tax return (rent for Apt, transportation etc).
      • You won't get rent expense return directly next tax season if you don't make money this year. The only thing you can do is carrying forward your rent expense to the year when your home besiness will have profits.
        • Thank you. How about treating fee(fruit, eating in the resturant...), dressing fee, transportation fee(TTC, taxi, going back China)?
          • You can claim some percentage of them, but need to be reasonable. If you are not sure or no time, you can pay money to a accountant who can help you, just keep every receipts. I never do this claim by myself.
            • Can you recommended me an accountant? How much is the cost? Or can I have your phone number in case I have some problems to ask you? Thank you in advance!
              • I live in Ottawa, and found a CGA, who charged me around $250 for my whole family tax return (two people, including some stock issues), from local Chinese newspaper.
              • But this cost more cheap in Toronto, around $90 for a person who has home business.
                • Thank you. I am at Toronto. You are so kind. Best regards to all the kind people!
    • Ha..."皇帝的新装"美安版, I got the exact the same feeling as you. I am proud that I always like to speak truth and make them awkward on weekly meeting.
      目标瞄准连工作都没有的新移民也实在缺德!!!新移民 don't have many friends and they try best to save money. And MA ask for about 1400$for the
      admission fee and 120$per months, actually MA do so even they know it is
      difficult for newcomer to recruit people. They are cheater.
    • Was it easy for you to exit? Thanks!
      • First, I asked my uplink to tell me how to cancel, my uplink try their best to keep me. When they know that no way to keep me. Then suddenly, they become too busy to answer me ....
        I send fax to MA to cancel but MA keep on charging my $. I told my VISA company to refuse the payment but I was told that I can not do that because:
        I can not cancel the pre-authentication throught the VISA. The cancellation of pre-authentication only be done through MA. And MA ignore my cancellation.
        Later, Visa company suggest me to fax MA and copy VISA company.
        In my cancellation letter to MA, I told them that a copy of cancellation form was sent to my visa compnay, any futher chage will not be paid. Then, this fax worked.
        • Thanks for sharing, I will keep it for my later reference. I wonder if you did not fill the pre-order form, what did your $ buy after they charged you?
    • 俺也遇到几个这样的人,简直是烦透了,哪年头还没工作...谁然俺长着一张莫不开的脸呢
      • 我也遇到类似情况,我就称没时间,实在没借口,到那也是哼哼哈哈,给个耳朵,任凭主讲多么激扬粪土,我自充鼻不闻。逼急了就说“没钱”,或说您借我钱做如何,急的带美国国旗领带的MA们抓耳挠腮,哈哈。。。。此计何如?