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Your friend is so great! I am unbelievable he can get so high package.

My sister who worked as a senior optic designer for 2.5 years in Nortel, got laid off three weeks ago from long_haul optical R&D in skyline area, and she only got such as the standard package including 2 months notification plus two months basic compensation plus service compensation (based on your work time, two years is equal to one month). This compensation rule is already posted on the NT's internal website, and at least 15 of her laid colleagues had such kind of compensation package, so I think your friend is very special.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 经历裁员
    前一天公司上下收到COO说即将裁员的email,第二天早上收到经理要求去开会的email,标明mandatory,虽早有准备,还是心中一凉。会议室的鬼子们个个神情沮丧。然后两个HR的小姐都身着黑色套装(商量好了的?),神情庄重地感谢大家的努力工作...bla..bla... 接过大信封后静静地散去。cell phone,laptop立即交回,email即刻被cancel。收拾出门,听到的尽皆“are u survived ?”之类的相互问候。同一层的几个中国人都未能幸免。
    • take it easy.
    • Sorry to hear that. Stay cool. Good luck.
    • Compensation Package好不好?我的朋友那时后悔没有裁他因为package有4万。
      • 冒昧的问一句:要得到这样的package,原来的年薪是多少?服务了几年?
        • 和公司有关。北电裁了好几拨,一波不如一波。。。
          • Wrong. I know one of my friend just got laid off last 3 week. He got 8 months package for only 2-year working. NT's package different in different department
            • 嗯,我知道就是同一个部门的情况。北电的不同部门和不同的公司也差不多了,北电太大。
              • For NT's long-haul optical R&D, two month ago, the pakage is 5-month, now is 8-month. You can not made a conclusion by only knowing part of them.
                • 对于一个简短的帖子,你也不能要求我把所有情况覆盖到啊。何况我说的也是事实。如果你知道其他的,出来补充就是了。:(
                • Your friend is so great! I am unbelievable he can get so high package.
                  My sister who worked as a senior optic designer for 2.5 years in Nortel, got laid off three weeks ago from long_haul optical R&D in skyline area, and she only got such as the standard package including 2 months notification plus two months basic compensation plus service compensation (based on your work time, two years is equal to one month). This compensation rule is already posted on the NT's internal website, and at least 15 of her laid colleagues had such kind of compensation package, so I think your friend is very special.
    • 同是天涯沦落人呀。
    • 同命相伶,我今天给公司判了死缓。
      • 啊~~~ 深表同情。怎么会这样呢?偶还向申请你们公司的职位呢。:-(
        • 别的职位还是有机会。公司刚招了个MBA作SALES PROCESS CONSULTANT。
        • 确定裁了,但缓期执行。
          • any way to survive?
    • 能领EI吗?
    • 现在风向不对. 我们上月也刚刚经历重组和遣散了一些后勤人员, "发配"了一些人去MISSISSAUGA和AJAX, 今日又发布TURN AROUND 全攻略, 亚太地区公司要卖了THROUGH IPO. 上海公司的PPMM们, 机灵点儿吧
      • May I ask which company are you working with?
    • Are you from Corel?
    • 那那些HR的小姐们不裁吗?
      • LATER
        • 对,目前她们还有工作要做----裁人, 准备pink slip等等,忙着呢,
    • 据说年底是裁员高峰季节,已经有几个朋友落马了.
      昨天我看着一个在同一team的中国人收拾东西, 经理在旁边看着.收拾完毕送他出门.在这里的公司工作每天都可能告诉你走人,太残酷了.
      我今天一大早就到公司,在办公室的抽屉里放了一个大编织袋, 等到哪天经理让我走,我不会措手不及.

      早上打电话给ottawa 的一个朋友,他在两天前被lay-off 了,他们公司一下裁了200 多人,整个部门都砍掉了.
      • 因为新的financial year是从11月开始, 一般根据新的budget裁人.
      • 我们还好, 有三个月的notice.
    • 保重吧,还有很多新来的xdjm想被裁都没有机会-----还没找到工作呢