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I quoted the requirements from CIC website. It says that each day that a permanent resident accompanied a Canadian Citizen outside Canada is counted. It didn't say that the Canadian citizen needs to work for a government job. Please take a look.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OPTION 1. Accompanying a Canadian citizen outside Canada

You may count each day that you accompanied a Canadian citizen outside Canada provided that the person you accompanied is your spouse, common-law partner or parent (if you are a child under 22 years of age).

Evidence required

You must provide supporting documents to prove that:

•The person you are accompanying is a Canadian citizen; and
•You are the spouse, common-law partner or child of that person.
Supporting documents may include:

•marriage license or evidence of common-law partnership (mandatory if you are accompanying a spouse or common-law partner)
•child’s birth certificate, baptismal document, or adoption or guardianship document (mandatory if you are accompanying a parent)
•all passports or other travel documents of the person you are accompanying used in the five (5) years before the application (mandatory)
•school or employment records
•association or club memberships
•documents showing the citizenship of the person you are accompanying, including the date the person became a Canadian citizen (mandatory)
•evidence of the residential addresses of the person you are accompanying for the five (5) years before the application (mandatory)
•any other documents that you want to have considered更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 枫叶卡renew的时候去美国的时间也算absent,可是开车去美国护照上没盖章,5年内多次出入美国,记不清出具体时间怎么填?每次去美国都有一个加拿大公民陪同,时间应该是等同于在加拿大居住的时间。这种情况怎么填?
    • 不管是否盖章,美加双方边境都有每个人的详细进出关记录,这个很多人(包括我自己)都已经领教了,所以一定按实情写,记不清楚的话要写说明,政府会去边境查清楚,不算你的过错。
      “每次去美国都有一个加拿大公民陪同,时间应该是等同于在加拿大居住的时间” —— 如果这个加拿大公民在美国不是工作,是不能算的。

      • 以前也一样要添这些的。从来木有松过呀?
      • I quoted the requirements from CIC website. It says that each day that a permanent resident accompanied a Canadian Citizen outside Canada is counted. It didn't say that the Canadian citizen needs to work for a government job. Please take a look.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OPTION 1. Accompanying a Canadian citizen outside Canada

        You may count each day that you accompanied a Canadian citizen outside Canada provided that the person you accompanied is your spouse, common-law partner or parent (if you are a child under 22 years of age).

        Evidence required

        You must provide supporting documents to prove that:

        •The person you are accompanying is a Canadian citizen; and
        •You are the spouse, common-law partner or child of that person.
        Supporting documents may include:

        •marriage license or evidence of common-law partnership (mandatory if you are accompanying a spouse or common-law partner)
        •child’s birth certificate, baptismal document, or adoption or guardianship document (mandatory if you are accompanying a parent)
        •all passports or other travel documents of the person you are accompanying used in the five (5) years before the application (mandatory)
        •school or employment records
        •association or club memberships
        •documents showing the citizenship of the person you are accompanying, including the date the person became a Canadian citizen (mandatory)
        •evidence of the residential addresses of the person you are accompanying for the five (5) years before the application (mandatory)
        •any other documents that you want to have considered更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 如果这个公民在美国不是工作或者定居,那是在那里干啥呢?如果你在美国工作,TA只是陪你,那就不是你陪TA了。你最好问问清楚。
          • 不是想逃时间,而是5年内全家一起去美国玩儿好多次,护照上没有章就不知到具体时间了。我老公renew枫叶卡,我是公民,全家一起去美国玩儿,按照移民局规定字面上的意思是只要和加拿大公民的配偶在一起的时间都等同于在境内居住的时间。
        • 如果配偶是加国籍,你和ta一起生活就算你在加国生活,但你要提供ta的出入境记录,证明你们在一个国家。。
          • 问题是 “全家一起去美国玩” 不算是在美国”居住“吧?要提供美国的居住地址和公司(或者学校)的名字,难道hotel也可以?我以前看过一个什么东东解释过这个,现在找不到了。请楼主核实了来确认一下。
    • 去美国有没有拍照留念?查查照片日期。
      • 政府想查很容易,美加信息共享, 每次护照刷,都有记录的。