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Just for fun too. My reply.

1. An ordinary Chinese guy with a degree in China should be part of Mainstream of China. But remember that mainstream is not pure.

2. License and certificate cannot be compared. Don't mess up different concepts.

3. A job is a job. Yes, a waiter who is a US citizen is equal to the President Bush. (or "at the same social level" as you said). If you have any question about this equality, just asking president Bush (sending an email to White House), I am pretty sure the Mr. Bush will tell you that he, as President of United States, is equal to a waiter.

4. No comments. Do it.

5. No. You have a credit limit on you Master card.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 激动啊激动,安省的CGA和CA们进入了最后的殊死搏斗关头!:P 今天早上收到了协会的email,号召会员和学生们行动起来,大战千方百计阻挠CGA会员获得平等执业资格法律通过的CA协会。我现在就给议员们写信去。B-)
    • 看来你要大干一场了。
      • 呵呵,出一份力嘛。你没看到CA安省协会多夸张呢,在Toronto Star登大半版的声明呢,知道内情的人才明白他云山雾罩地就是反对CGA跟他们获得同样的执业权利。这次立法提案已经运作4年了,到了第三读的关键时刻啦。:D
        • 坚持到底就是胜利。
    • are you CGA or CA?
      • CGA.
        • what is CGA
          • Certified General Accountant
            • thanks
            • Then what is CA?
              • Chartered Accountant.
    • hehe......
    • 顺便抄送tyson一份吧,呵呵,跟他先斗一斗。
      • 小泰嘛,我迟早要把他拉到CGA来。B-)
        • 拉我一把,我正是狗咬刺渭,无从下口。
          • 呵呵,欢迎加入CGA。:D 你注册了12月份的课吗?有什么不明白的把你的电话号码email给我,我打给你。:P
            • 你几级了?
            • xiexie
        • CA, CGA这么不兼容么?我还以为可以考出一个接着攻下一个呢。虽然知道很难。
          • 当然可以啊。双方都有一些课程/考试豁免,不过,好像没多大必要吧?有这个功夫,不如去考一个AICPA了。:P
    • 支持CA!!!!
      • 你是或者你LD是CA member?
        • 曾经梦想当CA...
          • 你对CA到是蛮情深意厚的嘛,干吗不参加CGA?
            • 现在在向CIA努力中。
              • ca的年薪即使做很多年也超不过5,6万块,是这样吗?
                • 不可能。
                  • 多了还是少了?
                    • 在滑铁卢,Accountancy Studies的coop平均年薪就已经达到5万。
                      • 那是我搞错了,没分清CA和CGA.我想她说的是CGA
                • 这都听谁说的呀?:P
                  • LD说的还有错?
                    • 既然这样,听你LD的没错。:))
                • 不可能.
    • CA万岁!CA必胜!B-)
      • 哼哼!小同学,知道什么叫大势所趋吗?B-)
        • :))和你开个小玩笑的.我打算去考CPA.:P
          • That's the smartest idea. At least CPA can get recognition from all around the world. CGA, CA, ...hehe... Even the Americans don't know what they are.... @_@
    • 请问该法律涉及那方面的“平等执业资格”?
      • Public Accounting
        • 完了,CA要和CGA一样不值钱了。以后大家都学CGA。Labor $6.85, IT $7.0, CA/CGA $7.2
          • 呵呵,我不能断定你的担心是完全没有必要的,不过我可以肯定地告诉你,如果抱着弄个CGA捡便宜的想法去学CGA,你会感觉很上当——CGA的头衔根本没有你想象的那么唾手可得。:P
    • 激动啊激动, 抄家伙,上! 地点: cn tower 下面,时间,本周日下午2:00。 器械:板砖、高尔夫球棍、棒球棒,务必戴上头盔。
    • CGA is too far away from CA. The quality is so different. CA's income is just next to Lawyer and doctor in professional area.
      • "CA is too far away from CGA?" that may be not the whole story.There is a interesting news talking about it on Toronto Star. It seems that CA is fraid of competation or lost job. see following weblink to read the article.
        • This is your interpretation to this article. See the last paragraph is the conclusion of the writer’s view.
          Many in the industry are concerned about the timing of the legislation, said Alex MacBeath, executive partner and chief executive of accounting firm Grant Thornton. "It's puzzling what the rush to legislation is, particularly at a time where confidence is so important, where the public's expectations and the capital markets' expectations are that standards should be raised."
          • Oh, come on. Those " many " are CAs, The guy, named Alex MacBeath, is a CA and his words are still one-side story. Read the whole story, don't just pick up your favourate. Thanks.
            • I am neither CGA nor CA. My opinion is objective.
              Since you are providing management consulting service. Will you recommend your client to get financial report signed by CGA instead of CA? Providing your client want to survive on stock market?
              • Objective? Give me a good reason
                1. Do you know why Ontario government wants to pass Bill 213? Don’t tell me the government is stupid or the government wants to low standard.

                2. Only in Ontario, a CA is required to sign an auditing report. Now by passed Bill 213, either CA or a CGA can sigh an auditing report. The main reason that CAs are against Bill 213 is that Bill 213 makes CAs lose market share and jobs. Monopoly is not good for business and consumers (clients). I support competition.
    • There are many C*As in Canada. $_$
    • # 884119 , 你是CGA会员还是学生? 恕婆婆我直言: 现在的CGA太烂了.
      • 是俺老婆在读;请说说你对这个职业的看法。你说烂是指的学的人太多吗?还是别的?;那我老婆那就是老婆婆了 :-)
      • CGA is not too bad. It's much better than so many IT certifications. CGA can guarantee a stable work. But CA means mainstream.
        • got it
        • "CA means mainstream"? How an occupation certificate can make someone to be "mainstream". As an immigrant, having a high-pay job doest not mean you are in “mainstream”.
          • How do you think the mainstream looks like? The color of the skin?
            • A good point from dropoutinmiami (东北的饺子) to answer your question. (No. 4, post #358959 by dropoutinmiami (东北的饺子))
              4. 融不进主流社会
              是融不进还是由于各种原因不想融入. 我所理解的融入主流社会, 并不是你有多少个非中国人的朋友, 是否是律师或者政客. 在我看来, 如果你了解这个国家的历史, 制度, 你尊重自己和其他种族, 你知晓这个国家的法律, 明白自己的权利和义务, 知道如何通过正当途径保护和争取自己的权利同时也尊重他人的权利...一句话, FEEL COMFORTABLE, FEEL AT HOME, PHYSICALLY AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY, 那么我认为你就已经融入了主流社会. (copied from post #358959 by dropoutinmiami (东北的饺子) )

              What do you think ? My friend.
              • Your point does have sense. But to enter mainstream never mean easily or "comfortably" as you described.
                Think about our Canadian governor; think about CNN talk show host Connie Chung. Even at home in mainland China, can you enter the mainstream "comfortably"?
                As a CA, in the work you will deal with people at level of CEO, CFO, investor and sponsors. As the professional, that's most white people even dream of.
                My friend, since you decided come here in North America, you should at least try to adapt. It's always easy to list the difficulty and give yourself the excuse not to try. Please don't create a glass ceiling before you really touch one.
                • CA has a very high social standing... CGA doesn't really have a high social standing...
                • I disagree, and I have some comments on your post.
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. The mainstream is not “upper stream (class) and not low stream (class). Majority of ordinary Canadians make up Canadian mainstream. If you are an “ORDINARY” Canadian, your are in mainstream. But being an ordinary Canadian is not easy for an immigrant. Reason is you do not have that “common” (or Main street) Canadian sense which is nothing to with you money or job. This common sense is originated from your family, culture, education, friends, feeling of life etc. I work for a management consulting firm with six-figure pay, luxury car and house in exclusive community of Toronto, and I always feel my son’s clarinet tutor, a Toronto native graduated from U of T without a full time job, is more mainstream than me. Why? he has that “common sense”. While you can try your best, but just like a Master card ad said “ There are something money can not buy”.

                  2. In this country every profession has its own designations. CGA or CA is a designation in accounting profession, just like MCSE, CNE or CCIE in IT field, which is nothing to do with whatever streams or “social standing”. (If CA is in mainstream. How abut CCIE, CFA, PE, LLB, out of stream?, no stream?)

                  3. People you deal with in your work place are decided by your position not your designation. At certain level of your job, you have to deal with certain people, like it or not.

                  4.Glass ceiling. I wonder you have ever worked in any large company in N.A. Believe me it does exist, but you have to reach certain level to feel it.

                  5.Comfortable in this country, Nooooooobody!
                  Thanks for reply.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • The comments.
                    1. Maybe you are right. Then in China if we say sb is in mainstream society, meaning he/she is one of the 800M peasants?
                    Anyway, upper class should be the right word.
                    2. Do you mean doctor license is nothing but like a MCSE?
                    3. You mentioned “level”, that’s the point. Long time ago in China when we were in school, we were told, “Each profession is at equal level to serve people”. Now, do you still think so?
                    4. I agree. However, did you give up hard working when you know there is a glass ceiling in your company?
                    5. I like this Badboy ad.
                    • Reply for your comments
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Thanks for the comments.

                      1. If your understanding of “MAINstream” correctly, there is no question about that majority of ordinary Chinese people (including working classes in the cities and farmers of countryside) make up mainstream of China, otherwise what the “mainstream” stand for.

                      2. Doctor license and MCSE are two totally different things. Doctor is an occupation and the doctor license is work permission. MSCE is a professional designation or a certificate of special skills in IT field. For example, to drive a car legally in Canada, you need a driver’s license. But to do some cook talking on Rolia, you do not need a license. However if you have a Certificate of Master Chef issued by Webmaster of Food Land of Rolia, more Rolia people will listen to your talk and you will have better chance to get a chef position in restaurants. That is the difference.

                      3. Level is your position level in you company. (Like AVP, VP, SVP, EVP etc.), not a occupation level. A job is a job. I believe that all occupations are equal (may not be in term of money, or employment opportunities) as long as you like it.
                      4. Glass ceiling. Depends on the situation, it is better to develop a strategy to work around it.

                      5. I do not like Badboy store.

                      Thanks.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • I don't want to be so mean. Just for fun.
                        1. Ok, no question a guy with university degree in China is out of mainstream society?
                        2. You u agree the difference between the license and a certification.
                        3. A job is a job. A waiter is at the same social level as presedent Bush?
                        4. Sure, work around it.
                        5. Is MasterCard priceless?
                        • Just for fun too. My reply.
                          1. An ordinary Chinese guy with a degree in China should be part of Mainstream of China. But remember that mainstream is not pure.

                          2. License and certificate cannot be compared. Don't mess up different concepts.

                          3. A job is a job. Yes, a waiter who is a US citizen is equal to the President Bush. (or "at the same social level" as you said). If you have any question about this equality, just asking president Bush (sending an email to White House), I am pretty sure the Mr. Bush will tell you that he, as President of United States, is equal to a waiter.

                          4. No comments. Do it.

                          5. No. You have a credit limit on you Master card.
                          • Ok, Thanks for the reply. I will ask Mr. Bush. He is washing floor downstairs.
                            • Just a reminder, Mr. Bush is not a janitor at White House and usually he does not wash floor.
                  • 我同意你,一个职业资格跟主流不主流的没什么关系。所谓主流社会也是无数个小社群组成的,多伦多40万华人,你在华人里面过的是主流生活,舒服惬意,不也可以么?
                    • Do you really know what CGA is fighting for? The privilege. Right now CGA's can't do CA's business. CGA also have no chance to win. Why? After Enron crashed, no government dares to lower the accounting standard.
                      • 不合时宜的垄断才更有可能造成会计标准的降低。在加拿大其他的省份早就不存在这个Equal access to public accounting的问题了。我不想多说什么,大家保持各自的立场是很正常的。
                        • Can you list the names of the province? The poor provinces don't have CA, that's why.
                          • BC
                            • Ontario GDP is 42% of Canada. Quebec is 22%. BC is close to 11%. Alberta is about 10%...
              • XX不通的X话,如果说的再清楚点就是,嫁个鬼子,也不等于主流.而且主不主流,也不在于你"认为"还是"不认为"
      • Hey!! Forgive me to be straight too, DISAGREE with "现在的CGA太烂了". Like Pingle said, it's not that easy to get CGA. Support Pingle!!! Support CGA!!!!
        • 那就去发信支持Bill 213
        • Well. Relatively CGA is still the EASIEST to get in cmpared to CA and CMA. So CGA is easy to get in.
          • smartiecat DD,我非常明白你的意思。:D 不过,我的态度,就象我们CGA协会的一贯低调的作风一样,我为自己的(未来的)头衔感到骄傲,但是我不需要也从来不从贬低其他的会计资格中获得额外的自我满足。B-)
            • Good point! Pingle! BTW, mind send me some information about the support. I'm not in ON, but in BC. But still wanna "KUA(4) SHENG(3) SHENG(1) YUAN(3)" :-)
              • Thanks. Check your rolia email pls.:D
      • I had some CGA students' opinions.
        Most of them support Bill 213.

        But One said "So why didn't you go for CA? I went for CGA because I was not planning to be an auditor OR an accountant for that matter. I am more attracted by Financial Analyst work. If I decided to do serious accounting / auditing, I would have enrolled in CA. "

        Another said "If they had sent one requesting our action, I would
        not mind, but 6 or 7 in the span of 4 or 5 hours pissed me off and I
        deleted them all and I will not succumb to the political games as a result."
    • support CGA!!!
    • support you. but a question here: is the CA the "only" reason that obstructs CGA ?