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See the link. If a US citizen acquired foreign citizenship naturally, such as by birth in a foreign country to US citizen parents, you can have dual citizenship. If you accquired foreign citizenship by applying for it, you may loose your US citizenship.

You have to apply for Canadian citizenship for your child after he or she has obtained US citizenship natually by birth. My colleague has a sister who was born in the US, but she owns Canadian citizenship as well from parents. He said US authority didn't want to give her US passport initially and it took a great deal to finally get it. It's OK if you don't apply for Canadian citizenship for your child, but I know Canada school boards don't accept foreign students. You can apply for permanent resident for your child instead of citizenship.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请问谁有在美国生孩子的经验吗?
    我和老公是加拿大公民. 我现在怀孕4个月, 老公强烈游说我到美国生孩子.说将来給孩子多一个选择,避免孩子将来申请美国绿卡的麻烦. 他还是认为美国比加拿大好的,无论教育,工作机会, 生活等等....
    我在加拿大住惯了, 也觉得加拿大挺好的..再说了,我到时候挺着个肚子, 又要舟车劳顿的跑那么远去生孩子, 而且一呆也要几个月吧, 人生地不熟的, 想想就难过. 为这个事我们一直争持不下. 所以我想问问各位对去美国生孩子这个事都有什么看法, 值不值得?
    • 靠自己的能力申请工作申请GC,在美国的外国人大部分都是这样走过的(包括合法的,也包据非法的移民)
    • 我同事从留学开始,到拿到绿卡,一共有 12 年左右吧。再有 5 年拿到公民,一共是 17 年。如果有条件,你直接生一个,还是好的选择。去纽约生,连没身份的都可以,费用估计也不多。
      • 是啊,我也觉得是等以后孩子长大了,他有需要,也喜欢去美国的話,就靠自己的能力去申请. 可老公不这么认为, 正像2楼说的, 等待就是个漫长的过程, 在这个过程中, 不知道还会发生什么情况.还不如现在一步到位, 拿到公民,以后学习,工作也会便利很多等等等,反正他就一直給我洗脑...
        • 没啥用。如果不是在美国高中毕业,申请美国大学还是按外国学生待遇。上大学必须是本州居民学费才低,外州和外国都差不多贵。可能就是有身份找工作容易些。有这个美国身份到了18岁就得开始向美国保税,美国可是全球征税阿,要是不去美国,在加拿大也得向美国报一辈子税。
        • I am worrying about the opposite. Kids born outside Canada to Canadians who were also born outside Canada will not get Canadian citizenship by the new citizenship law.
          Also Canada recognizes dual citizenship, US doesn't. So if you have Canadian citizenship and later get US citizenship, you can have both. But if you have US citizenship and later get Canadian citizenship, you have chosen to desert US citizenship. US is not strictly enforcing the law yet. But that's the principle. Canada has more potentials in future. US is declining and has lots of social issues.
      • 如果实在要去, 我想就去水牛城吧, 至少不用跑太远. ..老公预算5万美元, 不知那边生孩子费用如何
        • 有5万的预算,别去水牛城啦,一进医院看到的全是老黑,估计你心情好不到哪里去。去西雅图,那边不错,离温哥华也近。而且我觉得5万块足够完成这个任务,一般都是单独一个人一个房间,生产和产后都在一个房间里面完成。很多美国城市,产后需要搬房间的。
      • This case was for a china born national. We have to wait years for the immigration visa. But for Canadians born in Canada, immigration visa is immediate. It takes a few months to get the green card.
        • ?那望子成龙坛的父母天天都说什么到美国上大学费劲,学费闹心?随便拿个绿卡就结了嘛。我不知道没有亲戚,怎么做 IMMIGRATION。如果是 EMPLOYMENT BASED,EB3 现在排期是 JULY 2007。EB1,EB2,EB4 和 EB5 没有排期。
          • EB2: One with advanced degree or a bachelor's degree and professional designation (e.g. P.Eng.) or 5 years exp. So most Canadians born in Canada will be able to get green card without waiting. EB3 is for skilled workers, mostly diploma holders.
          • 看来从我在中国出生的那一刻,就注定了我一生的漂泊和排队
          • Please refer to official uscis website for EB2. Note the description for Advanced Degree for its equivalent: A Bachelor's degree plus 5 years experience.
    • 真是瞎折腾。没一点好处。
    • 如果你们没在美国工作,美国生个孩子的所有账单估计会在3万左右(完全顺顺利利,不C-section),这笔费用即便你可以谈价格(就算你谈到50%,也是1万5),自己负担吗?
    • 世间本无事。庸人自扰之
      • 我也是最近才体会出来要随波逐流。老林 2 年前说过,当时没有 RING THE BELL。
        • 神烦.
          看了"江枫渔火"说的,我兴冲冲地跑去跟老公说, 政策变了, 美国也不是你想的那么好. 还是保留加拿大籍更重要, 加拿大更安逸和安全. 结果又招来一顿洗脑. 反正在这个事情上, 他就是软硬兼施,好像没有让步的余地. 我很郁闷, 我内心是不想去美国生的, 可是我要执意不去了, 那肯定要吵架, 他也会很失望, 那样我也会很难过.

          BTW,"江枫渔火"同学, 你说的new law,是什么时候实施的啊, 真的孩子在美国出生, 就不能有加拿大国籍吗? 有什么文件可以支持一下吗? 我好让他死心.
          • 只有父母是加籍,孩子生在哪里都是加籍,没人可以剥夺。出生地给不给孩子其它国籍那是出生地所在国的事。你老公的话才是正确的,他不会把你们娘俩往火坑里推。
      • "江枫漁火" 看到我看到我. 还有加拿大出生的人去美国工作拿绿卡真那么容易吗? 有没有什么文件说明? 谢谢啦
        • I have a colleague from Canada who was born in Canada. He received his green card in a few months. 3 months for labor cert, 3 months for green card. You can check processing time on USCIS website for labor cert, I-140, and I-485.
          I-140 and I-485 can be filed concurrently for Canadian born Canadians.
        • I just went thru the process. My immigration visa is immediate so I immediately went to green card stage after immigration visa petition was approved in just a few months.
          • 谢谢谢谢...还有你说的new law,是什么时候实施的啊, 真的孩子在美国出生, 就不能有加拿大国籍吗? 有什么文件可以支持一下吗? 我好让他死心.
            • See one repot, you can search internet for more reports. It's not your kids who will not become Canadians. It's your grand children if they were also born outside Canada.
              • 明白.谢谢! "But if you have US citizenship and later get Canadian citizenship, you have chosen to desert US citizenship."-------请问这个在哪可以看到啊? 我在USCIS上没找到相关的说明.我现在需要的是证据啊,好去说服他, 谢谢了.
                • See the link. If a US citizen acquired foreign citizenship naturally, such as by birth in a foreign country to US citizen parents, you can have dual citizenship. If you accquired foreign citizenship by applying for it, you may loose your US citizenship.
                  You have to apply for Canadian citizenship for your child after he or she has obtained US citizenship natually by birth. My colleague has a sister who was born in the US, but she owns Canadian citizenship as well from parents. He said US authority didn't want to give her US passport initially and it took a great deal to finally get it. It's OK if you don't apply for Canadian citizenship for your child, but I know Canada school boards don't accept foreign students. You can apply for permanent resident for your child instead of citizenship.
                • 太感谢你了."江枫漁火"同学
            • Everything said, I didn't mean to discount the benefit of getting US citizenship by birth. It's a personal choice.
    • 一胞胎,就值;双胞胎,倍值;三胞胎,特值;。。。