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[安省退休金之重要细则及数据] Key facts about the Ontario pension plan

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛— It aims to replace 15 per cent of an employee’s earnings.

— A person making $45,000 a year would contribute $2.16 a day, as would the employer, which would leave the employee with $6,410 per year for life.

— The government has not yet established minimum pensionable earnings, but the maximum is $90,000. That’s compared to $3,500 minimum earnings and $53,600 maximum for the Canada Pension Plan.

— Employers and employees with a comparable plan won’t have to enrol in the ORPP.

— Employees between the ages of 18 and 70 qualify, but can only start collecting benefits at age 65.

— Defined benefit plans are considered comparable with a minimum benefit accrual rate of 0.5 per cent.

— Defined contribution plans are defined as comparable with a minimum annual contribution rate of eight per cent and employers must match at least 50 per cent.

— Self-employed people can’t take part in the ORPP, as the federal Income Tax Act doesn’t allow the self-employed to participate in registered pension plans.

— Large employers (with 500 or more employees) without registered workplace pension plans start contributions Jan. 1, 2017. Medium employers (with 50-499 employees) without registered workplace pension plans start contributions Jan. 1, 2018. Small employers (with 50 or fewer employees) without workplace pension plans start contributions Jan. 1, 2019.

— Employers that already have pension plans but that aren’t comparable to the ORPP have to start contributions Jan. 1, 2020.

— Contributions will be phased in, starting with 0.8 per cent each from employers and employees, and reaching 1.9 per cent each by 2021.

— Benefits will be paid starting in 2022.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / [安省退休金之重要细则及数据] Key facts about the Ontario pension plan
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛— It aims to replace 15 per cent of an employee’s earnings.

    — A person making $45,000 a year would contribute $2.16 a day, as would the employer, which would leave the employee with $6,410 per year for life.

    — The government has not yet established minimum pensionable earnings, but the maximum is $90,000. That’s compared to $3,500 minimum earnings and $53,600 maximum for the Canada Pension Plan.

    — Employers and employees with a comparable plan won’t have to enrol in the ORPP.

    — Employees between the ages of 18 and 70 qualify, but can only start collecting benefits at age 65.

    — Defined benefit plans are considered comparable with a minimum benefit accrual rate of 0.5 per cent.

    — Defined contribution plans are defined as comparable with a minimum annual contribution rate of eight per cent and employers must match at least 50 per cent.

    — Self-employed people can’t take part in the ORPP, as the federal Income Tax Act doesn’t allow the self-employed to participate in registered pension plans.

    — Large employers (with 500 or more employees) without registered workplace pension plans start contributions Jan. 1, 2017. Medium employers (with 50-499 employees) without registered workplace pension plans start contributions Jan. 1, 2018. Small employers (with 50 or fewer employees) without workplace pension plans start contributions Jan. 1, 2019.

    — Employers that already have pension plans but that aren’t comparable to the ORPP have to start contributions Jan. 1, 2020.

    — Contributions will be phased in, starting with 0.8 per cent each from employers and employees, and reaching 1.9 per cent each by 2021.

    — Benefits will be paid starting in 2022.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • [那啥,数学不好,翻译不好,看着办] 1,自雇人士不得参加这个计划。(自雇人士如果愿意,可以耶一下。) 2,计划占受雇人士收入的百分之十五。比如,年薪四万五的同学,每天得交出2.16刀,同时雇主也得MATCH 2.16刀,这样,这位年收入四万五的同学每年可以存下6410刀。
      • 每天2元多,加雇主的2元多,结果一年就可以存6千多? 我数学不好,你不要骗我啊。。。 +1
        • 请光辉同学翻译一下:“— A person making $45,000 a year would contribute $2.16 a day, as would the employer, which would leave the employee with $6,410 per year for life.”
          • 工作40年, 67岁退休后能不能拿十来年?基本上是交三年,拿一年。也就是交1800×3= 5400, 拿6400。
            • 你到底是共产党,国民党,军统还是中统?你支持这个安省CPP吗?
              • 关键是这6400是不是去除通胀的6400,如果这6400还包含通胀,那40年后的6400只怕还不如现在的640。至于我属于哪个派别还没定,属于可拉拢的对象,暂时是骑墙派。
                • 你是斤斤计较党的,党魁呢,还是。
                  • 我要先拎清事实再决定。别拎不清被人忽悠了。
                • 也必须是六十五岁才可以取。
                  • 不是六十七?
                    • 65
                      • 那更好。 :-)
                        • 我觉得这个计划是很好的
                          • 好像还行。希望到时兑现没问题。
                            • 有一点像Defined Benefit Pension
                • 这个肯定是扣除通胀的,不然账就没法算了。 +1
                  • 这样还行。
                • 当然不会扣除通胀。对pension计划来说,通胀是非常昂贵的,不可能的事。 +1
                  • 光辉说扣除, 你说没扣,谁对?如果没扣,那就太不可思议了, 基本是做贡献了。按说通胀率未知,现在计算应该无法考虑,我心里比较倾向光辉的说法。
                    • 啦啦引用的政府网页,就清楚说明了是按现在的价值算的:ORPP benefits will be indexed to inflation to provide a predictable source of retirement income for life. 如果连通胀也考虑在内,那这个文章,连未来40年的通胀也预测了,也太厉害了。。。
                      • 惭愧,惭愧,没认真看。
                      • 每年会调整通胀指数的
                  • ORPP benefits will be indexed to inflation
                    • 还真有这么一说。但肯定不是指这个
            • 除了意外之外,你的计算是最不利的情况了(比如只要工作30年就可以全拿?或者退休之后活过80岁?)。即使是这样也有30%的受益吧?而且这个6400肯定是扣除通胀的受益。退休基金最重要的是稳定。投资的回报在其次。 +1
              • 刚查了一下,加拿大平均岁数是81.24。也就是说可以拿16.24年。如果真是扣除通胀还有15%的增长,那我就投她一票。你说30年能拿全,有根据么?
                • 自由党说的话,可信吗?
                  • 这是个问题。。。不过就现在而言,这饼子画得还好看。
                    • 电厂,ehealth,聪明电表。。。。。。。老实说我现在根本没兴趣听自由党到底在说什么。因为不管他们说什么,最后的结果都是:浪费+加税。。。。。。
                • 这个是我按cpp猜的,可能不准确,忽略了吧。
          • 我的英文不好,看不懂。。。我看得是你说的:“这位。。。同学每年可以存下6410刀”。不过这个“leave”翻译成“存下”,好像有点不对。。。
          • 这个大意是说,年收入45K的人(平均年龄?),年年存pension,到67岁退休开始领钱,每年可领6410直至玩完。
            • 65岁可以领full pension. 我估计65岁前退休会给领reduced pension
    • [另外,报导说] 大多数(THE VAST MAJORITY OF)安省的公司及机构都没有这样的计划,于是,韦恩的这个计划得到了多数安省人民的心。
    • [夜游神同学等墙头草们] 联邦保守党坚决反对安省这个计划,也绝对不会支持这个计划,但是,联邦自由党与NDP可能会支持。 +1
    • [”怎么会都一样?自己存钱可以自由投资支取, +1
      放在别人那政府反正现在有钱花了,将来是不是有钱还你还多少,反正不会超过他承诺的那个数。现在就花钱买未知的低回报,怎么个有利法?将来不存钱的人花不花的上那时候的纳税人的钱不知道,现在反正已经花上了。 -vega_lee(天津包子-就不改); “、]

      是的,CTV的SENIOR财经主持Pattie Lovett-Reid 同学就是这么说的,和你的看法一样。我同意。
    • Ontario Pension Plan的回报能超过探长炒房的吗?
      • 这个肯定是不可能的。不过探长这样的高收益伴随着高风险,最好有个保守的退休基金兜着,不然。。。
    • 我来帮大家算一下吧。以2015年为现值。$4,5000的工资总额,交给政府,一年就是$1,710。
      • Thomas Piketty 对过去几百年资本的研究表明,除去通货膨胀因素,长期投资的收益率是5% . 每年$1,710,40年5%的复利增长会达到 216,895.99 (2015年的现值)
        • 退休后每年从政府拿$6,410(2015年的现值),33年才能拿完。
          • 但是且住,帐不是这么算的 - $216,895.99的资本还在增长,5%一年的获利是$10,844,然而政府给你 $6,410 +2
            • 恭喜安省屁民,you got a great deal from your gov! +2
              • 何止是屁民,简直是贱民! +1
              • 账不是这样算的。如果真的像你算的,那就说明这个退休计划是非常可靠的了。不要管政府赚了你多少,你现在每年交一千多,退休后每年可以保证6千多,还是很划算的啊。。。自己去投资,找不到这样的好“deal”吧? +1
            • 言之有理。就是想问$1,710是怎么算出来的? $2.16 x 2 x 365 = $1,576.80
        • 首先,个人投资,很少有人能几十年除去通胀,还有5%的收益。 即使是房产投资,也几乎达不到这个收益。 cpp的目标是4%。另外,你是按现在的寿命预期算的,20年之后,人的寿命理论上会更长。所以orpp是按女人活到90岁计算的。
    • 坚决打倒安省退休计划。这类型的退休计划就是用于给政府高官的亲戚朋友们发工资的, +1
      • 这又是自由党政府加税的障眼法。 +1
      • 退休金计划跟税是两码事吧