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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Thanks to Skatingcat's travel notes on her Europe tour. Don't let us wait for too long JYG. Thanks in advance.
    • What does JYG mean?
      • 刺哥的偶像
        • 刺哥也老大不小了,净搞些吞吞吐吐的勾当:((
        • Oh dear, who is it?
          • 我哥们儿啊,不认识了?
            • 你是我的偶像, 但酱油哥好像还没通过初选。
              • 呼啦啦和酱油哥有啥关系?
                • They both made their tours in Europe but JGY's was his maiden tour.
                  • Really?! Nice to know. Thx.
              • 谁是酱油哥?不认识。
                • 图羊
                • 红卫兵说除了他之外JYG是肉联英语前三甲。 -
                  • 再加你:))
                    • Oh NO NO NO. There is no comparison.
                      • 依着地中海炽烈的海风轻轻地说一声wow...
                        • 女神体:))
      • 才看到,同问。
        • 就是红卫兵的偶像酱油哥。
          • 就是红卫兵说他心态不好不下1000次哪个?
            • 噎丝!
            • come on, not as much as you hit north korea
              • LOL。nice one:))。言外之意,我经常hit 北韩,红卫兵经常hit 酱油哥。目标不同哈,啥原因呢?
                • some people speak their mind, some people speak for money
                  • 不能认同你太多:))握手。看来咱俩都认同对方的结论,难得:))
                    • 握手! 打倒兵哥。
                      • 我俩好不容意见一致,你想干啥?你兵哥打到我还差不多。说俺拿钱发帖的几强之一啊。:))
                        • 俺早倒过N次了:))再加上科学工作者的忒破竹篮,惨就一个字啊。
                          • Oh come on. I am always right beside you.
                    • thanks. i want to speak for money, too. please tell me where to sign up.