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OK,die in heaven.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛They are both totally exhausted, arms and legs entwined irregularly. Experience tells him to stretch this feeling and be sensitive to women’s sentiments.

He knows how to read body languages.

He gently bites her ear lobe, playfully taste it with his tongue until the hot air from his mouth make her start moaning again and her boy tense because of sensitivity, wanting and expecting. His hands are stroking her nipples until they are hard. He does not want to push too hard, understanding both of them are tired of sexual exertion last night.

He is not a loquacious type, but he knows the power of the language. Thus, with his hands all over her body, he says compliments and from time to time, kisses her most sensitive part. He especially likes the part between her thighs, bushy and mysterious, which intrigues him to explore with his hands and tongue. Sometimes, he also likes that part being shaved; daring, bold and challenging, as if to say, “Conquer, my king!”

They could play like this for hours, neither of them wants to get out of the bed. If she wants to have a shower, he wants to join her, at least, that would give him another chance to watch her tormenting in happiness.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • In your sex fantasy, what does your perfect sex partner look like?
    Starting from me.

    My imaginary sex partner has taste. I don’t really care about how pretty she is, but she must be someone well-educated, well-read, witty, funny, interesting, and finally, most important of all, slutty; she is a great kisser and when her kisses are caressing my body, I know what she is trying to say, and I will kiss back, saying what I want to say; she is a slut, knowing how to present her body without limiting my imagination; she doesn’t mind talking dirty and she knows how to talk dirty without using foul language; she is funny and interesting – her rich experience and knowledge is like a book, a book I need to browse from time to time, and each time is a new experience for me.

    Why I don’t care about how she looks? Because real sexuality comes from her soul and true appreciation of life.

    Tell me about your perfect sex partner.
    • 嘻嘻,祝您早日找到凤姐,人家可是高端人才,经常阅读经典读物,读者啊,知音啊什么的。
      • I am not looking for anyone in particular. I just want to know what your perfect sex partner look like. That is all.
        • It could be anyone who can create the feeling. The tragic point for me is that I do not have the confidence in love.
          • Can’t blame you. But a lack of confidence in love can hardly prevent you from having a good dream. :) When everything has failed, are you able to tell yourself that at least you’ve tried?
            • If I may disagree:-), some people absolutely need more confidence to even have a dream. They can be very lost in the frustration and failure from reality. They will not see that there is another dimension worth exploring, seen and felt only by few.
              • Only if you believe in fate. I still have the dream to be a professional and I am still working hard on it.
                • I am sorry but I don't know what you are talking about. What kind of professional? A professional "working girl"? All professions need hard work.
                  • :) I know what she is talking about.She does not believe life is as simple as "1 + 1" and it is not fair that she is not getting her part.
      • 楼主这么好的思想,可是遇到这样的共鸣, 却让人感觉一只鹰遇到了鸭。
    • The same as Jack London? Handsome and intelligent.
      • You can be what you want to be in your own dream.
        • I have seen so many people still frustrate on the verge of reality and fantasy. Never underestimate the power of imagination. It does have a very practical effect on our spirits. Yes, people, get more interesting, I have the same to say.
          • Some part of sextuality is from imagination, like many things in this world, all depending how you would like to look at it.
            • Agree! Imagination or fantasy is a big part of sex.
      • 还是建议妹妹多看看英国内衣顶牌agent provocateur 拍的精致而性感的小电影,别学维多利亚时代没有自己的性欲,只有把自己用婚姻卖了的物欲的所谓英国淑女。那点austin 的英语,有点霉味啦,update 啦,读读 Laura kipni吧, you will straigten up your thoughts!
        • 这本书怎么样 "La Philosophie dans le boudoir" ?
    • Bravo! Indeed well said! That is maturity, a refined taste in sexuality:-).
    • 星期天的早晨,可以游离现实生活一会儿,是发挥想象力的好时候,好,让我来做个换位思考,谈谈床上goddess!
      她醒来的时候脸上仿佛还带着你昨晚赋予她的红晕。她用双眸看你,什么也不说,一对如水的明眸黑得让人想起 Alberto Modigliani 画里充满爱欲的情人,裸露的全身,轮廓柔和纤长,双乳竖得如同待哺的白鸽的嘴。她不说一个字,眼神却早已告诉你许多话语。你偏不吻她,却用温暖雄性的气息探向她脖根,双手直探她的花蕾,明明白白回答她,你的吻!一刹那,就一刹那,如海潮涌向裸岛,那样的湿润,让你惊喜。。。
      • Go on...I am hooked.
      • 正当她湿润汹涌,微喘娇息,


        他熟谙最能让女人感到剧烈挑逗的游戏。别人喜欢用食指和中指,探得很深;他明白那样往往只能给女人带来不安全感甚至疼痛。 他喜欢用他硕大的拇指,慢慢地向里探,慢慢地往下压,时而温柔,时而霸道粗鲁,他明白大多数女人在浅口处的神奇敏感,远比在花巷深处的麻木要有趣的多。他喜欢用间歇和踌躇引导她的企盼,慢慢地堆积她的欲望,与她一起一层一层上。

        她不太熟悉这样的意图,却感觉已经完全交出自己的一切,慢慢地在近似昏迷般的喜悦中小声地说,"好象不再是我自己了。。。"。 是的,假如她的朋友同事看到平日里静悄悄的她现在的样子,世界一定会往西转。她躺在雪白的床单上,已经涂了一滩湿润,却还在往下滴淌。那晶莹剔透的体液充满了她身体的芬芳,又是如次粘稠,他可以拉到她完全张开的大腿膝盖那侧而不断,阳光投入,刹那间如彩虹般折射出七色。
        • OK,die in heaven.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛They are both totally exhausted, arms and legs entwined irregularly. Experience tells him to stretch this feeling and be sensitive to women’s sentiments.

          He knows how to read body languages.

          He gently bites her ear lobe, playfully taste it with his tongue until the hot air from his mouth make her start moaning again and her boy tense because of sensitivity, wanting and expecting. His hands are stroking her nipples until they are hard. He does not want to push too hard, understanding both of them are tired of sexual exertion last night.

          He is not a loquacious type, but he knows the power of the language. Thus, with his hands all over her body, he says compliments and from time to time, kisses her most sensitive part. He especially likes the part between her thighs, bushy and mysterious, which intrigues him to explore with his hands and tongue. Sometimes, he also likes that part being shaved; daring, bold and challenging, as if to say, “Conquer, my king!”

          They could play like this for hours, neither of them wants to get out of the bed. If she wants to have a shower, he wants to join her, at least, that would give him another chance to watch her tormenting in happiness.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Very nice, but give us more interesting original ideas. By the way, we women don't call our king "my king", we say, " my lord." lol
            • Here you go, more ideas.
              He likes to surprise her and she likes to pretend to be surprised.

              He likes to rush in into the bathroom while she is having a shower and, she knows he will come in and she is waiting.
              His kiss is forcible and manly, nevertheless, gentle. He loves to slather her body with honey and lick it all up, bit by bit.

              She likes the feeling being squeezed and pressed, especially when they do it in the movie theatre or in the park. His hands would force their way into her bra or pants at most unexpected moments. The feeling is so stimulating and sensational that she almost faints. Damn him! He always knows when and where to touch her.

              She loves to read with him, or watch TV, completely naked. When eating naked, she likes him “accidentally” dumping his food on her and eating from her body. She loves to see the earnestness on his face when she is tickling his penis and feeling empowered when he is hardened under her caressing hands.
            • My lord??? 我也QUOTE一句吧: "Written by that secretary, who is, and forever will be, your loyal and most assured Servant" , "Written with the hand of him which desireth as much to be yours as you do to have him."
              • 不错不错,妹妹是个维多利亚迷,看出来了,那就就着自己的喜欢吧!容我今儿个活在当下,开句野蛮的完笑,别恼怒啊lol。
                要我是个男的,我就把那"written with the hands" 换成 "sealed with the shaft..."lol lol. 然后结尾来个 "stay hungry...". Haha!
                • i think u heard the tragic fate of anne boleyn. this was written to her by henry viii who executed her later on
                  • No I have not. Great to know. You still need love in the first place, my guess. Right, who doesn't? Keep your outlook and go for it. Well wishes.
        • 完了,坛子里的小男孩马上就要被左大娘给诱奸了
          • You wish.