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This week marks the 25th anniversary of the massacre at Tiananmen Square. In the week after the crackdown, the Beijing Public Security Bureau released a 'most-wanted list', baring the names and photographs of 21 student leaders. On the list was 23-year-old Chai Ling, one of the most outspoken and recognizable faces of the protest. She went into hiding and eventually escaped from China to Hong Kong. She shares her memories from that time.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Wow,周末没上来,错过这么多音频。也来凑个热闹。随便砸砖,对我这种连普通话都带口音的人,北方人砸我的砖早可用来盖一豪宅了。
    <object width="148" height="44"><param name="movie" value="http://vocaroo.com/player.swf?playMediaID=s1QHfFpmZ6A8&autoplay=0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://vocaroo.com/player.swf?playMediaID=s1QHfFpmZ6A8&autoplay=0" width="148" height="44" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><br><a href="http://vocaroo.com" style="font-size:xx-small;" title="Vocaroo Voice Recorder">Online recording software &gt;&gt;</a>

    This week marks the 25th anniversary of the massacre at Tiananmen Square. In the week after the crackdown, the Beijing Public Security Bureau released a 'most-wanted list', baring the names and photographs of 21 student leaders. On the list was 23-year-old Chai Ling, one of the most outspoken and recognizable faces of the protest. She went into hiding and eventually escaped from China to Hong Kong. She shares her memories from that time.

    • 为什么embedded code不工作呢?
    • Good!声音好听。
    • 绵绵南音,动人心铉.
    • 挺不错的嘛!吹毛求疵:1.第一个list[-s-]吞得厉害,went into吞音稍过;2.baring被读成barring;3.(不是瑕疵,只是建议):Hong Kong的重音调整到Kong上,就会听起来更自然一些。
      • 大家再听听?
    • +1, 我就听过一白人老头,说话的语流与你非常相似。
      • 东欧白人老头。LOL。
        • 也许,但感觉应该至少是在此多年的。
    • Sorry, the requested media could not be found
      • 早3了。