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Your landlord can not evacuate you by himself. To do that, he must have a court order and have police officer with him. To get a court order,

he must prove to the court that you violated the legal contract which in your case does not exist.

You can warn him that if he continues to disturb your life, you can sure him for damages. Start collecting evidence: record your telephone conversation with him, ask him a writen notice for any of his request.

Or, agree to relocate on certain conditions: give you reasonable compensation for your costs, time and effort in address change matter; allow you few more months to search a new place. Although there are fareness and justice, neither you, nor your landlord will benefit from this kind of dispute. Life moves on. Try to stay positive and get over with it.

For your own protection in the future, a business contract must be put on a paper. Verbal agreement does not have any legal power in the court of law.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请问一个租房的问题



    • 你们没有签合同吗?一切应该以合同为准。#359582
      • 很不幸, 没有合同.
    • 到底Share电还是Share电和天然气? 感觉如果光Share电费,并降50元房租的话, 你还是赚的.
      • Share两者. 其次到了冬天, 电费可能达到300的.
        • 不喜欢就搬吧, 虽然到了冬天也不算很冷啊, 地址什么的比较麻烦, 可是总比看人家脸色好啊。
          • You are very right, and I will take your suggestion, thanks a lot.
    • 你以前不是自己说的吗"If there is no freedom, why am I here? "所以你的房东也应该有自由修改合同或者是请你搬出,是不是?这很合理。
      • 哪儿和哪儿啊?
        • 哪儿?上次是在rolia,这次也是在rolia
          • 呵呵,知道你们上次争了几句,就事论事,别穷追猛打了吧?谁都有需要帮助的时候。
      • 我没有说它不合理, 只是来问问. 不是来听讲座.
        • 我好像记得只要房东提前两个月通知的话就可以吧。
          • 如果是这样的话, 我只好搬. 我当然也不会赖着不走, 或趁打官司没有结果而白住他半年一年的.
        • 听讲座?难道你上次说这话的时候是自以为自己在讲座演讲?
          • 是,是。8^)
      • 还真有这么记“仇”的说?哎,人哪。
        • 就不说你是小人之心了吧
          • 那说谁呢?
            • 你看清楚了,我说的是“不说”
              • 我说的也是“不说”,只是你没有看懂。
    • 教训:永远不要当面承诺。应该告诉他让我们商量商量再说。
      • 你说得对, 我不解的是, 我们搬进之前他也承诺了我们的房租, 结果他还是变了. 而我就不能点灯? :(
        • 如果你们没有浪费什么资源的话,房东这么做确实有有不对的地方。与其生气还不如搬走呢,现在房子比原来好找多了。
          • 第二个支持搬走的同志. :)
    • 房东也许有房东的难处,也许你过度使用了这些资源,毕竟人家让了你¥50价格
      • 实际情况是, 我们连暖气都没开过, 说不上浪费电. 而且的确也没有素质低到去故意浪费电. 真实原因是二房东去问了邻居冬天的电费后觉得自己不痛快.所以要减我50房租而Share电费. 事实上, 是暗涨了我的房租.
    • 你搬家要修改了三十个左右的地址?我只修改了五个地址!是用mall里的机器和online update。 朋友,不高兴就bye bye! 此地不留爷,自有留爷处!何必受气!哈哈!!
      • 一堆银行卡, 信用卡... 以及保险, CAA什么的. 想着就头痛.
        • 你上面说的那些地址应该都可以在电话里面改的,最多一小十就都打完了,还足不出户.不要担心地址问题,先找房子吧.何况还有宝宝出世以后的问题呢.
    • Your landlord can not evacuate you by himself. To do that, he must have a court order and have police officer with him. To get a court order,
      he must prove to the court that you violated the legal contract which in your case does not exist.

      You can warn him that if he continues to disturb your life, you can sure him for damages. Start collecting evidence: record your telephone conversation with him, ask him a writen notice for any of his request.

      Or, agree to relocate on certain conditions: give you reasonable compensation for your costs, time and effort in address change matter; allow you few more months to search a new place. Although there are fareness and justice, neither you, nor your landlord will benefit from this kind of dispute. Life moves on. Try to stay positive and get over with it.

      For your own protection in the future, a business contract must be put on a paper. Verbal agreement does not have any legal power in the court of law.