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I think there may be some misunderstanding between you two on this one.

Here is my view.

There is nothing wrong with 'transfer responsibility' and it does not make dandelion's sentence in the original post so grammatically incorrect (I would probably say "transfer responsibilities" if I were to say it). In that sense, you are absolutely right.

However, in the context of his sentence/post, I would think it is not the best choice of words. He probably meant to say "shift responsibilities to you", if not totally "scapegoat you". Well, I could be wrong as it is just my understanding. I hope I am not second-guessing dandelion, or anyone.
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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Dare to speak
    • SF
    • Good writing. It's such a piece of hard cheese to link the image of your cutting the cheese before with the one you've shown here!
    • at the critical point of 【the】 time >>> at the critical point of time
    • when you are at work during a meeting >>> when you are WORKING ON/AT a meeting ; or: >>> when you are at a WORK meeting
    • speaks on your behalf 建议加上一些内容充实一哈,如+: to grab the achievement mainly made by you
    • Unfair 【rules】 have been made >>> 试一试 Unfair treatments have been made 怎么样?
    • Honestly I'm scared of "Dare to Speak", which sounds like asking me to shut up. "Dare" is rarely used in daily conversation, it is used in a negative fashion if you hear someone says it, like how dare...
      it's not supposed to be used to encourage people to speak English, sorry for my harsh comment.
      • "Dare to Speak" >>> 当然,说 BRAVE to speak 语气更缓和,但是楼主后面提到的例子,就是用 dare to speak更好。
    • 句子前可以加联结性的短语,The consequence may be cruel to you. 语气上,可以把 may be 加强一个等级
    • even if you make a sneeze others turn their faces to you >>>最好加上will,如: even if you make a sneeze others 【+ WILL DEFINITELY】 turn their faces to you
    • Do not worry about people misunderstand you. >>> Do not worry about WHETHER people misunderstand you.
    • when we speak our tongue language. >>> when we speak our mother ( tongue ) language.
      • >>> speak our native language
    • keeping silent because of imperfect 【expression】 leads to giving up your rights. >>> keeping silent because of imperfect expressions leads to giving up your rights.
    • 第四段:原文 Certainly you are the best if you can speak fluently with sterling accent. However keeping silent because of imperfect expression leads to giving up your rights.
      • 建议:1. 从语气上,改成 Certainly you would be the best if you could speak fluently with a sterling accent. ... 当然,还要补加一个 a 。
      • 2.疑似逻辑主语的误用?建议: Certainly IT WOULD BE (the) best if you COULD speak fluently with A sterling accent. ...
        • 探长啊,你把人家对的改错了~~~友情提醒一下,楼主的英语比你好至少一个数量级
          • You are always cutting the cheese!
      • more:
        • The collocation of these two words --- sterling accent in your passage is inappropriate.
          • An "accent" in linguistics is a style or manner of pronunciation of a language, mainly associated with the region of its speakers' residential areas and their education backgrounds.
            • So, we use a geographic or a linguistic noun to describe the word "accent".eg.:"He speaks with a European accent.", or That call centre agent speaks English with a strong Mandarin accent.", etc.
          • But the word --- STERLING describes something of very high quality!
          • We had better not say someone speaks with an accent of high quality(like: with a sterling accent).
            • sterling 就是 genuine 的意思,有点调侃的味道,一点错都没有~~~探长废了这么多时间,参考了好几本字典,可惜挑了一个不是错的错~~~再次提醒一句,楼主的英语比你的至少要好一个数量级,你的老师刺哥都比不上他
              • You are again cutting the cheese.
                • 探长啊,听俺一句劝,你的英语跟被你评论的几个网友相比,还差点很远很远,再过几年你也许就明白了~~~学英语非得下苦功多读多听不可,这一条是真理,对任何人都是如此
                  • I hear you. " I think "misleading" is more fit here"...(#8867775@0
                    • 刺哥啊,开玩笑要讲场合~~~明知网友英语不好还捧他拍他是很不道德的事情
                      • OK I hear you, loud and clear. -redneck(Cracker); 7.8 16:44 (#8864673@0)
                      • Is it proper English? Or is it even a correct sentence? Music to your ears I guess.
              • 参考了好几本字典? How did you know that?
                • BG has every one of them I suppose...
                  • It seems that Bing ge is always binging on his pipe dreaming of being his greatest inventor on how to improve his miserable English. Poor Boy!
              • sterling指来自英国的的东西,我想应该也包括她的语言,又有正宗的、原产地的意思,所以就这么用了,我也并不是想说british accent,所以带一点调侃英国人的意思。赞兵哥的理解力。
    • Your writing, I must add, is a quietly assured masterpiece!!! Yeah!!!
      • You've got the point, hahaha...
        • any feedback?
          • 探长啊,你这一浪接一浪的,简直像恶搞嘛
            • 那几个贴就没意见不讨论不回了?
              • I welcome any comments. I somewhat agree with you on this one: point of time, but others are negotiable. By the way, could you gather all your comments into one? And I can't wait to read your article.
      • 这叫做 a quietly assured masterpiece!!! Yeah!!! ?那么,你说说看,如果这是雅思作文,可以打多少分呢?
        • 探长你上一篇吧~~~俺给你打高分
          • If you write an impromptu sentence in English without an error I shall give you an A.
          • You ? That is a Lombard street to a China orange! Save your breath to cool your own porridge!
            • 探长的英文每一句都像是字典里出来的~~~劝你一句,字典里的句子大部分人听不懂
              • 哦,埋告矢!你真的去查字典了?
                • 探长啊,看你吭哧吭哧地就是找不到错,俺给你点拨一下
                  那个 transfer responsibility 错了。

                  • 神马? transfer responsibility to someone else, 这是很中规中矩的表达!。wincity,你没有金刚钻就不要揽瓷器活了。
                    • 探长啊,其实 google 还是有用的,以后俺教你英语你如果不相信俺,一 google 你就相信了~~~
                      • 难怪呢,兵哥的语感就是这样炼成的。
                        • 你也可以 google,你那些夹生的英语其实一 google 就现出原形了
                          • Absolutely! Google it for me "I go totally by how I feeling (#8854684@0)" (#8867775@0)
                      • 你浪锅砂子嘛!无法自洽你就自否啦?!——原来你是用google的啊!你的语感dashi原来是鱼竿大师啊(版主,“鱼竿”是他自用了多次的)!
                      • google? 列位看官,请看wincity(红卫兵)如何从台阶上___下来——:transfer responsibility
                        • I think there may be some misunderstanding between you two on this one.
                          Here is my view.

                          There is nothing wrong with 'transfer responsibility' and it does not make dandelion's sentence in the original post so grammatically incorrect (I would probably say "transfer responsibilities" if I were to say it). In that sense, you are absolutely right.

                          However, in the context of his sentence/post, I would think it is not the best choice of words. He probably meant to say "shift responsibilities to you", if not totally "scapegoat you". Well, I could be wrong as it is just my understanding. I hope I am not second-guessing dandelion, or anyone.
                          • Thanks!
                          • Very good point. Thank you my sis! Firstly I thought about "push responsibilities", but I changed my mind... "shift responsibilities“ might be more fit here :)
                            • " might be more fit" ?
                              • more suitable let's say, how is that?
                                • Better
                          • 马甲姐的语感就是好~~~俺一直以为探长还有救,看来俺是 wishful thinking 啊~~~你把错误指出来,他也看不见,还骂你:)
                            • I'd prefer to keep it to a discussion of "words", if I may.
                            • Just keep on cutting the cheese!
                          • Well comprehension. It's about which word to pick. There were "push, transfer and shift". The first came to my mind was "push", then
                            I changed it to "transfer". The good thing is, like I said, even if you disorderly utter those words followed by explanations people do understand, and don't mind errors/misuse of words etc... when you get into this type of communication you refresh your memory and get feedback from others. It really helps. What are we afraid of?

                            That's what I have been advocating and encouraging all Rolians to try.
                            • See, I was not sure what you wanted to say.
                              And I am not exactly sure now. I just feel shift responsibilities is somewhat different from shift responsibility. In your case, maybe "shift responsibility" fits better. But it's your call.
                              • Thanks. I meant "shift responsibility". :)
                            • Good for the most part.
                              Check out if "well comprehension" is appropriate here.
                              • "Well" is equal to "good" here, though in many cases "well" is an adverb.
                                • I see. BG, would you Google if for me please?
                  • 吭哧?你可真会搞笑! 俺轻松松的一梭子过去之后,一溜的bug就现出来了。
                  • 到现在为止,你所说的俺的什么“错误”事实上都是你自己的无知。wincity,不要再自欺欺人啦!
                    • 探长啊,你这辈子怕是不会有语感了~~~
                      • 语感 dashi 啊! 俺一把就出来十个。你呢?你倒是拿出你挨踢大拿的水平来呀!你debugging呀debugging,最后,你却把中规中矩的transfer responsibility to someone else给错误地拉出来,宣布找到bug!
                      • 黄昏时一个ID拿一警棍进入“Dare to speak”的森林,没五分钟,听到森林里传来一阵动物的惨叫,这个ID一人抽着一根烟有说有笑的出来,后面拖着一只鼻青脸肿的transfer responsibility,奄奄一息的说到:“不要再打了,我就是兔子…我就是兔子…”
                  • Nice catch. I meant to say "push/shift responsibilities", but I just wanted to change a bit...
    • 如这是雅思作文,可以得多少分呢?(不考虑字数的因素)
      • A Few Good Men

        Col. Jessep: You want answers?
        Kaffee: I think I'm entitled to.
        Col. Jessep: *You want answers?*
        Kaffee: *I want the truth!*
        Col. Jessep: *You can't handle the truth!*
    • +1
    • 谢一下版主先,够意思啊,又给加浆了。保证以后不恶搞了:D
      • You bribed him?
        You did.
        • eeeeh no, actually you know what, I just
          魔咒ed it :D
    • 凡吐愣,股凸懦。。。
      • 骨秃脑
    • Posts upstairs were about writing or use of words. So far I haven't seen any comments on what was said. Do you guys agree with it or have you had any experience? Welcome sharing. Thanks.
      • It is a phase.
        A phase we merely entered, are stuck in or have passed through.

        We enter the phase to pass through it, not stay in it.

        We strive. We strive for better.
        • I know you must have passed through it. Good for you. :)
    • It is not English proficiency that motivates one to speak but personal character determines and opens one's mouth.