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Thanks, Point noted. It would make much more sense if you had said it in the first place.

I wanted to say this is a lame argument and it is pathetic to think accent is the only identify, but just cut it short to lame and pathetic. This is an open forum for casual talking. And it was never directed at you or anyone.

Nevertheless, after reading your comment, I actually googled it. Surprisingly I found they are quite often used together, which I didn't know. Not that it justifies what I said, it just explains if it sounded immature, it was more because I had not "学到了人家的英语". That's the aspect I will learn.

"学到了人家的英语,没学到人家的胸怀" could not sound more judgmental. I wonder what kind of "胸怀" that demonstrated.

Btw, I have a much better sense of language to Chinese than to English. The "难到你就不活了?" reply to what uno said sounds immature to me. Just my opinion.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 我们的口音是我们的第一代大陆移民的重要的identity, 想要和native speaker说的一样其实是我们内心的自卑。只要别人能听懂,我们应该很为自己的口音而自豪!
    • 为口音有啥自豪的,应该为别人能听懂我们而自豪!
      • 口音代表了我们是谁,我们从哪里来。如果内心以作为中国人而骄傲 (像天地会里多数ID 口头宣称的那样), 当然会为自己的中国口音而自豪了。
        • 看小说,那些贵族或者来自某些高大上的地区的,就以自己的口音自豪,然后仆人也跟着学,最后总是不把口音当回事的英雄好汉们胜利了,我们不能象贵族老爷们学习,要学习英雄好汉们。
    • X100 喜欢老中口音,讨厌拿腔作调儿洋泾浜口音.
      • you're very 拿腔作调儿洋泾浜 yourself
        • 嗯哪,我讨厌我。你呢?
      • 减少口音和拿腔拿调不是一回事,拿腔拿调说明还是发音不对。
    • 听了CBC今晨的"The Current"秀而感吧?把录音找来了,大家都听听。Be proud!另Andrew Chang的声音真棒!
      • Yup!
    • 谁的口音不是谁的identity。只要别人能听懂,DELIVER THE MESSAGE,就做下一件事去吧。
      • 口语表达能传达出太多的信息,远比字义上的东西多,语音,语调,语速,口音,等等。唯有口音能标识出一个"群体"的identity....
        • 我说是眼睛。听我的。
      • +1
    • 所以说要dare to speak
      • Speak out / up...
        • 酱哥一回来,外滩立马热闹了起来
          • Really? Did you see any posts from JYG here? 嗯哪,情人眼里出西施吗。 (#8894090@0)
            • He doesn't need to. You guys showed off and wanted him to see...
              • how so and why though? Being a fan of JYG is not a crime but being an igrnoent fan and baized is not really appreciated by most of us.
                • Misjudge.
                  • N or V?
    • 自豪自卑都不必吧。不就是语言学习吗?提不到那么高的高度。个人选择个人兴趣个人能力。就象学普通话,大家也是能能学多好就学多好。老外学中文也尽量学好学象。跟自豪自卑有关系吗?
      • 从另一个方面看,我们其实没必要在祛除我们的口音上费太大的功夫。
        • 这个判断就主观。有人觉得1天10分钟是浪费时间。有人觉得1星期1小时是下功夫。有人觉得1天1小时乐在其中,饶有兴趣。个人选择。我们就象大多数人一样就是听广播看电视聊天的时候,顺带留意一下, 额外下功夫的相信不多。象美帝那样的真是绝无仅有。
          • 是这么回事儿。谁会花那么长时间啊?平时听听广播看看电视留意一下就可以了嘛
    • Jerry-Built的生意就会更不好啦。
    • 那您为啥不直接和老外说中文?
      • 呵呵。。
      • 在能听懂的基础上.....
    • 学什么就学标准的,没学好也ok,能用就行,但没什么可自豪的。当然也不要自卑。
      • 没啥可自豪的。可是我也不想专门努力去改变
    • Quotes from the show:"There is active discrimination based on accent, they call this accentism, and they acutally compare to racism or sexism."
      • After all, why do you want to lose your identity? The only people who really need to lose their identity are there to be absolutely identical with native speaker are spies. The rest of us want retain the sense of who we are.
        • Logically flawed. Sounds as if one's sense of identify came only from his/her accent! Lame and pathetic!
          • 你跟Quotes from the show较劲,有劲吗?
            • Just a comment on the it. Nothing more... I knew it is not by you.
              • 学到了人家的英语,没学到人家的胸怀。
                • 注意沟通技巧啊
                  • Seriously. I see he is not happy with what I said but I don't see why. I appreciate if he'd tell even if I may or may not agree.
                • I thought you posted the quotes here for people to discuss. I am sorry if I misunderstood you or if any of my comments offended you. But I only commented on the view. I do not judge people.
                  • "Lame and pathetic!". That sounds so inmature, like a teenager in his/her wildest days.
                    • Thanks, Point noted. It would make much more sense if you had said it in the first place.
                      I wanted to say this is a lame argument and it is pathetic to think accent is the only identify, but just cut it short to lame and pathetic. This is an open forum for casual talking. And it was never directed at you or anyone.

                      Nevertheless, after reading your comment, I actually googled it. Surprisingly I found they are quite often used together, which I didn't know. Not that it justifies what I said, it just explains if it sounded immature, it was more because I had not "学到了人家的英语". That's the aspect I will learn.

                      "学到了人家的英语,没学到人家的胸怀" could not sound more judgmental. I wonder what kind of "胸怀" that demonstrated.

                      Btw, I have a much better sense of language to Chinese than to English. The "难到你就不活了?" reply to what uno said sounds immature to me. Just my opinion.
                      • 吾顶
                        • 惟恐天下不乱?
                          • Why do some people think I am a 小P孩儿? So sad, so lost...
                            • hehe, are you not? You sound very young
                              • Hahaha, all of you got owned.
                                • I am going to have a party. Byebye!
                                  some fun chat today!
                                  • Indeed. Enjoy the party.
                      • 如果我这么说:"难到你就不活了?笨蛋!",那我就把我自己摆到了与你一样的位置。别人对我这样的回帖有不满我就只有认栽了。
                        • 我已经讲了 1. 这是我对那个观点评论。我知道那不是你的话。2. 这话听着harsh。我们只是在随意讨论,说话不严谨语气冲都是有的。对于你感到offended,表示道歉。



                          • 从来没感到过被offended,毕竟不是我的观点,只是转述,同时想试试自己的comprehension是否准确。此讨论就到此为止吧。息鼓。
                            • 我真是闲大发了。算了。删贴,走人,大家周末愉快!
                              • Politically right. +3
                    • Immature.
                      • Silly me!
                        • really?
                          You are not silly. You are quite fun sometimes, knowledgeable and pleasant to deal with in general. Just occasionally jump too fast to judge.
                          • same feeling
      • So is that tricky balance between making sure you’re intelligible without losing your identity which people need to strive for, as we are seeing now in the globe stage.
    • 华人说不准英文确实没什么大不了的,不必自卑。但你自豪个什么劲儿啊?以口音自卑或自豪都是走极端。
      • Agreed.
        • Well Mike makes much more money than the Master of English here. Way to Go.
          • How did you know and why does it matter so much to you?
            • It's none of your biz. Isn't' it?
      • 那您来打假是什么精神呢?
        • For justice.
          • What's justice? Or do you even know?
            • For righteousness.
              • The last thing needed here is a judge like you...
                • The first thing needed here is fun.
          • 既不自卑也不自豪,那别人爱做什么就做什么,不违法,警察就不管是吧。肉联怎么还冒出个警察?谁是 JUSTICE 啊?怎么知道 TA 是 JUSTICE 啊?
            • How deep is this pit?
              • 你跳进去帮看看。
                • You are in.
                  • 还没有。等你探头的时候,准备踹你进去。
                    • I will get your foot and drag you in...
                      • 那你的多思量了。我 160 多磅,压S你可付不起责任。
                        • 我会闪
                          • slip down...
                        • I don't believe you... hehe..
      • Exactly
    • 啊X也为自己的口音自豪。可是你会喜欢这口音?换位思考一下
      • 你不喜欢,你又能把人家怎么样?人家照样吃香的喝辣的不是?
        • 如果大部分国人都讨厌啊x口音。。。 如果大部分本土加拿大人都讨厌中国口音。。。
          • 难到你就不活了?
            • 难道就不能学把英语说好,有这么难?
              • 嗯,还行,上过音频的。据说带东欧口音(笑S)。也能模仿带Cantonese或大陆口音的英语。但"褒东瓜"就带严重的地荒口音,所以要背井离乡来到此地。。。
                • Really ? Can't recall.
                  • 我记得我听了。很好的。
                    • I m sure I've listened every audio clip on this site but only good ones may be remembered.
                      • He deleted not long after. Maybe you just missed it.
                        • Quick reply! I was going to add a missed word. Anyways , enjoy the weekend!
                • 说"褒冬瓜"被北方人嘲笑过,说英语从来没有,虽然很多时候也很破烂。
    • 就别给自己贴金了,自豪?是破罐破摔吧。小时候有搬家经验的都知道,从一个地搬到另一个地,一定要学会说当地的语言,否则连孩子都取笑。当然改不了口音也没什么,日子照过,只是别把一件无可奈何的事当作自豪来炫耀。
    • 口音的背后是人的性格、习惯、举止、甚至民族性,使人形成stereotype. 比如阿叉音背后是脏乱、贫穷、人多、味儿大,老中音背后则是自私、钻空子、精明、逃税等。凡是不好的都联系上了。其实,口音次要,作人最重要,如果老中整体给人的印象是
      • Accentism...An excellent example of stereotype.
        • Unfortunately it is inevitable.
          • Absolutely but not the conclusion you drew...
            • Then what do you think it should be?
              • It's nothing wrong speaking with accent but it's totally wrong to draw conclusion based on your own illogical assumption.
                • What conclusion would you draw? Answer my question.
                  • Accent is nothing to do with you called "◦口音的背后是人的性格、习惯、举止"... Period.
                    • If your statement is true, then "accent", this word, should have never existed at all.
                      • Wrong conclusion, yet again.
                        • People associate accent with where others were originated further others' habit, manner and character etc... Admit it or not, it is a fact that does exist.
                          • You won't ever get things straight. I give up on you. Sorry.
                            • 脖梗红
      • 一方水土养一方人
      • 在我们不喜欢被别人stereotype的时候,我们就先不该stereotype别人。
        • X100000
        • Granted but more or less stereotype is part of everybody's conscious. People associate accent with where others were originated further others' habit, manner and character etc... Admit it or not, it is a fact that does exist.
        • 把accent说成是identity,本身就是accentism+stereotype。老猫的说法自相矛盾。
    • 我没为口音自卑过。
      • me either
        • 我也没自豪过。
          • Because you are sane.
    • 我有口音,我自豪!
    • 自卑和自豪只是一线之隔。。很容易自豪的也很容易转成自卑。。还是无所谓比较好
    • 中国南方人,其实说普通话,大部分都有口音。现在很多影视节目都喜欢掺一些地方口音或者直接就是方言,生动活泼,不像以前的电影,除了几个领导人可以有口音,其他的不管啥地方人一律都是普通话。。。