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My recent experience

We were interviewing someone. The interviewee was not born in Canada, she initially came here for university study. She has been in Canada for quite many years.

Basically for every question we asked, she had to pause for a while before she talked, even for very simple questions.

After the interview finished, a manager concluded that she was struggling to convert the information from her native language to English. All of us interviewers agreed with that.

Doing information conversion is always more difficult than using the information directly. Maybe that's why we should "forget" our native languages.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / What do you think about this, "If you truly want to be good at another language, forget your native one." ?
    • Mission impossible!
      • To forget one's native language could be possible just for a very short while.
    • This topic has been discussed many times.
    • My recent experience
      We were interviewing someone. The interviewee was not born in Canada, she initially came here for university study. She has been in Canada for quite many years.

      Basically for every question we asked, she had to pause for a while before she talked, even for very simple questions.

      After the interview finished, a manager concluded that she was struggling to convert the information from her native language to English. All of us interviewers agreed with that.

      Doing information conversion is always more difficult than using the information directly. Maybe that's why we should "forget" our native languages.
      • That’s the way it is.
    • 真正学好外语的人,他的母语绝不会差; 这样的人讲回母语的时候,一般不会夹杂太多的外语。反之,一个在讲回母语不得不夹杂很多外语的人,基本上外语平平。
      • 观察得真是仔细啊!有的国移老是cover来cover去的,还有,就是问他孩子"你要不要cheese(完全读成了【气死】)?"
        • 不要气死,可以去吃马粪(muffin)。
      • 有的自认为语言很厉害,可是却屡屡闹笑话,比如,把【不耻下问】当做是谦辞来自称。
    • 有语言天赋的人反正是哪种语言都会很好, 没有的人, 忘记母语也没用。 而且我都怀疑忘记母语的话, 这人还会不会说话了?不过你这可能是学外语的某个阶段的感觉, 等你真学好了, 就知道是怎么回事了
    • 邯郸学步?
    • 我认为不是说忘了母语,而是说学外语时就按着外语的思维,多听然后记住人家怎么说的,别总想着从母语翻译过去。