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嘿我个暴脾气 你几个意思啊


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【不要打我哈,是CBC前儿的报导,科学研究的报告呢。】高个儿同学比矮个儿同学得心脏病和心血管病的几率更低。而且每多多少INCHES, 几率会降低百分之多少。
    • 好, 这样他可以伺候我了~~~hiahiahia
      • 啥意思?你家同学比你矮的意思?我的中文好像一下子又不行啦。
        • 你这么一问, 我都开始怀疑我中文了~~
          • 啥意思呢?我好想还是第一次没有明白你的意思呢。
            • 智商是硬伤
              • 你对我不好,因为你不帮我提高智商。你的错。
                • 都赖我 把你惯坏了
                  • 他们说我智商高,只有你一直说我不高,你是对的,你说了实话,但是,你从来不帮我提高。
                    • 主要是你情商太高了 我追不上啊
                      • 你俩互补~
                        • 嘿我个暴脾气 你几个意思啊
                          • 好几个呢
                        • 嗯,绝对般配,我向毛主席保证。
                          • 我不敢保证,李尔先生看过热门电视剧【双城生活】吗?剧情是:北京的姑娘郝京妮爱上并嫁给了上海小伙徐家汇同学,感情很纠结,风风雨雨,坎坷不平呢。
                            • 大伙都看出来她给我这暗示了么?
                              • 别装了,赶紧去买猫眼吧!
                                • 什么是猫眼?
                                  • 求婚大钻
                                    • duang duang 猫眼钻
                                      • (#9373893@0)
                              • 暗示是:这辈子没戏了,但是我们的孩子可以打亲家。
                            • 看过,上海姑娘演北京姑娘,北京男人演上海男人。当时我就觉得反了。见到你们两,就更觉得发现我是对的。有喜糖吗?
                              • 我们妈妈和婆婆她们也都看了,不喜欢,认为有些丑化上海人,而且男主角演得根本不像上海小伙儿。女主角虽然是南方人,但演北京姑娘演得还是很到位的。
                                • 别打差,喜糖呢?不然没份子钱!
                      • 我的意思是:没有智商垫底,如何有高的情商?
                        • 智商特高的人情商都不高 也有双高的 极少
                          • 是的,智商特高的有时可能有些怪癖啥的。不过,情商高的,智商也不会低,我的意思是。
                          • 你不是3 高吗?
                            • 小北同学绝对是智商和情商都很高很高的,和他在一起的女生,应该很有压力。
                              • 还有高QQ, 3 高~
                                • 什么是高QQ?
                                  • 哪来的这么多问题~~
                                    QtQt (简称QQ) ~~ 我自定义的, 估计你还是看不懂~~~(Cute Cute)
                            • 嘿我个暴脾气 你几个意思啊 -facenorthface(小北); 09:52 (#9373715@0)
                              • 夸你你还暴呢 ~~
                                • 这不是情商低么
                                  • 是QQ 高~~
            • 我也觉得, 可能我表达的有问题~~
              谁需要人伺候, 身体好的还是不好的?
              • 哦,明白了。你的意思是:你家同学比你高,所以,得心脏病和心血管病的几率地,他身体比你好。哎呀,犹如一道闪电划过夜空,我明白啦。真辛苦。LOL。
                • 急出一身汗~~~
                  • 这个理解还不对?
                    • 妈呀, 好不容易想喘口气, 你~~~
                      你不会以为我LG 160都不到吧~~~
                      • 哎呀,中文真是很浩大呀,超过 50 SHADES OF MEANINGS了呢。
    • 【不要打我哈,是Forbes前儿的报导,科学研究的报告呢。】 Tall people get paid more money:
      Tall people get paid more money: A 2004 study by Timothy Judge at the University of Florida found that for every inch of height, a tall worker can expect to earn an extra $789 per year. That means two equally skilled coworkers would have a pay differential of nearly $5,000 per year, simply because of a 6-inch height differential, according to the study.
      • 穿衣服费料
        • 还费洗衣机和洗衣液,还费粮食。
      • 赶明儿, 我开始拉单杠, 太不划算了~~
      • 这个媒体一直在说,那就是:漂亮的人,挣钱更多,总的来说。
    • 【不要打我哈,是Time前儿的报导,科学研究的报告呢。】 Tall People Are Happier Than Short People
      According to a paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, both men and women who are above average height — 5 ft. 10 in. for males, 5 ft. 4 in. for females — report higher levels of happiness than smaller people.
      • LOL ~~ 我把我家指数拉平了~
        • lol
      • 嗯,因为他们高,他们引人注目,得到的欣赏的眼光也多,所以,心情愉快,耶。
        • 你今天把老夜气坏了, 你看着办~~那边贴了,高个儿样样都好过矮个儿,更健康,更钱多,更快乐。作为矮个儿,看到这个贴子,我不是不深受打击的。 -nocturne(夜游神); 10:08 (#9373813@0)
          • 真没想到。我们梦想天空打个哈欠,其他论坛都要抖三抖了。LOL。
    • 看成【不要打胎】了!
      • lol
    • 【不要打我哈,是The Guardian前儿的报导,科学研究的报告呢。】 Voters view tall people as better suited for leadership
      Voters see tall politicians as better suited for leadership, according to a survey of how people visualise their leaders. Psychologists believe the bias may stem from an evolved preference for physically imposing chiefs who could dominate enemies.
      Other studies suggest that tallness in others triggers a variety of subconscious positive associations, particularly for men. Most people seem to see tall men as more persuasive, impressive and capable than average.

      One survey found that male Fortune 500 chief executive officers were almost 10 times more likely to be 6ft 2ins or taller compared with the average American man.
    • 【不要打我哈,是The Guardian前儿的报导,科学研究的报告呢。】Tall people are smarter.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This is a phenomenon with scientific research to back it up. It's a small effect, it's not an absolute; I'm not saying Andre the Giant was the intellectual superior of Robert Hooke, you'll still find plenty of smarter-than-average shorter people, and many tall people who clearly … aren't. But the effect does appear to be persistent.

      There are numerous explanations for this. Are the genes that determine height and intelligence associated? Is height a result of a healthier upbringing meaning an individual had more biological resources during development, ergo were able to develop a greater intelligence too? Perhaps it's some population-wide manifestation of the Pygmalion effect, where people actually perform better if greater expectations are placed upon them. Rosenthal and Jacobson demonstrated this in the classroom where teachers were told that some pupils were of above-average intelligence, and taught/interacted with them accordingly. These pupils were actually chosen randomly, and yet started performing better as a result of the teachers' actions. If individuals are above average height from an early age, perhaps teachers are perceiving them as older and treating them as such, thus accelerating intellectual development?

      Or perhaps people who were both taller and smarter get more mating opportunities, making it an evolved tendency? Stranger things have been suggested.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 胡说八道,长颈鹿最容易heart attack了,一般你在动物园千万不能吓长颈鹿,据说很容易就被吓死了