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The numbers in the survey look more realistic. Earlier I said in oil and gas engineering field, Australia and Canada are leading US in engineers salaries. Here is one 2013 salary survey link.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Australia: $131,483, Canada: $118,483, US: $106,772. In oil and gas industry, average salary in Canada, esp. in Alberta, is higher than that number $118,483 and also higher than the US average in the same industry. The salary survey may not be very accurate, but it is indicative. Other than the surveys, we really don't know who is making how much. As you can see, there is no myth that the average salaries are higher in the US than in Canada. Individually we can make much more than the average income, it's all about our individual positions and the particular industries that we are in. We hope we could make 10% more on average in the US than what we do in Canada (apparently we are not based on the surveys) because we are deducting the employee portion of medical insurance from our pay checks.

Some people may say the salary is 10 to 15% higher in the US for the same position, he said that probably because he got it when he moved to his new job in the US. But you can try the same 10 to 15% when you change jobs in Canada too. When I moved from Canada to the US even within the same company, my salary got bumped up too, but that doesn't tell you for the same position you make more in the US, remember you are also becoming more valuable, or they are merely adjusting your underpaid salary.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 在美国20万年薪是优秀大学毕业生和博士入职起薪吗?加拿大什么样的人到美国工资可以翻倍?从统计数据上看,美国大多数人的收入低于加拿大大多数人的收入。
    • I heard that in USA, PHD is for those who can not find a job or has mental problem. I used to worked for NIH for several months, thousands of bio PHD worked there for 4-5w/year, average $15-20/hr
      • many of them are 优秀博士 from top schools. Those working in Labs in universities make even less, for 3-4w/year.
    • You are kidding, right?
      • 全部还是最后一句?
        • 最后一句我不知道,但美国东西便宜,税低,就算挣得少,生活水平不一定低。。。。
          • 怎么样衡量生活水平?北美中国人生活方便程度多伦多是肯定第一。三藩市LA纽约的唐人餐馆超市和食物品种远远不如多伦多。试问给你到北卡那些地方,即使给我双倍年薪,一半房价,偶都不愿意去。
            • 那回中国去岂不是更好,至少有几十个城市比多伦多华人生活更方便。
      • I'm not kidding. 有人在这里讨论说20万年薪是美国优秀学生的起薪/加拿大工作转到美国工资加倍。俺不知道是否是这样的,因此在这里问问。。
        • 20万起薪可能有,但决对不带普遍性啊。。。
    • 1. 在美国2万年薪是优秀博士最高年薪。2. 加拿大人到美国工资全部减半; 3. 从统计数据上看,美国所有人的收入均只为加拿大收入的百分之一。 4. 美国物价是加拿大的10倍。 5. 加拿大好工作多如牛毛。6. 美国气候严寒。 爽了吗?
      • 红枫息怒。马上到新年了,准备敲钟啦。祝大家2014新年愉快!
        • 就是因为新年到了嘛,给楼主来个《私人订制》让楼主,以及所有的人,大家都娱乐一下啊。新年快乐!
    • 另据北韩伟大的“金太阳”通讯社一贯统计报道,美国是世界上最最贫困的国家。全世界人民都羡慕北韩。所有美国人,特别是美国总统等,都争着移民北韩。
    • 这个链接可以做个参考,不过以加拿大华人移民的背景,大部分IT人是很难在FLAG公司拿到这样的OFFER。
      • 大部分加拿大的IT人, 都是半路出家,水平连国内CS 本科的都远远不如。认识好些烂专业的 PHD,就读了几门计算机的课,在bubble 的时候转行,水平烂的要命,但自视甚高,
        • 在加拿大和美国能按时读完博士拿到学位并不容易,在他们自己的专业领域一定是很优秀的。
          • 我基本同意你的说法。加拿大不太容易博士毕业,但是总可以毕业,也许熬得时间长些。中国一定毕业,还可能不需上课。美国,连毕业都不一定。所以三个互相还有些差别。
          • 另外,你看看中国、加拿大和美国的华人教授的背景,也可以看出些东西。清华现在的老师,基本都不是清华本科毕业的,因为那些人大都去了美国。加拿大的华人教授,大都是国内2流、3流大学毕业。美国则精英真的很多。人往高处走嘛。基本属合理的正态分布。
        • 大部分都是科班出身,外行都被市场挤掉了
        • 一针见血!美国的情况则大不同。我也听说过“加拿大的IT行业混子多!”和这个国家的制度有关。恶性循环。就连印度人也是在加拿大的混子远远多余在美国的,而且还多的多。
    • 各位在讨论时要注意点和面的区别。哈佛大学2013年本科毕业生有21%没有工作,有工作的平均年薪6万。是否可以说哈佛大学毕业生都不是优秀的毕业生?
      • 1. 是的,这个统计可能是事实 2. 其他的大学还不如这个 (但是你必须是100%真实的统计,这才可以比较和公平)。 3. 哈佛的毕业生很容易成为领导,工资也就上去了,因为录取是考虑了综合素质。4. 这是全校所有专业额平均工资。你最好懂点统计,更加容易理解些。
        • 以下两个链接的数据应该比较客观,一个是CNN的, 一个是PAYSCALE的。
          • 按照这个网站,哈佛毕业生平均工资5万5,远低于哈佛学生报纸调查的结果(平均6万)。还要提醒各位,哈佛本科毕业生中有21%没有工作 (2013)。无论按哪个调查结果,哈佛毕业生平均收入远远低于美国优秀毕业生的20万年薪。
            • 个别优秀毕业生拿到二十万起薪有可能,但绝对是极少数。如果硬要说这在美国是普遍现象,要么是不懂装懂对薪酬市场一无所知,要么是画饼充饥自欺欺人。
      • 哈弗是世界公认的名校中的名校。这当然包括工资和升职可能等等。这个统计只能说明其他学校更差,对吗?这是最基本的常识和思考。如果你有可能上哈佛,你会仅仅因为这个统计,而去其他的学校吗?
        • 既然哈佛这样的知名名校毕业生平均收入都远远低于20万,前面各位说的在美国“20万年薪是优秀大学毕业生和博士入职起薪”怎么能成立?如果这个说法成立,那美国其他学校毕业生起薪要高于20万,才能抵销哈佛毕业生收入低的后腿。。你说是这样吗?
    • 起薪20万?大牛研究生院计算机博士,加州大公司,起薪就给10万多点有限。还有一个斯坦福本科的说同学里找不到工作的都有,要继续读书或继续找。
    • The numbers in the survey look more realistic. Earlier I said in oil and gas engineering field, Australia and Canada are leading US in engineers salaries. Here is one 2013 salary survey link.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Australia: $131,483, Canada: $118,483, US: $106,772. In oil and gas industry, average salary in Canada, esp. in Alberta, is higher than that number $118,483 and also higher than the US average in the same industry. The salary survey may not be very accurate, but it is indicative. Other than the surveys, we really don't know who is making how much. As you can see, there is no myth that the average salaries are higher in the US than in Canada. Individually we can make much more than the average income, it's all about our individual positions and the particular industries that we are in. We hope we could make 10% more on average in the US than what we do in Canada (apparently we are not based on the surveys) because we are deducting the employee portion of medical insurance from our pay checks.

      Some people may say the salary is 10 to 15% higher in the US for the same position, he said that probably because he got it when he moved to his new job in the US. But you can try the same 10 to 15% when you change jobs in Canada too. When I moved from Canada to the US even within the same company, my salary got bumped up too, but that doesn't tell you for the same position you make more in the US, remember you are also becoming more valuable, or they are merely adjusting your underpaid salary.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 优秀大学热门专业里的优秀学生,这个是至少的吧。专业比大学重要。有的人博士没毕业,早就是业界翘楚了,这样的人20万远远不够。
      • 专业比大学重要。你说到点子上了。
        • 那么你说说在美国什么“专业”的“优秀”大学毕业生起薪20万一年?你再说说什么算“优秀”大学毕业生,是否是能拿到20万的就是”优秀“否则就不是“优秀”?
          • 挺多的吧,就我知道的IT,金融,数理和MBA等等,医药法律方面应该也不少。优秀的人才未必看重薪水。当年,迪伯威格拒了雷曼百万奥佛去耶鲁研究学问,成了一段佳话。所以反过来推就偏颇了。
    • 入职起薪20万你也信?