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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请问大家去美国首选那些城市?
    • 底特律力争向全世界开放移民
      • 如果是底特律可以住在WINDSOR,开车过境上班,还可以享受加拿大的医疗
      • 他们怎么能保证移民来了,拿了绿卡不搬走呢?那地方,老黑,左棍扎堆儿,犯罪率就不说了,光是地税的税率就吓死人。还想靠移民自救,白日做梦!
        • 像以色列那样,建个隔离墙,Alien们不许出去,就解决问题了。
          • 已经有这个计划了,国内的人来投资的 - 220 acres of land were purchased for the project by a Chinese firm…they paid $1.9 million in cash.
            from the Detroit News
            Milan Township— Southeast Michigan may become home to a veritable Chinatown, a planned community of 415 upscale homes for Chinese immigrants, off U.S. 23 south of Ann Arbor. The idea behind the proposal is to encourage Chinese investors to open businesses here and take advantage of in-state tuition at the University of Michigan, saving tens of thousands of dollars per student.
            • Chinatown in works near Ann Arbor - Investors to build 415 upscale homes off U.S. 23 targeting Chinese immigrants - The Detroit News
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Milan Township— Southeast Michigan may become home to a veritable Chinatown, a planned community of 415 upscale homes for Chinese immigrants, off U.S. 23 south of Ann Arbor.

              The idea behind the proposal is to encourage Chinese investors to open businesses here and take advantage of in-state tuition at the University of Michigan, saving tens of thousands of dollars per student.

              Sino Michigan Properties LLC, a U.S.-based Chinese investment firm, has purchased 220 acres in Milan and London townships — about 20 minutes south of Ann Arbor — for $1.9 million in cash, according to Milan Township officials.

              While details of the project remain under wraps, three investors from the firm have met with Milan city officials to discuss extending public water and sewer lines into the townships. They also have shared a blueprint and pictures of a miniature scale version of the community, complete with Chinese and American flags flying at the entrance along Darling Road.

              "Chinese developers want to build some kind of high-end residential houses," said Milan Mayor Kym Muckler.

              The investors also have met with the Michigan Economic Development Corp., the state's public-private marketing group and incentive agency, to discuss the project. The company is not seeking local or state tax subsidies, the MEDC said.

              The MEDC said the project is being tailored to Chinese families looking to qualify for in-state tuition at U-M.

              But the massive project faces several hurdles. They include complying with federal immigration laws to gain state residency and winning over neighbors, many of whom oppose the project.

              The investors have not met with officials from London or Milan townships, which would have to rezone the land from agricultural to residential.

              "There's been no official approach," said Phil Heath, Milan Township supervisor. "Everything is pure rumors, speculation."

              Arthur Dudley II of the Detroit-based Butzel Long law firm, who represents Sino Michigan Properties, declined to discuss the development.

              The project comes as Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder tries to court Chinese investors to boost Michigan's economy and create jobs. Snyder visited China last year and met with the country's next president, Vice President Xi Jinping, in Iowa on Feb. 15.

              The Chinese have directly invested $637 million in Michigan since 2003, the seventh highest amount in the nation, according to the Rhodium Group LLC, a New York firm that monitors Chinese investments.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 这个不在底特律市,和楼上说的不是一个地方。
              • 开车大约20分钟, 有些人在安娜堡住在底特律downtown or midtown上班
                • 那住在外围不给底特律交地税的能符合他这个移民政策吗?
                  • 住在外围不知道能否符合他这个移民政策。不过底特律市区好像没有可以居住的房子, 在市区上班的人们都在外围居住, 市区有几个公寓还行, 但是租金不便宜。 有一些投资者在改建一些破旧的楼房,在大学附近的几个改建projects还是有人买来出租, 租金也不便宜, 还很抢手
          • 所以,我说这帮左棍是穷疯了,病急乱投医;都这样了,还不从自己身上找找原因。
    • 我选了一个学校好的超乎寻常,税收极高,但是房价超级便宜的富裕郊区。。。
      • 可以问在哪个州么?
        • NY。也很犹豫,虽然公立学校基本和私立学校接近,高中全美国排名100以内,但这个税高得实在有点吓人。。。
          • 是在 Bronx 吗?
          • 又不是人头税,怕什么。大不了不工作,跟他们耗着。
            • 大哥,不只是个人所得税,而是地产税。50万的房子,2万地税,少见吧,,,你能不吃不喝,房产税不缴,房子还要不要了。。。
              • NJ, Chicago地税也很高的。
                • 那2个好像都在2%左右吧,,,和4%的差别还是不小吧。。。
                  • 这link上,NY不算高呵?
                    • 不清楚这个link。我很实际的在realtor上看房子,查地税,4% 上下,,,我的朋友最近在NYC旁边买了房,7,80万的纺机,近30000的税,,,这个表格上的税好像和实际的差别很大。。。
                      • realtor.com比较准。
              • 据说美国proerty tax可以抵税。。。
                • 家庭收入超过一条线(好像是25万)就不可以了。
                • 利息,property tax 都是可以抵税的,,,那时比较安慰的,但是也还是高啊。。。
              • 住车里
          • 谢谢。 曾经想在NY买一个公寓, 后来看到那些税啊这个那个的费用啊,看的头都大了,没有买, 租了两年。
            • 确实NY的税真的是让人头痛。。。
              • 汽车保险费也很高吧, 现在还加上医疗保险也被搞Obamacare
      • new jersey是么
    • 选大城市(纽约,芝加哥,洛杉矶,休斯顿,达拉斯, 旧金山...)

      比如达拉斯上面的Mckinney,圣地亚哥旁边的La Jolla,休斯顿下面的Suger Land。。。


      Charlotte, NC
      Salt Lake City, UT
      Portland, OR
      • 刚想砸你,,,一打开,所见略同,,,谢谢你提供的那几个城市,有几个我没查过,,,不过,同时你还是要查高中排名,,,比如NC的charlotte我也喜欢,但是高中实在不怎么样。。。
        • 在芝加哥,排名靠前的几所公立高中是要考进去的而不是就近入学。
      • 就一般工薪阶层来说,只能是哪里有工作就去哪里,没那么多选择。如果钱不成问题,世界各地可选择的地方多了去了。
        • 还有就是mobility性质的,,没有office的那种。。。
        • 问题是人家已经筛选过了,其他问题已经考虑过了,每个家庭或每个人有自己的Selection criteria, 现阶段的目标是美国, 再收紧圈子选城市了,不是满世界搜索可选择的地方
      • 所谓选城市,自然是大城市周边能辐射到的小城市居住,大城市或附近上班.其实这些小城市一点也不便宜.