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The challenge on Mirgration

There could be many migration on database migration, esp when the hardware platform is changed also.
And also when they used many non-standards function or I should say Oracle specific function.
Another one is the data type , some times it is hard to find a matched datatype in another dbms.
The last one, the challenge of changing application server depends on the designing of their existing system, if it was designed dedicatedly and platform-unbindly, it would be easier, otherwise it could be a big issue

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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 得到一个公司第二次interview, 准确说来是第三次.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛第一次是在9月份初, interview感觉挺好, 可公司没有给我offer, 写email问feedback, interviewer在email中对interview也做了肯定, 但是公司找到了更match他们skills的人, 说我是下一个他们考虑雇佣的人. 不给offer就是不给offer, 还说得那么动听.
    第二次interview是在本周, 上个interviewer把我推荐给了他, 真是出乎我的意料. interviewer是software development manager, 一个PHD, 从interview中觉得他比上个interviewer懂的技术更多, 基本上也不跟我寒喧, 也没什么费话, 没有human resource的那套东东, 问题还故意让我confuse, 就是看我的概念清不清楚. 整个interview没有上次感觉好, 自己也觉得不comfortable. 有的问题答得不是那么有条理. 我想, 在这样一个形势下,没戏了, 所以没有对offer抱希望. 也没指望他再打电话联系我. 虽然他说下个星期给我答复.
    但是就在今天晚上星期五晚上9点钟, 本来还在电话中跟朋友聊天, 他打电话进来了, 说星期一给我第二次interview. 我一开始都没反应过来是谁, 因为从来没有想过在周末还能接到interview的电话, 而且还是自己已经不抱希望的东西, 以为又是那种promarica之类的老鼠会一般会在周末在网上搜集信息打电话给人做career change.

    现在有些问题想问问大家, 欢迎共同探讨.
    他们是做一个web retail management system的migration, 从weblogic 移植到websphere, database从oracle移植到DB2, 前端是用swing写的界面, 后台有一部分business logic implement是通过Mqseries, JMS和SAP对话, 现在他们想implement all the business logic, 也就是放弃和SAP的对话.
    记得他问的有一个问题, 你在做server端开发时遇到的最大的一个challenge是什么. 以前做程序员只知道做, 只知道怎么学会用新的技术. 从来没有想过challenge. system design做得很少, 尤其是数据库的design. 这个问题当时答得不是很有条理. 因为当时根本就没反应过来真正他想问的东西. 不过后来我在email里写了, 对系统migration来说, 用哪一种application server没有太大的区别, 最大的challenge是在于数据库的redesign, oracle相对于DB2, 后者应该更严格一些. 这一点, 我想interviewer会问得更detail一些. 欢迎DX以interviewer的角度提出问题.

    另外EJB, 我想也是重点, 星期一他问了一些, 也许这次会问得更多. 欢迎有过面试经验的人提出问题.

    JSP, struts, design patterns, 也欢迎提出问题.

    对于面试, 我的英语不存在大的问题, 就是如何把自己的意思用英文表达得更有条理一些. 所以在面试前准备得充分一些会好一些.

    我的面试机会很少, 不过每次interview都让我有很大的提高, 每次interview对我来说, 都象是一次大考, interview完了, 都筋疲力尽.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • up.
    • 我不知道你申请的职位是什么,如果主要是design,考虑business and database modeling. 具体的东西就是UML或一些数据库design工具
      • The position is Senior Java Developer.
      • retail和inventory方面的经验, 我确实有过一些
        , 我想这也是他给我interview的一个原因. 关于data modeling, interviewer会问些什么问题呢? database normalization?
        UML他也问过一些, 主要是问我用过什么Diagram, 数据库的工具主要有ERWIN and TOAD, 这些我也用过. 不过从来没有参加过数据库的design.
        • If you used Erwin, that's seemly enough for the position.
          you may also need to emphasize how those systems are integrated. anyhow good luck!
          • what do you mean how those systems are integrated?
            He've asked me to introduce the system I've done by drawing the architecture. I don't know if you mean this.
            • Yes. As you said, there are lots of stuff.
    • The challenge on Mirgration
      There could be many migration on database migration, esp when the hardware platform is changed also.
      And also when they used many non-standards function or I should say Oracle specific function.
      Another one is the data type , some times it is hard to find a matched datatype in another dbms.
      The last one, the challenge of changing application server depends on the designing of their existing system, if it was designed dedicatedly and platform-unbindly, it would be easier, otherwise it could be a big issue
      • Could you give me some detail?
        Could you give me some detail? Why you say the change of hardware platform would cause many migration on database migration. Could you give me some examples of oracle specific functions? I know DB2 has more datatypes than oracle. Datatype matching would definitely a problem.
        • 说个简单的,比如oracle 里的rownum,DB2里可不是那么好实现的。
          • 这个问题以前确实遇到过. 忘记了. 多谢
        • An example for possible problem caused by hardware platform change,
          if ur application use some bit operation (for encryption or other purpose), the present of interger in different hardware system are totally different (the high part and low part), then ur programs need to be modified accordingly.
          • Although I never met and even heard such kind of situations, but i keep it in mind. thanks a lot
            • It does exist, u can try it on AIX and Windows, you will find the difference of the present of integer. Anyway this is just a minor problem that could bother them
              • Actually that difference is caused by Intel and PowerPC CPU, not the OS,
    • I think the most challenge thing in server side development is performance tuning, sometime it is mission impossible.
      • could you tell something about performance tunning? thanks