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To balance your point a bit: it is used as a transitive verb only when it takes a clause as an object. In such a case, it actually means " to concede or grant or admit".

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

agree /əˈɡriː/
vb (agrees, agreeing, agreed)(mainly intr)
1.(often followed by with) to be of the same opinion; concur
2.(also tr; when intr, often followed by to; when tr, takes a clause as object or an infinitive) to give assent; consent
3.(also tr; when intr, followed by on or about; when tr, may take a clause as object) to come to terms (about); arrive at a settlement (on)
4.(followed by with) to be similar or consistent; harmonize; correspond
5.(followed by with) to be agreeable or suitable (to one's health, temperament, etc)
6.(tr; takes a clause as object) to concede or grant; admit: they agreed that the price they were asking was too high
7.to undergo agreement

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 转载: 造做的英语和淘汰的词语
    Instead of saying: Going forward, we need to take a deep dive into the process we employ to incentivize staff. (这话说的象不象憋角的小丑演杂技忽悠人?)

    Let's say: We need to look at how we reward our staff.

    "trending, guru, double down, going forward, leverage, take-away, deep-dive, at the end of the day, incentivize" 这些词都被列入淘汰之类,听起来,确实是腻得流油。我本人也很不看好这些造做之词,听起来就是流气。

    以上 英文原文是我曾经的写作导师 PATRICIA DAVIS所言。她是位于多伦多的独立写作导师,造诣颇高,前GLOBE AND MAIL的编辑。我个人很喜欢她简洁智慧的风格。我一片文章经过她的修改,不到原文的1/3,但其中的精炼令我终生受益。
    • Thanks.
      • 元芳,你怎么看?
        • Excellent points. What do you guys think NOTHANKS / WINTERSTORM?
          Yet depending on the work environment and audiences there may be different ways one would organize their thoughts / sentences.
          • i like incentivize. it's definitely not the same as "reward".
            • It is a fabricated word though :-).
            • Certainly two different words, but one word of "reward" is powerful enough to equal "the process we employ to incentivize". That is the point I guess.
              • It's certainly a good idea to make one's writing more concise. But people like your writing teacher run the risk of making it a religion, often cutting meat instead of just the fat.
                Their concise version often loses a lot in terms of meaning, expressiveness, vividness, understandableness, power, emotion, etc, compared to the less "concise" version. For example, I can reward you with $100 but that may not incentivize you because you're too rich.
                • Nah, disagree. Vivid language does not always need more words.
                • Agreed.
                  • 不明白为什么每次酱油兄都要说"agreed"而不是"agree"或"I agree"。 我怎么都觉得别扭,容易联想到会计术语,在一个数旁边标上"agreed",即已核对该数。
                    • Agree.
                    • 一个单独的动词从语法上讲就是一个句子,单独用agree, 就像像单独用stop, sit, go 等等,把回答变成了祈使句,从而产生“要求别人同意”这类歧义。所以本人要么用agreed (meaning "Your opinion is agreed"), 要么用“I agree” (meaning "I agree with your opinion").
                      • Agree is an intransitive verb, isn't it?
                        • "Agree" can be both transitive and intransitive.
                          • To balance your point a bit: it is used as a transitive verb only when it takes a clause as an object. In such a case, it actually means " to concede or grant or admit".
                            Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

                            agree /əˈɡriː/
                            vb (agrees, agreeing, agreed)(mainly intr)
                            1.(often followed by with) to be of the same opinion; concur
                            2.(also tr; when intr, often followed by to; when tr, takes a clause as object or an infinitive) to give assent; consent
                            3.(also tr; when intr, followed by on or about; when tr, may take a clause as object) to come to terms (about); arrive at a settlement (on)
                            4.(followed by with) to be similar or consistent; harmonize; correspond
                            5.(followed by with) to be agreeable or suitable (to one's health, temperament, etc)
                            6.(tr; takes a clause as object) to concede or grant; admit: they agreed that the price they were asking was too high
                            7.to undergo agreement
                    • 我觉得很合适,他说的是"你“被同意了,而不是”我“同意你了。这是尊重的表现,我的理解。
                      • 被动语态可不能这样乱用啊。
                        • World English Dictionary agreed (əˈɡriːd) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide] — adj 1. determined by common consent: the agreed price — interj 2. an expression of agreement or consent
                          • Therefore, it is not about the use of the passive voice, but that of an adjective.
                            • You are correct.
                  • 才发现酱油哥的支持,俺是又惊又喜啊!
                    • 很高兴看到你受宠若惊的样子.
    • 绝对化了。叙事可简单明了,写景不妨绚丽多彩,定义则须准确严谨,后两者都需要大量的词汇来支撑。根据写作的目的选用适当的风格才会最有效地表达作者的意图。写作者当然可以选择自己擅长的风格来写作,但不应认为自己擅长的就是最好的,唯一的写作标准。
      • 定义也不一定要准确严谨,我觉得。
        • agreed。every penny counts。doesn't have to be a whole dollar。
        • 如果定义用语都不需要严谨,世上还有什么事物需要被严谨地表述?
          • 只能说尽量严谨。就是因为不严谨,才有了无穷无尽的 ASSUMPTION,因为人的 MIND 要比语言复杂得多,我肤浅的理解。
            • 在下愚笨,已经被王小姐绕晕。
              • 呵呵
                下一个 ...

    • 大千世界,千姿百态,语言有繁有简,才有意思。对我们新移民来讲,能把意思表达清楚,让对方听明白自己的观点,就非常不错了。
      • "把意思表达清楚" = simplicity is the soul of wit.
    • 这个编辑真得厉害。用简单的词把意思表达清楚最好。
    • 问个问题

      • 也不是说英语就是简单。 你若读一读大使馆来信或律师来信,也可以领教无穷无尽的拐弯抹角。中文相对来说含蓄,可能因为它是象型文字,有许多意传的信息一看字就明白,不需太直白。
    • "guru", "leverage" are still in use. Why kill them? Never heard of "incentivize", quite a tougue twister. "at the end of the day" is totally meaningless, should be avoided. "trending"? I don't know what that means. Trendy?
      "take-away", “double down” are rarely used.
      • obviously you don't trade stocks.
      • "at the end of the day" is very meaningful. it's just disliked by language snobs.
        • 就是因为比较通俗cute, 这个词已经被人们不分场合地滥用得不能再滥了。有些学术或商业场合,老老实实地用一个"ultimately"或"eventually"即可,何必如彼说得故意扮cute 呢?
          • 滥用当然不好,但是 at the end of the day 形象,生动,有人情味,有哲理味,绝不是 eventually 等词可比。trending,double down 也都是好词。你那个写作老师让俺想起私塾老太师。
            • 就是咱们对什么样的场合说什么样的话,就象穿什么样的衣服一样,还要多多经历,多多学习。功勉。
          • BTW, take-away 也比较生动形象,也是好词。
            • 就像做红烧肉,很多佐料可有可无,但加了之后就有了些滋味,不那么干巴巴的。我也爱看史计,精炼,一个词顶10个;我也爱看金庸古龙,虽然用词量是史计的1000倍,但描写不同的内容,表达不同的感情,还是各取所需的好。
              • 说的好!
              • 说的好! -goingconern(GoingConcern);
    • 为什么要请她改呢?是论文?
      • 拜师学艺做练习而已。