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1。 避免用"stubborn"这样主观的形容词,带个人判断色彩太强烈了。可以描述事实,但不加自己的观点偏见。e.g. She sticks to her own opinion.

2. 原中文的思维来源于中国文化习惯。因为资深,就可以不听别人意见;因为是经理,就理所当然需要别人服从。在西方文化里,这种背后的伦理假设没有那么理所当然,所以资深和固执不一定存在因果关系,经理也不需要用"甚至"来强调。



She has been on the team for the longest time. She tends to stick to her own opinion. The manager can't convince her with ideas other than her own.

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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 菜鸟问题- 这句话怎样翻译:"她是组里资历最老的成员,固执己见,有时连经理也难于说服她。" 谢谢!
    • up!
      • She's the most senior member of the team, very stubborn, sometimes even the manager can't persuade her.
        • 缺连词。
          • 请酱油哥点评, 不谢哥批示, 担心姐拍板定案.
            • 不懂语法就要挨打啊。
        • 谢谢兵哥。
          • 不客气。
        • In the team,不是of the team.
          • of 对。
        • Prefer this one, more direct. Maybe the last sentence I would say" sometimes even the manager can not influence her.".
    • 给你提个意见,谨供参考。从文化比较角度来说,中西思维首先有一点差别。所以先要考虑听这句话的人是谁。有两点细微之处有待斟酌区别。
      1。 避免用"stubborn"这样主观的形容词,带个人判断色彩太强烈了。可以描述事实,但不加自己的观点偏见。e.g. She sticks to her own opinion.

      2. 原中文的思维来源于中国文化习惯。因为资深,就可以不听别人意见;因为是经理,就理所当然需要别人服从。在西方文化里,这种背后的伦理假设没有那么理所当然,所以资深和固执不一定存在因果关系,经理也不需要用"甚至"来强调。



      She has been on the team for the longest time. She tends to stick to her own opinion. The manager can't convince her with ideas other than her own.
      • 谢谢goingconcern。所言很有启发。
      • 最坏版本 如果我是读报告的人。先是拿不准你拐来拐去的意思,你浪费我的时间,然后是深深的鄙夷,不相信我你报告什么?不就是黑信吗 难道你心虚了
        • Keep talking and you will convince yourself.
      • 担心姐过滤了。stubborn 不是主观的词,其实它的意思跟你翻的基本一样,只是更简练,from dictionary.com: stubborn = fixed or set in purpose or opinion。
      • 翻译首先是要信,不能按照自己的推测,肆意改变原文的意思。你不知道这句话是说给谁听的,stubborn 这个词,跟谁都可以说,即使再强一些的词,跟关系近的人也可以说,翻译的人没有权力改。
        • 在达到信之前,要有把握准确理解英文,尤其是字词的文化含义。光靠字典是不行的,得来自大量阅读。
          • The "fidelity" of a tranlation is out of the window when the original message has been altered or distorted.
            • Your point is taken, but alter, or distort, or rather make it more accurate or factual, it is a matter of opinions.
      • 不懂英语的问2句。。。
        “She has been on the team for the longest time. She tends to stick to her own opinion. The manager can't convince her with ideas other than her own.”

        1: on the team还是in the team?
        2: stick to还是stick on?

    • 楼上说的有道理,外国人一般还是比较婉转的。口语中可能会这么说,“She is probably the most experienced in the team. She sometimes dedicates to her own idea and hardly listens to any other ideas, not even the manager's."
    • She has been with our team long enough to understand how to be a team player. But she is still not , sometimes she even turns the team leader down.
      • Is it a rule of a 'team player' that he or she cannot turn the manager down? What company are you with?
    • 楼主没有问大家如何说这句话比较好,而是如何翻译这句话。翻译的重要原则之一是忠实于原文,原句表达是否客气或客观等等都不是翻译者应当改变的:She is the most senior member in the team. She is very opinionated. Sometimes even the manager can't convince her.
      • 把后两句合成一句如何:She is so opinionated, that even the manager can't convince her sometimes.
        • 画蛇添足
        • 用so... that合成一句语法上没什么错,不过语气上比原句强了不少,这也是不忠于原文的做法。
          • 就翻译本身我认同你的版本。但楼主无非是打算向上司报告她不好合作,什么先褒后贬,或者拉经理做筏子,这种中国手段谁懂
      • 我个人觉得人与翻译机器有所不同。忠实是1/3重要,但还有"达"和 "雅"的目的要费心。作为一个翻译,必须明白两种文化的巨大差异,有必要补白的还是要考虑补白。
        另外,用 senior 以及 opinionated 两个词,概念有点模糊,值得斟酌。

        Senior 可以指职位高,也可以指最早来到这个团队,两种情况都有可能。很明确的中文被翻译成概念模糊的英文。最早来的不一定升成最高职位。本身这个词还数褒义,带敬意,比如叫老人为 senior citizen 是一种非常客气委婉的称谓。说话者要是不认同该以老卖老的女人,没有必要用 senior 肯定这一层敬意。

        Opinionated 可以是坚持自己的意见,也可以是坚持别人的某项意见,也可以是对带人事,不加分析,轻率乱加定论。英语够模糊。译者有必要明确直入。
        • 对原文进行增减,改变都是翻译的大忌。原文不过是一个简单陈述,你却一定把它翻成你认为合理的表达,既不必要也不应该。
          • 那请酱油哥再细想:老人为什么不翻成 old people, 而称 senior citizens?
            • “老人”更常见的表达是"elderly people", elderly male, ederly female etc... "senior citizen" 的外延则比较小。
              • OK let me put it another way: how would you call "senior citizen" in Chinese? Hope you get my point.
                • "Senior " has several meanings depending on the context. In my experience, using senior in this context will not cause any confusion in the real world. Arguing over this usage makes no sense to me at all.
                  • Not at all am I talking about the usage of an English word here. I am asking a rather straight forward question what the CHINESE term you think it should be for a senior citizen and hope you can see the point of cultural context when translating.
                    • senior 就是指資曆,這裏沒有文化問題。
                      • +1. Apparently quite a few people here don't get it
    • Everyone else of the team is newer than her and she is the only one can't accept new ideas from others including our manager's
    • 这句话永远都不要在职场上讲。Manager都知道的事,没必要再提起。
      • 要针对一个问题,比如软件或者项目, 不要以谈人为主题. 我们打工为了赚钱给人家解决问题. 我们的意见是这样解决问题. 积极地建设性地提出对于软件或者技术难题的想法, 跟人家同事年龄资历无关.
    • 借鉴以上各位的翻译,我的版本是:She is the most senior member in the team, but too opinionated and even the manager cannot persuade her sometimes.
      • opinionated is not the same as stubborn. opinionated means having (strong) opinions about everything. a stubborn person may not have many opinions, let alone strong opinions.
        • 我一开始也倾向于stubborn,但看了酱油的opinionated以后,感觉后者更贴切。根据Oxford字典,stubborn:(often disapproving) determined not to change your opinion or attitude。
          opinionated: (disapproving) having very strong opinions that you are not willing to change。我觉得固执己见就是后者的意思。
          • Primary use of "opinionated" refers to a person who likes to have an opinion about everything.
            • I suggest that you look it up in a good dictionary.
    • she's the most senior member in our group, self-opinionated, even the manager’s having a hard time dealing with her.
    • 大家都只关心翻译,俺倒是想问问为什么要说这句话,这句话是说给谁听的?想达到什么目的?这些前因后果搞不清楚的话不好决定怎么翻,该不该翻。IMO。
    • she is old, stubborn, and disobedient.