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乙肝病毒(HBV)与艾滋病毒(HIV)传播途径一样,所以预防方式也是一样。详见美国CDC(Centers for Disease Control)转载内容。通过吃饭传染的机会是非常低的。

Occurs when blood or body fluids from an infected person enters the body of a person who is not immune.

HBV is spread through having sex with an infected person without using a condom (the efficacy of latex condoms in preventing infection with HBV is unknown, but their proper use may reduce transmission), sharing needles or "works" when "shooting" drugs, through needlesticks or sharps exposures on the job, or from an infected mother to her baby during birth.

Persons at risk for HBV infection might also be at risk for infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) or HIV.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 回国过年,怕得肝炎,想注射乙肝疫苗。借问一局,多少钱?要来几针?是不是终身有效?多谢。
    • CAD80.00,一针,我的家庭医生告诉我终身有效。
      • 错,一共3针。第一针后一个月第二针,半年后第三针。而且只保证10年(10年后也许还有免疫力)。
        • 我是说在加拿大,我的家庭医生告诉我只要打一针。
          • 我也是说在加拿大,因为本人打过:-)乙肝是通过血液传染,吃饭没事。
            • 乙肝是通过体液传染,也包括唾液。还是小心为上。
              • 乙肝病毒(HBV)与艾滋病毒(HIV)传播途径一样,所以预防方式也是一样。详见美国CDC(Centers for Disease Control)转载内容。通过吃饭传染的机会是非常低的。
                Occurs when blood or body fluids from an infected person enters the body of a person who is not immune.

                HBV is spread through having sex with an infected person without using a condom (the efficacy of latex condoms in preventing infection with HBV is unknown, but their proper use may reduce transmission), sharing needles or "works" when "shooting" drugs, through needlesticks or sharps exposures on the job, or from an infected mother to her baby during birth.

                Persons at risk for HBV infection might also be at risk for infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) or HIV.
                • 那我岂不白打了十几针
                  • 有备无患。知道加拿大为何不提红十字会了?八十年代出的丑闻,不洁血液让数以百计的人感染乙肝或艾滋病。另外国人吃饭的方式(共菜碗)比洋人更易得体液传染病。
                    • 饼干吧?
                      • You are right. But HBV would have the same disastrous effects as HCV.
            • #888262, 本来我都放心了, 可是...#909295
              • LOL, me no have no Hepatitis B.
                • Don't plant a gun behind the water tank in the bathroom
                  • OK, I will find another hiding place for the gun. Thanks for reminding me:-).
            • 是吗? 为什么说中国人群B肝带菌和感染者多是合餐习惯造成的? 希望你说的是正确的, 免得出去吃饭紧张.
              • (#909390)
          • 家庭医生的话你也信,他们不不如中国的赤脚医生呢.另外那东西都有效期依人而论,如果你测两对半全阴了,那就要重打了
        • 是我搞错了,是三针,但我的医生坚持可以保证终身免疫。
          • 真是蒙古大夫
    • $80