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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



今天一个叫CASE MANAGER的人让我去办公室,问我最近找工作的情况。我的家距离哪个WORKSHORP都很远,所以自己在家打电话,发传真。EMAIL。我连商店都不能去。没有车,在这里寸步难行。那个CASE MANAGER是一个黑人,一说话就不耐烦。指责我。我两年前已经上过三个月的WORKSHOP。而且每个都很雷同。我不能浪费时间去很远的地方。我要等电话。而且我已经有一年多加拿大专业工作经验。今天这个人努力从各个方面找我的别扭。说我打COLDCALLS他没听见。不能证明我在找工作。还说我应该去多大做学历评估。我已经我我以前的公司头谈过,都说不用。那要花钱。他刺伤了一个被LAID OFF焦急的人的自尊心。我现在不知道如何做?他用EI威胁我。请文各位,我现在该怎么办?我必须汇报给这个人吗?CASE MANAGER 有那么大的权利吗?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / PLEASE HELP ME 我在领EI,如果不参加WORKSHOP,会被停发吗?
    今天一个叫CASE MANAGER的人让我去办公室,问我最近找工作的情况。我的家距离哪个WORKSHORP都很远,所以自己在家打电话,发传真。EMAIL。我连商店都不能去。没有车,在这里寸步难行。那个CASE MANAGER是一个黑人,一说话就不耐烦。指责我。我两年前已经上过三个月的WORKSHOP。而且每个都很雷同。我不能浪费时间去很远的地方。我要等电话。而且我已经有一年多加拿大专业工作经验。今天这个人努力从各个方面找我的别扭。说我打COLDCALLS他没听见。不能证明我在找工作。还说我应该去多大做学历评估。我已经我我以前的公司头谈过,都说不用。那要花钱。他刺伤了一个被LAID OFF焦急的人的自尊心。我现在不知道如何做?他用EI威胁我。请文各位,我现在该怎么办?我必须汇报给这个人吗?CASE MANAGER 有那么大的权利吗?
    • You don't need to go to any workshop for EI purpose. You can complain to the supervisor of the "case manager", if you think his attitute is bad. You lose your job, but you're still a TAXPAYER.
      • I appreciate your help. That guy hurted me yesterday. I could not calm down and look for job. I worry if he could do sth. for my EI?
        He scared me and pushed me to see him next month, I do not want to go. I am afraid to move out of Markham. But My husband is doing labor job in here, his job and my EI support us life now. Could you please tell me who I can comlain except his supervisor? I think they wear same pants. Thanks again.
        • I suggest you call HRDC (not the branch office you're dealing with) and ask the receptionist which number is for complaining a case manager. Good luck!
    • 我现在也在拿EI,但我想回国考察一下做生意顺便看看家人和朋友,大概有二,三个月,如果从加拿大直接回中国,政府能发现吗?如果这样不行,从美国绕着走有没有问题?谢谢提供意见
      • up
      • everything is possible. maybe you find no problem at all until you apply for citizenship.
        what' more important to you? money, peace of mind, consciousness. sometimes you just can't get them all.

        But if you are lucky...
      • The proper way is:
        Let HRDC know you are going back to China for a few weeks. They are going to stop EI during that period. When you come back, contact HRDC again. EI will be back. It should not affect the total amount of EI you received.

        If you go to China without telling HRDC, if it was found out, you are going to be fined, the EI you took would be required to pay back. According to new immigration law, it may affect your application to the citizenship in the future.
        • The problem is what is the better way to escape the penalty if I want to get the money where I am in China! I am thinking if I got a new job before I get all the benefits from EI, I prefer to get it as early as possible.
          • You are not suppose to do so. If you insist, then you have to take the risk.
            Personally, I think you are taking advantage of the system.
            • You are right. I do not want to take risk. Just want to know whether it is legal. I do not think it is taking advantage of the system. If it is not allowed, how can a person take its advantage.
      • 现在老婆的EI快结束了,我又失业了,现在形势下很难再找到类似工作,想回国看看或寻求机会,但为了在此期间拿EI钱养家胡口,
        • FYI =>
        • 访问美国合法; 从美国去中国合法; 从中国经美国回加合法; 在离开加拿大期间继续报领EI是fraud, 刑事罪.
      • Be careful
        You can not. You can ask leave to HRDC.when you come back. They will go on giving you EI
      • It is fraud. The CCRA will catch you soon or later, if you go back China with EI.
        • But how can CCRA find out his absence, technically speaking, do they have access to the airport checkout system?
    • 不用担心,case manager没有这么大的权利,你告诉他,你两年已经参加过了
      而且你告诉他, 说 U HAVE NO MONEY AND CAN NOT AFFORD THE FARE FEE, 在加拿大,他不可以岐视穷人的,尤其是政府机关工作的人,一般他们很nice,你可能运道不太好,碰到一个坏蛋。再这样,向他的上司上诉,陈述你的正当理由,他们不会穿同一条裤子的,这里事情该是这么办就这么办,大方向是一致的。偶尔有几个害群之马,你就当锻炼自己吧!
      顺便问一下,我因为搬家也在拿EI,vacation pay 是不是算 earings during 2-weeks waiting period,而且要从第1个正式可以领benefit 的week 里扣去的,如果第一个星期全部被扣去了,第二个星期扣去了一半,总共有30个weeks可拿,第一,二个星期也算在这30个weeks 里了吗?
      • You can get 30 weeks' benefit no matter when it starts.
        • 可是,我的意思是,第一,二个星期(已除去2weeks waiting period) HRDC把vacation pay 当收入扣掉了,实际上没有拿到钱,也算在30个weeks里吗?
          • Your total benefit is still 30 weeks. It just shift 2 weeks. For example, you are suppose to get EI from 1-30 weeks. Now you are going to receive EI from 3-32 weeks.
          • No. They just postpone the start date by another 2 weeks after the 2 weeks' waiting period.
            • o!!! 谢谢好心的大虾们!!!
      • 不算。三○就是三○个星期。不用担心。
    • 别理她,她没权利指责你,更管不着是否停发你EI的,如果不满意,你还可以换CASE MANAGER,
      • 非常感谢各位朋友。
        这两天心情被这个CASE MANAGER搞的很遭。没想到在加拿大领EI刚以个月,就有人干涉。两年前,加拿大这方面的服务还很好。可是现在这些人就是抓人头,显示自己在工作好向政府要钱,保主他们的办公室的存在和自己的工作。而且他们总想中国人是好吃懒做,象他们的同类。很多人那政府的救济,住政府的房子,还出去旅游。我们这些中国的技术移民,再苦再累,也是考自己的双手吃饭呀。这个CASE MANAGER 意思是我不努力照工作,在家心安理得的拿EI, 实际上EI只是我工作薪水的以小部分。有哪个中国人不愿意去做自己的专业工作的。我真不理解这里的官僚。
        • 请问CASE MANAGER是怎么回事?我申请一个多月了,怎么没见过什么CASE MANAGER?只见过CONSULTOR?
          • 说明在HRDC的眼里,你没有楼上那位重要。:)
          • 千万别自投罗网
            我是因为刚知道要被勒的时候,听说我家这个区有个JOBSKILLS。所以去看看,也许会有帮助。因为以前住在多伦多,有很多好的服务机构。可是时过境迁。现在的和以往不同了。他们只是需要人数去向政府要钱。其实CASE MANAGER IS A CONSULOR。我们这个地区人少,所以他们就盯住这些去过的客户。在DOWNTOWN人多。他们也就不管那么多了。在这里,好的CONSULOR很好。只是碰运气。因为我的朋友在那有一个好的CASE MANGER,所以我才去的。但是那个人已经离开了。
            • now I see. my consultor is my case manager then. 我也是不明不白的去见的CONSULTOR,因为去HR 听GROUP SESSION 时, 我和另几个人问到TRAINING/CLASS,上学方面的事,他就叫我们通能去见CONSULTOR
              CONSULTOR让我去什么TALKING CAFE, COMPUTER CLASS什么的,可这个CLASS要我一月再给他们打电话,现在没空位.真担心以后这个CONSULTOR要经常来PUSH我,CHECK我
    • 这里说你有权利Refusal to be Referred to a Course or an Employment Activity, 不过你如果同意参加了, 然后没去, 他们会找你麻烦. .
      • Thanks a lot. 谁知道CASE MANAGER是否会经常CHECK EI 申领者是如何找工作的,是否会检查他们的找工记录等?
        • I asked my Jobstart teacher. She told me, if you do not like case manager, if you do not think they can help you. Just do not go back to see him. They can not push you.
      • But if Hrdc refers you, you have to go
        • I am still not very clear about the case manager.when we first go HR for a group session, a few people including me asked them something about training, going to school,etc
          they refer us to a nother community center to see a consultor. when i saw the consultor, she talk to me for the details of my situation, and then aske me to register a so called talking cafe class and a computer (office) class. I was told I have to call back in Jan for the computer class, cause no seat is available now. then I report to the consultor about this, she asked me to try another class called self-directed compputer and typing class, no tutor, just learn by yourself.

          I don't want to go to such a class, because i can't see the difference between going there and learning at home by myself. I am wondering wether the consultor will push me or check me a lot during my EI period. If i don't go to that self-directed computer class, what will happen next?
          • Do not worry about it
            Some place call consolor is case manager. In fact, what your consolor did is case manager did to me. If you do not want any body push you, do not see any thiis kind of people again. If the real HRDC wants you do sth.,they will send you a letter by writing.