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Quoting a Grey-story-in-kind to share. There is no need to take it too seriously though :-). To all happy and honourable lighthouses!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛New Tricks
By: Fruity

Jenny and I had dated for 5 years before I pulled the pin, realising
that circumstances had spoilt a happily-ever-after living-together
relationship. We loved and cared for each other, and the sex and
socialising had been great, but... I could explain, but, gentle
reader, you and I are not here for explanations.

I had started dating other women, but had yet to finish off a business
venture, and my work in that direction left me too short of time and
money to be a carefree date. And the women I dated seemed weirder too
- I'm not sure if that was because we were all another 7 years older (I
prefer women my own age), or a statistical blip, but there seemed to be
a general trend away from reality.

Perhaps the weirdest was Diane. After a first date the night before,
when we necked in my car like teenagers (3rd base), we went for a long
walk by the river the next morning, came back to my place, and fucked
for the first time. She came under me for so long that I seriously
started to wonder if she was having an epileptic seizure. Then she
started to cry, and I asked why. "That was the best orgasm I have ever
had, and my soul should be floating up to heaven, but it isn't, so we
can't be together. Because every relationship involves fighting and so
much pain that it is only bearable if the sex is wonderful. And if I
have an orgasm like that then I should have floated up to heaven, but I
didn't. I'm sorry, but I have to go." There are some obvious
suggestions that can be made to a statement like that, and I made them.
And I learnt some interesting new things too. But eventually, all was
to no avail. Rats!

I felt extra annoyed because she had said that there was no need for a
condom, and I had thought that we were at least technically so
compatible that there was every chance we could last happily ever
after, so I hadn't bothered to put on the condom I had had waiting on
the bedside table. To tell the truth, I had felt relieved - it had been
6 years since I had used a condom, my favourite line had been
discontinued, and the new ones I had tried on for size had tended to
ring-bark the base of my lighthouse. Ah well, at least this spurred me
to shop until I found a style that was comfortable. (A friend who is a
doctor had commented that learning how to wank with a condom is as
important as learning how to wank.) Lads, some of the ultra thin
condoms they have introduced are like they are barely there - check
them out. They actually are quite a pleasant addition to sex. Ah well,
at least I was prepared.

But I was also horny, bored, and frustrated. The last straw was getting
my shoulders and glutes so tight and tense that I was starting to get
injuries from running - never in my life before had I actually needed a
massage, but I needed one now. I had spent a large fraction of my 5
years with Jenny rubbing her neck, so I put in a massage call to her. I
really did need a massage.

As is turned out, we never got around to Jenny massaging me per se. Like
the Stones sang: "You can't always get what you want... but if you try
some times, you just might find you get what you need." I.e. yeah, both
of us got lucky. It was really nice, after a year away from each other,
slipping back into loving, gentle sex, pleasing each other, getting
both of us off with a maximum of satisfaction - all the benefits that
accrue from good monogamous sex. Over the next 2 or 3 times it was
particularly interesting and enjoyable to gently re-open all her
orifices - she had become so sweetly tight, made all the tighter from
her sexual tension of her mixture of wanting me to fuck her and her
wanting to come. A carrot whittled to the shape of a butt plug inside a
well-lubricated condom assisted there, held in place in her arse by my
groin while I fucked her cunt from behind while she was face down - one
of her favourite positions. The very first time she had ever come with
me inside her (other than in her mouth) was when she frigged herself
while face down with my cock half way up her arse. Such orgasms are
particularly intense for her. She surprised me the following week by
pulling my cock all the way into her arse, after a bit of eeny meeny
miny mo (any port in a storm). How? By gently tugging my testicles
forward until I'm completely buried in her. You might think that sounds
painful, but it feels fucking fantastic. We've not quite managed to
come simultaneously in that position (she has still yet to learn how to
come on her wrist as distinct from coming on her hand), but we're
getting closer, and it's nice to have an ambition, eh. Maybe I'll write
some more about that some time.

But what I thought I'd write about was last weekend.

Two weeks prior, Jenny had commented that, maybe, well, she wouldn't
mind if I was a bit, umm... ‘rough', or ‘forceful'. I didn't mind! We
had done that a bit a few years before. Some stupid magistrate had said
that it was not technically possible to rape a woman wearing jeans, and
Jenny had wanted to check that that was false. It was fun wrestling
with her. She enjoyed feeling how strong I was. Myself, I had
been wary of coming to associate domination with pleasure, especially
given that part of my then new job description involved asserting
authority. However, as I become more experienced at my new job I
realised that the less authoritarian I was the more effective I became,
so I was in no danger of confusing domination with pleasure at work.
And domination in the bedroom never seeped out into the rest of our
relationship. (If you want a relationship with a doormat, then could I
suggest you buy a blow-up doll and confine your shit to yourself.) And
it was only something that we occasionally did for a bit of spice. But
spicy it was! Mind you, for her to be able to enjoy it (and want to do
it again), the first few times she had stopped me at different points
until she stopped feeling too frightened. I think part of it was that
she needed to feel assured that I could stop, and that I would
always have her pleasure and well-being at least in the back of my mind
(in between her giving me mind-blowing pleasure).

I had responded to her comment that she wouldn't mind a bit of rough by
taking off my belt, feeding a loop into the buckle, and trapping her
wrists behind her into the resulting figure of 8. I had then lifted her
standing onto a step, just at the height where the top of my cock would
ram up against her cunt or her anus (depending on which way I turned
her around), and then very slowly undressed her. Very, very slowly
undressed her. Teasing and kissing her everywhere. I made sure I didn't
drag down her panties as I dropped her skirt - make her wait even more.
Mind you, she slipped one arm forward until the belt bound her at one
of her elbows rather than at her wrist, because she had to feel every
part of my torso that she could touch. Eventually, having finished
stripping her, I impaled her on my cock and carried her off to my bed
with her legs wrapped around me, and fucked her ragged. That was
when I became rough. Maybe I'll relive the details some other time.
(btw, I wasn't stupid - it was a well-lubricated ‘ragged'. I'm not
stupid enough to think that a woman will be so endlessly entranced by
my lust that she will be endlessly dripping, and if she dries even for
just a moment while I'm plunging away in my condom then my sheathed
penis won't be aware of her dryness. And during even just a brief dry
patch, that plunging latex can cause her a friction burn that will
seriously dampen her desire for quite a few days. In other words: if
you use a condom, then use a lubricant, duh.)

But back to last weekend. And back to the notion that if I was truly
going to be rough right from the get-go, then I shouldn't be quite so
gently considerate when slowly undressing her.

Now I just happened to have a way of securely anchoring cords above the
door to my bedroom. And I knew how to tie a cord into a loop with a
rolling hitch that can be adjusted by sliding it up and down the bight.
And I had some krabs from rock-climbing: faster than fiddling with
knots. So how to make comfortable wrist ties? A couple of surplus silky
neck-ties cut in half: the thin end for doubling around her wrist and
tied with a tiny single-loop bow, the fat end for her ankle. What are
the ankles tied to? Well, the lower hinges of my bedroom door and the
adjoining door made convenient anchor points for keeping legs splayed
helplessly apart. And I happened to have some surplus webbing that made
a very strong belt around her waist, for a purpose that shall shortly
be described.

I had warned Jenny that other than a cappuccino after she arrived, she
should not expect much consideration. When she arrived, we briefly
hugged and kissed, then I carried her to the kitchen and sat her on the
‘work bench', while I started the coffee and we chatted, in between my
kissing her, feeding her grapes, and pulling her clothed cunt against
my clothed cock. (That work bench is just the right height.) Coffee
done, I pulled out the neck-tie half and said I had a ‘friendship
bracelet' for her, one for each wrist. She smiled when she saw the
neck-tie (we had used them before, but that's another story), and asked
what would happen if she refused to put them on her wrists. I said I
would enjoy her finding out what would happen. With a demure smile, she
said she would refuse to put them on after going to the toilet. Which
she did, and then did.

So I responded with my own demure smile, seized her around the waist,
forced her around facing away from me, and then carried / pushed her
over to the couch. (Except that I did pause for a crude grope of her
tits and cunt, and a nuzzle against her neck, which she loves. Except
that my grope at her cunt deliberately pushed against every part of it
except for her clit, leaving her wrestling her groin forward trying to
grind her clit into my hand.) I had left some blankets on the couch and
pushed her face down into them while I kneeled behind her, pinning her
bum with my groin while I took off that handy belt of mine. Now Jenny
does yoga, but maybe she should do more arm work, because it wasn't
hard for me to pull her wrists behind her. She was jerking her arms
about a fair bit, but by kneeling astride her torso on the couch I
could trap her elbows between my knees and eventually (she really did
put up a fight) bind her wrists into the figure 8 of my belt, and tie
it off. Then I tied on those ‘friendship bracelets' onto her wrists. I
turned her around to face me, and, with her arms behind her buried in
that loose pile of blankets, I rammed my groin against hers, held her
face with both arms, and kissed her at my leisure and pleasure - she
struggled at first before moaning and kissing me back.

Then I hauled her upright and carried her to my bedroom door.

She freaked when she saw the ropes and krabs dangling from the top
corners of the door. "No!" she said, "I'm not doing that. I don't like

So I relaxed completely and let her go. I showed her how she could slide
the rolling hitch right off, and said "If you don't mind, I'll show you
how it works with one wrist, but I won't tie up the other wrist unless
you say I can".

I then realised that she couldn't pull off the sliding hitch with just
one hand because the loop would simply pull around, but a slip-knot
that the top of the loop fixed that. So she acquiesced, still a little
nervous, but trusting me. It is a privilege to be trusted, and that is
not a trust that I would abuse. Mind you, I did warn her that if she
freed herself for any reason other than to administer CPR to me then
there would be severe consequences, including her doing the dishes for
the next month.

So there she stands, with her arms splayed above her. "Did I every
mention your tits look extra sweet when you raise your arms above your
head?" One of the many endearing things about Jenny is that she can
blush in implausible situations, such as with a cock rammed in her
mouth or with her arms bound above her head.

I then stripped and put on a condom, held her head, and again mauled /
kissed her mouth. She bucked her groin against mine. "Maybe I should
tease you, and not let you rub your clit against anything", I said.

"Maybe I won't let you rub your cock against me", she retorted.

"I don't think you've really thought this situation through", I said,
and commenced to unbutton her blouse, undo her bra, and pull her skirt
and knickers down. (No ‘slowly with the knickers' this bloody time.)

Then I quickly knelt to tie her ankles, and clipped them apart to the
door hinges. And sat between her legs, and ran my tongue up each of her
inner thighs. "But", I said, "this time it's about me, not about you".

Standing up, I quickly clipped the webbing-belt about her waist and
attached it via a cord to the bolts above. I unclipped her left hand,
took her blouse and bra off her left arm, clipped her left hand to her
belt behind her, then did the same with her right arm, clipping her
wrists together behind her. So she is standing there naked with her
arms locked behind her, her breasts jutting out, and her vulva puffy
with desire. She is just beginning to think about the possible

"Hmm, what happens if you fall over?" I asked, and not giving her time
to become afraid I pull her head down to my cock as she realised that
her waist is held up by the webbing-belt that is attached to a cord to
the anchors above. Holding her head, I rock her back and forth so that
my cock slides in and out of her willing mouth, while her naked bum
pokes lewdly up in the air.

I lift her head back up again to kiss me, and she moans as she realises
how helpless she is. Usually she augments her head jobs with her hands.
(The reality is that the best part of her head jobs is what she does
with her hands, which is true of every woman who has ever blown me and,
fwiw, of the vast majority of porn actresses.) But now, she is
realising the consequences of her hands being tied behind her. I tell
her "Take me deep one time, then two times, then three times. I like to
hear you gag."

I lower her head down again to my cock, and she takes me in. She is
always a little to slow to do this, and I give her time. After all, I
want her to want to do this. She goes in about as far as she ever does,
and then I briefly pull her onto me a little bit deeper and then pull
her off. "That's one time", I say, as she breaths deeply.

I pull her on again. This time I set the pace. Fairly quickly, I pull
her on as deep as before, and then a little bit deeper. "That's one
time". Then almost out, then in again until she gags a little. "That's
two times. Fuck it sounds erotic to hear you gagging".

I pull out, and let her catch her breath a little, but not too much
before I've pulled her on again for "That's one time, two times, three
times", jigging back and forth a little with the last one as she goes
"gugh gugh gughghgh".

Then I've lifted her up again, and let her collapse against my shoulder.
Just for a little while, because now I've rounded behind her. From
behind I twist her mouth round to kiss it on the side a little, and
then, holding her throat, nuzzle her neck, and let my cock run up and
down her arse crack while she shudders and trembles. I reach for the
conveniently placed lube, smear it over my condomed helmet, and touch
it to her taint. She flinches at the cold of the lubricant. I then run
my cock down again to her cunt, and lightly push in. It barely
penetrates - she is so tight. Then up again to her taint. Angling it
just so, I push. I'm not trying to go in far, but I would have a hard
time if I was - she is very tight up there too. I do a little bit more
eeny meeny miny mo, then quickly check that my whole penis is lightly
lubed, then in one motion plunge it into her cunt, as she gasps and I
grope her rock hard nipple and tight right tit with my left hand, and
shove her mons even further onto my cock with my right hand. She gasps,
and pants with small breaths and whimpers, as I maul and nuzzle all the
parts of her torso and neck and groin that I know drive her wild. My
hands keep grazing her nipples to check that they are still completely
engorged with desire.

I grasp her waist with both hands. She has a fucking lovely waist -
perfect for holding while fucking. And rock her back and forth, onto
and off my cock as I watch it slide almost out then bury entirely into
her. Slowly her head is starting to flop forward and down towards her

While I am still in her, I unclip her left wrist and hold it firmly. I
suddenly withdraw my cock and she gasps, her sense of loss palpable
from her groan of desire. Kneeling, I clip her left wrist to her left
ankle tie, then swiftly do the same on the other side so that her right
wrist is tied to her right ankle, as she leans forward with her bum
held up in the air.

I slip off the cords that pull her ankles out to the lower door hinges,
stand up, and impale her again with my cock. She groans and gasps again
- the sense of loss is finished, but I'm at the upper limit of size
that she can comfortably take. I know from experience that I am almost
in a position that she would find unpleasantly deep, and I am a chunky

Leaning forward, I wrap my arm around the front of her hips on pull her
on to my cock as deep as she can go, then with the other I release her
belt. While she remains bent over with her wrists tied to her ankles, I
carry her by her waist to my bed. We stand beside it, and I slowly
topple us sideways, with my arms continuing to impale her onto me. We
lie sideways on the bed with my cock deep in her cunt. She is shocked
into stunned panting.

After a little bit, I come out of her to move her to the centre of the
bed, still lying on her side, doubled over, her legs and arms both
pointing in the same direction and joined that her wrists and ankles,
her bum pointed behind her. It's irresistible. I take turns fucking her
cunt and her arse; both feel sensational to me; to her it can feel too
intense in either orifice, which is when we swap to the alternative.

Eventually, while in her cunt, I roll her from side onto her back. To
begin with her arms and legs point together up to the ceiling, but then
she bends her knees as they splay out. And now, just for a little bit,
I stop being rough, and kiss her tenderly. I know she will find it
painful if I penetrate her too deeply in this position, so I just slide
in most of the way while we kiss. She has been wonderful, and I love
her. We both tiptoe around that emotion; there is shared pain that ours
is unlikely to be a lifelong relationship, but the compensation is that
there is deep friendship and regard for each other. Her panting
subsides, and her thighs flatten her boobs and nipples. She is starting
to relax and come off her sexual high. OK, we can fix that - let's go

Efficiently I roll her over onto her front: now she has her knees under
her, her bum perched up in the air, her upper half resting on her
shoulders and tits. So what would you do? Of course, I fuck her from
behind, although to do so I pull her by her waist towards the foot of
the bed and onto my cock. She's always a lovely fuck like this, and now
is no exception. I pick her waist up higher and kneel up; her back
arches to that her bum pokes up even higher. There is the added
eroticism for both of us that her wrists are helplessly bound to her
ankles. I lean forward and plant my fists onto the bed jammed just in
front / above her shoulders, and fuck her deeply, ramming her shoulders
forward against my wrists; she is pinned with me fucking her deeply in
a position she loves. Leaving my right arm jammed above her shoulder, I
experimentally reach under to feel her left tit with my left hand. Yep,
despite being largely flattened by her weight, both breast and nipple
are becoming engorged again. Now for my next devilry.

Releasing her pinned shoulders, I start to push my cock forward and tell
her "Leave your knees where they are but let your hips go forwards so
that your ankles come up behind your bum." She slides up. Now she is
still lying on her front, but no longer supported on her knees. Instead
they are splayed out on either side of her. Her knees are still bent,
but now her thighs and groin are lying down against the mattress, and
her shins and toes face the ceiling, with her wrists trapped on either
side of her waist. I fuck her like that for a little while as her quads
stretch out. Choice.

Then I reach for a big very fat cushion and place it in the centre of
the bed, and efficiently roll her onto the cushion. I hope you can
picture this correctly - it's a sight worth imagining. She is lying
face up on this big fat cushion, which causes her groin and belly to
arch up pointing towards the ceiling. Her shoulders are at a slightly
lower level. Her head lies fall back, which tends to cause her mouth to
fall open. Her knees are bent under her, splayed out to either side,
which both stabilised her and leaves her cunt and arse wide open. Her
ankles are tied to her wrists and lie on the mattress on either side of
her. (Another story: often we fuck with her lying facing upright with
her bum and spine lying on my right inner thigh, while I like on my
right side, with my cock in her and my left leg lying on her left hip.
She sometimes says it makes her feel like she is being fucked on an
altar. Well, bound like this on the big cushion is even more so like
being on an altar, ready to be impaled in any of 3 orifices.)

So what's a boy to do? Slowly, so that she has time to anticipate it, I
approach her head from ‘above her' and place my cock at her open mouth,
and start to fuck her mouth. I pause to ask her how she is going: she
says it is easier to take my cock in this position than it was when I
fucked her mouth while she was bending forwards; she says "It's easier
to hold my mouth open". We do the one-time, two-times, three-times
routine: far-fucking-out - she is getting so good at this that it is
very hard not to come. I'm tempted, but I know she is aching for some
cock in her cunt, and I want us to do this again some time. Instead I
move forward so that I can tongue her everywhere at my leisure.

And then impale her at the other end: coming from her head I move to
kneeling between her bent knees, and inexorably fill her cunt right up.
She is gasping in sexual delirium, her head turning from side to side,
her nipples rock hard, her breasts two engorged hemispheres, her vulva
so turgid with engorgement that it grips my sliding cock like a silken
glove. I hold her hips and move her back and forwards onto my spasming
cock. She needs to come. Fuck a duck, so do I.

The only thing is that Jenny has never yet orgasmed while face upwards:
she either needs to be prone and frigging herself, or kneeling astride
a convenient knee (while sucking cock) or kneeling astride an engorged
penis. So, for the last time, I flip her again: she is back lying on
her front, ankles up behind her. "Would you like me to untie you?" I

She nods with silent intensity. I free her right hand, which immediately
goes under her to frig her cunt, even before I have freed her left
hand. I kneel with my penis at her perineum. Cunt or arse? "Which do
you want?" I ask. "Either!" she gasps. Hmmm, she has hunkered down so
hard it is hard to reach her cunt, and perhaps her most intense orgasms
happen while I'm in her arse. So quickly I lube up, slide in half way,
slip my left hand under her left nipple (her slightly more erotic
nipple), and drop my lips to kiss her neck. Within seconds of me
kissing her neck she is gone, crying out loud again and again, her
stomach muscles spasming as her torso shakes. I wait just long enough
for her spasming to subside enough to bear me, then lift her hips a
little and plunge into her cunt. (I haven't done enough with her arse
today that I can fuck it as hard as I want, and believe me, I want to
fuck hard; plus her cunt and arse feel equally fantastic; plus just
after she has come she finds it almost as intense if I fuck her cunt.
So cunt it is, a no-brainer.) It is very gratifying to drive her so
wild again, and I build as I buck her hips against me. Just as I am
getting there, still kneeling I turn her to lie on her right side with
her right leg straight between mine and her left leg bent over my left
thigh: I love seeing her face, her torso, her engorged shaking breasts
(although they are so engorged now that they don't move much). Both of
us would be bored with drugs, but if she tripped I bet she would look
like she does now, lost in a sexual high. My left inner thigh rubs
against her clit, my testicles against her right inner thigh. She
clamps her left leg down even tighter on my rock hard cock inside her
as it slams in and out of her depths. I put my left hand down to
support myself where my wrist will tease her nipple even harder. My
right hand snakes under her delectable waist and rams her onto me even
harder. Her eyes un-focus: partly she is thinking about what is
happening inside her, partly she is just a sexual blur of being. I have
to shut my own eyes as I go into sensory overload myself. I hear her
moan and gasp even more intensely as she feels me getting even deeper
and harder, and then, shuddering, I release into her as hard as I have
ever come in my life, coming again and again until I am totally spent.

Eventually I lean forward to kiss her nipple, but she flinches - it's
too sensitive just for now. Instead I reach higher and we tenderly
kiss. Finally I flop down beside her spooning her from behind, still
deep inside her. My lower arm wraps under her waist and holds her still
engorged upper breast; my upper arm roams all over her curves until we
both sink into an exhausted contented doze. It's nice to know that even
in our 50s we are learning new tricks.

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  • Quoting a Grey-story-in-kind to share. There is no need to take it too seriously though :-). To all happy and honourable lighthouses!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛New Tricks
    By: Fruity

    Jenny and I had dated for 5 years before I pulled the pin, realising
    that circumstances had spoilt a happily-ever-after living-together
    relationship. We loved and cared for each other, and the sex and
    socialising had been great, but... I could explain, but, gentle
    reader, you and I are not here for explanations.

    I had started dating other women, but had yet to finish off a business
    venture, and my work in that direction left me too short of time and
    money to be a carefree date. And the women I dated seemed weirder too
    - I'm not sure if that was because we were all another 7 years older (I
    prefer women my own age), or a statistical blip, but there seemed to be
    a general trend away from reality.

    Perhaps the weirdest was Diane. After a first date the night before,
    when we necked in my car like teenagers (3rd base), we went for a long
    walk by the river the next morning, came back to my place, and fucked
    for the first time. She came under me for so long that I seriously
    started to wonder if she was having an epileptic seizure. Then she
    started to cry, and I asked why. "That was the best orgasm I have ever
    had, and my soul should be floating up to heaven, but it isn't, so we
    can't be together. Because every relationship involves fighting and so
    much pain that it is only bearable if the sex is wonderful. And if I
    have an orgasm like that then I should have floated up to heaven, but I
    didn't. I'm sorry, but I have to go." There are some obvious
    suggestions that can be made to a statement like that, and I made them.
    And I learnt some interesting new things too. But eventually, all was
    to no avail. Rats!

    I felt extra annoyed because she had said that there was no need for a
    condom, and I had thought that we were at least technically so
    compatible that there was every chance we could last happily ever
    after, so I hadn't bothered to put on the condom I had had waiting on
    the bedside table. To tell the truth, I had felt relieved - it had been
    6 years since I had used a condom, my favourite line had been
    discontinued, and the new ones I had tried on for size had tended to
    ring-bark the base of my lighthouse. Ah well, at least this spurred me
    to shop until I found a style that was comfortable. (A friend who is a
    doctor had commented that learning how to wank with a condom is as
    important as learning how to wank.) Lads, some of the ultra thin
    condoms they have introduced are like they are barely there - check
    them out. They actually are quite a pleasant addition to sex. Ah well,
    at least I was prepared.

    But I was also horny, bored, and frustrated. The last straw was getting
    my shoulders and glutes so tight and tense that I was starting to get
    injuries from running - never in my life before had I actually needed a
    massage, but I needed one now. I had spent a large fraction of my 5
    years with Jenny rubbing her neck, so I put in a massage call to her. I
    really did need a massage.

    As is turned out, we never got around to Jenny massaging me per se. Like
    the Stones sang: "You can't always get what you want... but if you try
    some times, you just might find you get what you need." I.e. yeah, both
    of us got lucky. It was really nice, after a year away from each other,
    slipping back into loving, gentle sex, pleasing each other, getting
    both of us off with a maximum of satisfaction - all the benefits that
    accrue from good monogamous sex. Over the next 2 or 3 times it was
    particularly interesting and enjoyable to gently re-open all her
    orifices - she had become so sweetly tight, made all the tighter from
    her sexual tension of her mixture of wanting me to fuck her and her
    wanting to come. A carrot whittled to the shape of a butt plug inside a
    well-lubricated condom assisted there, held in place in her arse by my
    groin while I fucked her cunt from behind while she was face down - one
    of her favourite positions. The very first time she had ever come with
    me inside her (other than in her mouth) was when she frigged herself
    while face down with my cock half way up her arse. Such orgasms are
    particularly intense for her. She surprised me the following week by
    pulling my cock all the way into her arse, after a bit of eeny meeny
    miny mo (any port in a storm). How? By gently tugging my testicles
    forward until I'm completely buried in her. You might think that sounds
    painful, but it feels fucking fantastic. We've not quite managed to
    come simultaneously in that position (she has still yet to learn how to
    come on her wrist as distinct from coming on her hand), but we're
    getting closer, and it's nice to have an ambition, eh. Maybe I'll write
    some more about that some time.

    But what I thought I'd write about was last weekend.

    Two weeks prior, Jenny had commented that, maybe, well, she wouldn't
    mind if I was a bit, umm... ‘rough', or ‘forceful'. I didn't mind! We
    had done that a bit a few years before. Some stupid magistrate had said
    that it was not technically possible to rape a woman wearing jeans, and
    Jenny had wanted to check that that was false. It was fun wrestling
    with her. She enjoyed feeling how strong I was. Myself, I had
    been wary of coming to associate domination with pleasure, especially
    given that part of my then new job description involved asserting
    authority. However, as I become more experienced at my new job I
    realised that the less authoritarian I was the more effective I became,
    so I was in no danger of confusing domination with pleasure at work.
    And domination in the bedroom never seeped out into the rest of our
    relationship. (If you want a relationship with a doormat, then could I
    suggest you buy a blow-up doll and confine your shit to yourself.) And
    it was only something that we occasionally did for a bit of spice. But
    spicy it was! Mind you, for her to be able to enjoy it (and want to do
    it again), the first few times she had stopped me at different points
    until she stopped feeling too frightened. I think part of it was that
    she needed to feel assured that I could stop, and that I would
    always have her pleasure and well-being at least in the back of my mind
    (in between her giving me mind-blowing pleasure).

    I had responded to her comment that she wouldn't mind a bit of rough by
    taking off my belt, feeding a loop into the buckle, and trapping her
    wrists behind her into the resulting figure of 8. I had then lifted her
    standing onto a step, just at the height where the top of my cock would
    ram up against her cunt or her anus (depending on which way I turned
    her around), and then very slowly undressed her. Very, very slowly
    undressed her. Teasing and kissing her everywhere. I made sure I didn't
    drag down her panties as I dropped her skirt - make her wait even more.
    Mind you, she slipped one arm forward until the belt bound her at one
    of her elbows rather than at her wrist, because she had to feel every
    part of my torso that she could touch. Eventually, having finished
    stripping her, I impaled her on my cock and carried her off to my bed
    with her legs wrapped around me, and fucked her ragged. That was
    when I became rough. Maybe I'll relive the details some other time.
    (btw, I wasn't stupid - it was a well-lubricated ‘ragged'. I'm not
    stupid enough to think that a woman will be so endlessly entranced by
    my lust that she will be endlessly dripping, and if she dries even for
    just a moment while I'm plunging away in my condom then my sheathed
    penis won't be aware of her dryness. And during even just a brief dry
    patch, that plunging latex can cause her a friction burn that will
    seriously dampen her desire for quite a few days. In other words: if
    you use a condom, then use a lubricant, duh.)

    But back to last weekend. And back to the notion that if I was truly
    going to be rough right from the get-go, then I shouldn't be quite so
    gently considerate when slowly undressing her.

    Now I just happened to have a way of securely anchoring cords above the
    door to my bedroom. And I knew how to tie a cord into a loop with a
    rolling hitch that can be adjusted by sliding it up and down the bight.
    And I had some krabs from rock-climbing: faster than fiddling with
    knots. So how to make comfortable wrist ties? A couple of surplus silky
    neck-ties cut in half: the thin end for doubling around her wrist and
    tied with a tiny single-loop bow, the fat end for her ankle. What are
    the ankles tied to? Well, the lower hinges of my bedroom door and the
    adjoining door made convenient anchor points for keeping legs splayed
    helplessly apart. And I happened to have some surplus webbing that made
    a very strong belt around her waist, for a purpose that shall shortly
    be described.

    I had warned Jenny that other than a cappuccino after she arrived, she
    should not expect much consideration. When she arrived, we briefly
    hugged and kissed, then I carried her to the kitchen and sat her on the
    ‘work bench', while I started the coffee and we chatted, in between my
    kissing her, feeding her grapes, and pulling her clothed cunt against
    my clothed cock. (That work bench is just the right height.) Coffee
    done, I pulled out the neck-tie half and said I had a ‘friendship
    bracelet' for her, one for each wrist. She smiled when she saw the
    neck-tie (we had used them before, but that's another story), and asked
    what would happen if she refused to put them on her wrists. I said I
    would enjoy her finding out what would happen. With a demure smile, she
    said she would refuse to put them on after going to the toilet. Which
    she did, and then did.

    So I responded with my own demure smile, seized her around the waist,
    forced her around facing away from me, and then carried / pushed her
    over to the couch. (Except that I did pause for a crude grope of her
    tits and cunt, and a nuzzle against her neck, which she loves. Except
    that my grope at her cunt deliberately pushed against every part of it
    except for her clit, leaving her wrestling her groin forward trying to
    grind her clit into my hand.) I had left some blankets on the couch and
    pushed her face down into them while I kneeled behind her, pinning her
    bum with my groin while I took off that handy belt of mine. Now Jenny
    does yoga, but maybe she should do more arm work, because it wasn't
    hard for me to pull her wrists behind her. She was jerking her arms
    about a fair bit, but by kneeling astride her torso on the couch I
    could trap her elbows between my knees and eventually (she really did
    put up a fight) bind her wrists into the figure 8 of my belt, and tie
    it off. Then I tied on those ‘friendship bracelets' onto her wrists. I
    turned her around to face me, and, with her arms behind her buried in
    that loose pile of blankets, I rammed my groin against hers, held her
    face with both arms, and kissed her at my leisure and pleasure - she
    struggled at first before moaning and kissing me back.

    Then I hauled her upright and carried her to my bedroom door.

    She freaked when she saw the ropes and krabs dangling from the top
    corners of the door. "No!" she said, "I'm not doing that. I don't like

    So I relaxed completely and let her go. I showed her how she could slide
    the rolling hitch right off, and said "If you don't mind, I'll show you
    how it works with one wrist, but I won't tie up the other wrist unless
    you say I can".

    I then realised that she couldn't pull off the sliding hitch with just
    one hand because the loop would simply pull around, but a slip-knot
    that the top of the loop fixed that. So she acquiesced, still a little
    nervous, but trusting me. It is a privilege to be trusted, and that is
    not a trust that I would abuse. Mind you, I did warn her that if she
    freed herself for any reason other than to administer CPR to me then
    there would be severe consequences, including her doing the dishes for
    the next month.

    So there she stands, with her arms splayed above her. "Did I every
    mention your tits look extra sweet when you raise your arms above your
    head?" One of the many endearing things about Jenny is that she can
    blush in implausible situations, such as with a cock rammed in her
    mouth or with her arms bound above her head.

    I then stripped and put on a condom, held her head, and again mauled /
    kissed her mouth. She bucked her groin against mine. "Maybe I should
    tease you, and not let you rub your clit against anything", I said.

    "Maybe I won't let you rub your cock against me", she retorted.

    "I don't think you've really thought this situation through", I said,
    and commenced to unbutton her blouse, undo her bra, and pull her skirt
    and knickers down. (No ‘slowly with the knickers' this bloody time.)

    Then I quickly knelt to tie her ankles, and clipped them apart to the
    door hinges. And sat between her legs, and ran my tongue up each of her
    inner thighs. "But", I said, "this time it's about me, not about you".

    Standing up, I quickly clipped the webbing-belt about her waist and
    attached it via a cord to the bolts above. I unclipped her left hand,
    took her blouse and bra off her left arm, clipped her left hand to her
    belt behind her, then did the same with her right arm, clipping her
    wrists together behind her. So she is standing there naked with her
    arms locked behind her, her breasts jutting out, and her vulva puffy
    with desire. She is just beginning to think about the possible

    "Hmm, what happens if you fall over?" I asked, and not giving her time
    to become afraid I pull her head down to my cock as she realised that
    her waist is held up by the webbing-belt that is attached to a cord to
    the anchors above. Holding her head, I rock her back and forth so that
    my cock slides in and out of her willing mouth, while her naked bum
    pokes lewdly up in the air.

    I lift her head back up again to kiss me, and she moans as she realises
    how helpless she is. Usually she augments her head jobs with her hands.
    (The reality is that the best part of her head jobs is what she does
    with her hands, which is true of every woman who has ever blown me and,
    fwiw, of the vast majority of porn actresses.) But now, she is
    realising the consequences of her hands being tied behind her. I tell
    her "Take me deep one time, then two times, then three times. I like to
    hear you gag."

    I lower her head down again to my cock, and she takes me in. She is
    always a little to slow to do this, and I give her time. After all, I
    want her to want to do this. She goes in about as far as she ever does,
    and then I briefly pull her onto me a little bit deeper and then pull
    her off. "That's one time", I say, as she breaths deeply.

    I pull her on again. This time I set the pace. Fairly quickly, I pull
    her on as deep as before, and then a little bit deeper. "That's one
    time". Then almost out, then in again until she gags a little. "That's
    two times. Fuck it sounds erotic to hear you gagging".

    I pull out, and let her catch her breath a little, but not too much
    before I've pulled her on again for "That's one time, two times, three
    times", jigging back and forth a little with the last one as she goes
    "gugh gugh gughghgh".

    Then I've lifted her up again, and let her collapse against my shoulder.
    Just for a little while, because now I've rounded behind her. From
    behind I twist her mouth round to kiss it on the side a little, and
    then, holding her throat, nuzzle her neck, and let my cock run up and
    down her arse crack while she shudders and trembles. I reach for the
    conveniently placed lube, smear it over my condomed helmet, and touch
    it to her taint. She flinches at the cold of the lubricant. I then run
    my cock down again to her cunt, and lightly push in. It barely
    penetrates - she is so tight. Then up again to her taint. Angling it
    just so, I push. I'm not trying to go in far, but I would have a hard
    time if I was - she is very tight up there too. I do a little bit more
    eeny meeny miny mo, then quickly check that my whole penis is lightly
    lubed, then in one motion plunge it into her cunt, as she gasps and I
    grope her rock hard nipple and tight right tit with my left hand, and
    shove her mons even further onto my cock with my right hand. She gasps,
    and pants with small breaths and whimpers, as I maul and nuzzle all the
    parts of her torso and neck and groin that I know drive her wild. My
    hands keep grazing her nipples to check that they are still completely
    engorged with desire.

    I grasp her waist with both hands. She has a fucking lovely waist -
    perfect for holding while fucking. And rock her back and forth, onto
    and off my cock as I watch it slide almost out then bury entirely into
    her. Slowly her head is starting to flop forward and down towards her

    While I am still in her, I unclip her left wrist and hold it firmly. I
    suddenly withdraw my cock and she gasps, her sense of loss palpable
    from her groan of desire. Kneeling, I clip her left wrist to her left
    ankle tie, then swiftly do the same on the other side so that her right
    wrist is tied to her right ankle, as she leans forward with her bum
    held up in the air.

    I slip off the cords that pull her ankles out to the lower door hinges,
    stand up, and impale her again with my cock. She groans and gasps again
    - the sense of loss is finished, but I'm at the upper limit of size
    that she can comfortably take. I know from experience that I am almost
    in a position that she would find unpleasantly deep, and I am a chunky

    Leaning forward, I wrap my arm around the front of her hips on pull her
    on to my cock as deep as she can go, then with the other I release her
    belt. While she remains bent over with her wrists tied to her ankles, I
    carry her by her waist to my bed. We stand beside it, and I slowly
    topple us sideways, with my arms continuing to impale her onto me. We
    lie sideways on the bed with my cock deep in her cunt. She is shocked
    into stunned panting.

    After a little bit, I come out of her to move her to the centre of the
    bed, still lying on her side, doubled over, her legs and arms both
    pointing in the same direction and joined that her wrists and ankles,
    her bum pointed behind her. It's irresistible. I take turns fucking her
    cunt and her arse; both feel sensational to me; to her it can feel too
    intense in either orifice, which is when we swap to the alternative.

    Eventually, while in her cunt, I roll her from side onto her back. To
    begin with her arms and legs point together up to the ceiling, but then
    she bends her knees as they splay out. And now, just for a little bit,
    I stop being rough, and kiss her tenderly. I know she will find it
    painful if I penetrate her too deeply in this position, so I just slide
    in most of the way while we kiss. She has been wonderful, and I love
    her. We both tiptoe around that emotion; there is shared pain that ours
    is unlikely to be a lifelong relationship, but the compensation is that
    there is deep friendship and regard for each other. Her panting
    subsides, and her thighs flatten her boobs and nipples. She is starting
    to relax and come off her sexual high. OK, we can fix that - let's go

    Efficiently I roll her over onto her front: now she has her knees under
    her, her bum perched up in the air, her upper half resting on her
    shoulders and tits. So what would you do? Of course, I fuck her from
    behind, although to do so I pull her by her waist towards the foot of
    the bed and onto my cock. She's always a lovely fuck like this, and now
    is no exception. I pick her waist up higher and kneel up; her back
    arches to that her bum pokes up even higher. There is the added
    eroticism for both of us that her wrists are helplessly bound to her
    ankles. I lean forward and plant my fists onto the bed jammed just in
    front / above her shoulders, and fuck her deeply, ramming her shoulders
    forward against my wrists; she is pinned with me fucking her deeply in
    a position she loves. Leaving my right arm jammed above her shoulder, I
    experimentally reach under to feel her left tit with my left hand. Yep,
    despite being largely flattened by her weight, both breast and nipple
    are becoming engorged again. Now for my next devilry.

    Releasing her pinned shoulders, I start to push my cock forward and tell
    her "Leave your knees where they are but let your hips go forwards so
    that your ankles come up behind your bum." She slides up. Now she is
    still lying on her front, but no longer supported on her knees. Instead
    they are splayed out on either side of her. Her knees are still bent,
    but now her thighs and groin are lying down against the mattress, and
    her shins and toes face the ceiling, with her wrists trapped on either
    side of her waist. I fuck her like that for a little while as her quads
    stretch out. Choice.

    Then I reach for a big very fat cushion and place it in the centre of
    the bed, and efficiently roll her onto the cushion. I hope you can
    picture this correctly - it's a sight worth imagining. She is lying
    face up on this big fat cushion, which causes her groin and belly to
    arch up pointing towards the ceiling. Her shoulders are at a slightly
    lower level. Her head lies fall back, which tends to cause her mouth to
    fall open. Her knees are bent under her, splayed out to either side,
    which both stabilised her and leaves her cunt and arse wide open. Her
    ankles are tied to her wrists and lie on the mattress on either side of
    her. (Another story: often we fuck with her lying facing upright with
    her bum and spine lying on my right inner thigh, while I like on my
    right side, with my cock in her and my left leg lying on her left hip.
    She sometimes says it makes her feel like she is being fucked on an
    altar. Well, bound like this on the big cushion is even more so like
    being on an altar, ready to be impaled in any of 3 orifices.)

    So what's a boy to do? Slowly, so that she has time to anticipate it, I
    approach her head from ‘above her' and place my cock at her open mouth,
    and start to fuck her mouth. I pause to ask her how she is going: she
    says it is easier to take my cock in this position than it was when I
    fucked her mouth while she was bending forwards; she says "It's easier
    to hold my mouth open". We do the one-time, two-times, three-times
    routine: far-fucking-out - she is getting so good at this that it is
    very hard not to come. I'm tempted, but I know she is aching for some
    cock in her cunt, and I want us to do this again some time. Instead I
    move forward so that I can tongue her everywhere at my leisure.

    And then impale her at the other end: coming from her head I move to
    kneeling between her bent knees, and inexorably fill her cunt right up.
    She is gasping in sexual delirium, her head turning from side to side,
    her nipples rock hard, her breasts two engorged hemispheres, her vulva
    so turgid with engorgement that it grips my sliding cock like a silken
    glove. I hold her hips and move her back and forwards onto my spasming
    cock. She needs to come. Fuck a duck, so do I.

    The only thing is that Jenny has never yet orgasmed while face upwards:
    she either needs to be prone and frigging herself, or kneeling astride
    a convenient knee (while sucking cock) or kneeling astride an engorged
    penis. So, for the last time, I flip her again: she is back lying on
    her front, ankles up behind her. "Would you like me to untie you?" I

    She nods with silent intensity. I free her right hand, which immediately
    goes under her to frig her cunt, even before I have freed her left
    hand. I kneel with my penis at her perineum. Cunt or arse? "Which do
    you want?" I ask. "Either!" she gasps. Hmmm, she has hunkered down so
    hard it is hard to reach her cunt, and perhaps her most intense orgasms
    happen while I'm in her arse. So quickly I lube up, slide in half way,
    slip my left hand under her left nipple (her slightly more erotic
    nipple), and drop my lips to kiss her neck. Within seconds of me
    kissing her neck she is gone, crying out loud again and again, her
    stomach muscles spasming as her torso shakes. I wait just long enough
    for her spasming to subside enough to bear me, then lift her hips a
    little and plunge into her cunt. (I haven't done enough with her arse
    today that I can fuck it as hard as I want, and believe me, I want to
    fuck hard; plus her cunt and arse feel equally fantastic; plus just
    after she has come she finds it almost as intense if I fuck her cunt.
    So cunt it is, a no-brainer.) It is very gratifying to drive her so
    wild again, and I build as I buck her hips against me. Just as I am
    getting there, still kneeling I turn her to lie on her right side with
    her right leg straight between mine and her left leg bent over my left
    thigh: I love seeing her face, her torso, her engorged shaking breasts
    (although they are so engorged now that they don't move much). Both of
    us would be bored with drugs, but if she tripped I bet she would look
    like she does now, lost in a sexual high. My left inner thigh rubs
    against her clit, my testicles against her right inner thigh. She
    clamps her left leg down even tighter on my rock hard cock inside her
    as it slams in and out of her depths. I put my left hand down to
    support myself where my wrist will tease her nipple even harder. My
    right hand snakes under her delectable waist and rams her onto me even
    harder. Her eyes un-focus: partly she is thinking about what is
    happening inside her, partly she is just a sexual blur of being. I have
    to shut my own eyes as I go into sensory overload myself. I hear her
    moan and gasp even more intensely as she feels me getting even deeper
    and harder, and then, shuddering, I release into her as hard as I have
    ever come in my life, coming again and again until I am totally spent.

    Eventually I lean forward to kiss her nipple, but she flinches - it's
    too sensitive just for now. Instead I reach higher and we tenderly
    kiss. Finally I flop down beside her spooning her from behind, still
    deep inside her. My lower arm wraps under her waist and holds her still
    engorged upper breast; my upper arm roams all over her curves until we
    both sink into an exhausted contented doze. It's nice to know that even
    in our 50s we are learning new tricks.

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    • too long, no time to finish the reading, quick look, sleeping, f*cking, dating f*cking .