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VoIP data usage depends entirely on two factors; - your choice of codec - your talk time

At the high end of the scale, the G711u codec (64Kbps) uses about 85Kbps per channel i.e each side of the conversation, which equates to approx 600MB per hour.

I've never checked it, but figure our average 30hrs/month talk time equates to around 18GB usage.

At the lowest end of the scale, the G729a codec (8Kpbs) is the one used for mobile phones and uses 1/8 of the bandwidth numbers given above. However, you might notice a degredation in voice quality.

The bottom line is that even at the highest voice quality codec and your current 13GB/mo usage, your total should be well within the limits of Rogers Express plan.
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  • 枫下家园 / 电脑电信 / 超级葛朗台手机攻略
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛小葛朗台:用wind mobile 手机计划


    1,购买rogers tablet flex plan, 这只是上网计划,每月五元十兆数据,超过十兆不到100M自动改成十元,100-500M二十刀,5g40刀,总而言之即使数据量很大,也不是很贵.
    2,购买freephoneline 电话号码,一次性五十刀,长期使用.可下载csipsimple作为手机电话APP.如果使用fongo这五十刀都能免了,但fongo有回音且语音质量不好不建议使用
    3,在手机上停止所有的APP在后台使用mobile network (除了csipsimple)



    总结:每月五到十刀,可任打电话,可少量上网,有世界漫游的功能更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • not a good deal. So, " an hour of conversation, it will be roughly 45 MB"
      • When I talk that long usually I am in home or office, csipsimple will use WiFi automatically. Even if talk on road, it cost much less than 7-11
    • VoIP data usage depends entirely on two factors; - your choice of codec - your talk time
      At the high end of the scale, the G711u codec (64Kbps) uses about 85Kbps per channel i.e each side of the conversation, which equates to approx 600MB per hour.

      I've never checked it, but figure our average 30hrs/month talk time equates to around 18GB usage.

      At the lowest end of the scale, the G729a codec (8Kpbs) is the one used for mobile phones and uses 1/8 of the bandwidth numbers given above. However, you might notice a degredation in voice quality.

      The bottom line is that even at the highest voice quality codec and your current 13GB/mo usage, your total should be well within the limits of Rogers Express plan.
      • G711u use 0.5mB per minute, g729a use much less. I don't think there is noticeable degrade in voice quality. And for 711 users, usually there is not many calls
    • 数据计划漫游,好像一般都非常贵
      • 只是需要的时候用,有这个功能即可.一天十刀谈不上贵
        • 数据漫游,如果没有漫游计划的话,费用可能会远超10刀
          • 不会,这个计划默认漫游是50兆每天8刀(美国)其它国家十刀十兆,这是默认的,不需要申请.
            • 赞!这个适合我啊。短信费用怎么算呢
      • 中国移动在美元的漫游计划,好像比rogers好。属于3元区吧。人民的币哦。
        • 对,在美国用中国移动电话便宜
    • 还不如定BELL 20刀/1G的数据PLAN. LTE上网飞快...几千个小时通话了, 比现在所有的计划都便宜.
    • 俺的freephoneline账号为何不能用啊?我两三年前购买freephoneline账号密码,现在用csipsimple登陆,显示绿色registered。但是拨号总是说:that password is not valid。
      • 就是密码错了。要你的SIP密码,不是账号密码。用账号密码登入网站,就能查到SIP密码。你当年的50刀买的就是这个东东。
        • 用的就是SIP密码,登陆账户查来的,freephoneline给的一个无序的大小写字母组合,不是自己设的密码。
        • never mind。把域名改为voip.freephoneline.ca就好了,但是家中ata设备却disconnect了。
    • 这个不能收普通短信吧。
    • 开玩笑吧,50兆数据打几千分钟电话?也就一个小时最多。如果一年有几次去美国,正解是
      • 几千分钟确实说多了,如果用g729a, 理想带宽8kbps,实际就算20多kb(bit, 不是 byte),至少也可以打7个小时。谁会到美国一天内打7个小时电话?多数人只要有美国漫游的功能就够了,只要不是太吓人的贵就行,手中有电话开车什么的安心点。
    • telus 平板计划也不错。10g/$5, 200g/$15, 1G/$25, 2G/$35。楼主的攻略是给葛朗台的,土豪就不用看了。