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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Speaking is profoundly human: (More of) (没有听出来,听起来象一个词,这个 more 应该强调) the human brain is devoted to speech than any other activity. People can have an IQ of 50, or a brain that is only one-third the normal size and have difficulties with (many) (没有听出来,发音含糊?这个 many 也可以强调的) simple tasks, but they can speak.

Humans are so tuned to words that from about the age of 18 months, (children) (没有听清,主语可以强调) learn about eight to 10 (new) (也没有听出来,也是可以强调的词) words a day, a rate that continues until adolescence.

Humans love to speak: When two hearing people encounter each other, they will speak, despite having other means of communication such as gesturing or drawing. Even when people speak different languages or come from different cultures, they will try to find common words and phrases.

One-day-old infants can distinguish speech from any other sounds and 4-day-olds can distinguish between their native language and other languages. Even in the (womb) (没听出来), (a fetus)(没听出来,fetus 可以读慢一些,a 吃掉了) can distinguish her or his mother's voice from all other female voices. Adults can distinguish speech sounds at twice the rate of any other sounds, (aided) (没听清) by special (hair)(发音有问题?) cells in the (outer)(象 other,这个词也是可以强调的) right ear.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 两个主要的缺点似乎纠正了一个(词说不清说不全)。另一个过度的“儿”音,习惯,不好纠正,有机会吧。真心敬请大家随便砸砖,随便提意见/建议。
    • 俺听了一半,有几个地方没听懂,估计还是吃音(尤其是关键词)或者 sound pattern 的关系。小C 的英文很棒,俺建议不要追求速度,而是把让对方听懂作为唯一的目标,比如关键词可以度慢一些,读重一些,甚至些许停顿一下。口音很次要,建议不要在乎儿化音,除非你自己不喜欢。
    • 又听了一遍,说几个俺没有听清的地方。仔细想一想也许是俺听力不够好,酱油哥你怎么看?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Speaking is profoundly human: (More of) (没有听出来,听起来象一个词,这个 more 应该强调) the human brain is devoted to speech than any other activity. People can have an IQ of 50, or a brain that is only one-third the normal size and have difficulties with (many) (没有听出来,发音含糊?这个 many 也可以强调的) simple tasks, but they can speak.

      Humans are so tuned to words that from about the age of 18 months, (children) (没有听清,主语可以强调) learn about eight to 10 (new) (也没有听出来,也是可以强调的词) words a day, a rate that continues until adolescence.

      Humans love to speak: When two hearing people encounter each other, they will speak, despite having other means of communication such as gesturing or drawing. Even when people speak different languages or come from different cultures, they will try to find common words and phrases.

      One-day-old infants can distinguish speech from any other sounds and 4-day-olds can distinguish between their native language and other languages. Even in the (womb) (没听出来), (a fetus)(没听出来,fetus 可以读慢一些,a 吃掉了) can distinguish her or his mother's voice from all other female voices. Adults can distinguish speech sounds at twice the rate of any other sounds, (aided) (没听清) by special (hair)(发音有问题?) cells in the (outer)(象 other,这个词也是可以强调的) right ear.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 你说的,我很同意,尤其是把让别人听懂作为现在的唯一目的。看来放慢语速,把每个词发满,是捷径了。我已经试图这样做了,看来还是不够。谢谢你的支持。
    • 怎么还没听够就嘎然而止:)
      感觉已经是母语是中文(且精通中文)的人能达到的最高境界了。如果单纯从发音的角度挑剔的话,也许可以在'多辅音'和'多元音'(不知道专业词汇怎么说)上可以更进一步。比如'distingurish' and 'sound'。
      • 我试试再降降速度,把每个词都发满。多谢!
    • good. I wish i could sound like this. did you go to any class for pronunciation?
      • 没有。都是工作学习生活中磨练得来的。
        • Maybe I should post a short piece for your guys to correct me. No matter how I practice, I always have very strange accent. I wonder if there is way which can make me to have a big progress.
          • 我帖了有3次了吧。每次网友很帮衬,提的意见/建议都很好。平时自己不知道看不到的地方都给揪出来,受益不小。
            • Good. thanks. let me practice a bit and post it here soon.
              • 不要管别人说什么,他们的嘴,你也管不了。收益是自己的,谁说什么也不能拿走什么。LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING YOU.
        • 磨练二字说的好!每个人的语言天赋不同,方法不同,但磨练是必不可缺的。可惜的是人们往往费劲心机地去寻找所谓的好方法和捷径,并乐此不疲,但选择性地去忽略任何方法都必需的"磨练"。
    • 支持一下。其实学习语言也是靠钻研。很多移民把精力放在钻研技术上,却没有想过钻研一下语言,语言上去了,对于career有事半功倍的作用。
    • 听不到
      • It is windows wma format.
        • 听到了,很不错。这流利程度,眼都不带眨一眨的。。。
    • 你就是c__wang?读得很好嘛!怎么声音听着像是处理过?
      • 是我。没有处理过,我嗓子粗糙,就是这样。
        • 声音清亮。口音浅。自我评价客观。表扬表扬。再接再厉。
    • 前两天在ipad上听不了,今天在办公室听了一些。C的语速语调非常好,几近完美。发音很自如,除了几个生词的地方有些犹豫,其他都非常流畅。对于母语是中文的人来说,真的已经很好了。日常交流简直绰绰有余。
      文章太长没听完,就前面两三段来说,我觉得上升空间在于元音的部分,有些词需要发到位。还有就是有些常见词的重音部分,比方说adult, 重音应该在第一个a上。还有就是s后面的清辅音要记得浊化,比方说distinguish里面的t。。

      • Really appreciate your comments and all other comments. Theses comments are keys. You already point out where to improve, I just need some work towards it. Thanks!!
      • “比方说adult, 重音应该在第一个a上。”——美音[ əˈdʌlt];英音[ˈædʌlt]
        • Oh I see...I didn't know that. Thanks.
        • 虽然不是稀客, 是 高人。(#8251872@0). 肥牛哥, 你应该上个音频, 能辨别这种区别的这儿不太多.
    • 给意见的朋友们,我把你们说的都抄下来了,以后复习看看。以后不准备上音频了,觉得你们提到的几大项就够我一阵修行的了。多谢你们帮忙,我才有提高的动力。