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My 5 cents:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Everybody has his/her own demons, this is particularly true for people who access this board. Most men come to here to talk/look for sex, It's the primary topic for this board so nothing is more proper than that . For me, I just want to find a way to express my anger and get a bit comfort. I would like to meet a girl maybe within similar situation, we can console each other and have some fun time together. A platonic relationship would be perfect for now, that will be enough to get me back to even and maybe find my inner peace. I know the chance is slim, but I don't care, just saying something here and getting response kind of helped. I come to this board because I don't want to go to "love" or "looking for her/him" cause I am still inside the marriage , as you mentioned. BTW, you probably should go there. I am not sure what kind of demon drove you here, but you are barking on the wrong tree.

You probably are never married and have no single clue what marriage life is like, and what the end of marriage means to a middle life person, what kind of damage it could cause, to him/her, their children, their family, mentally, emotionally, financially. It's not a decision easy to make.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 寻找红颜,安慰一下我受伤的心。

    Fuck it, 老子也去找个红颜知己,大家扯平。

    找在downtown 上班的,中午可以一起吃饭,喝杯咖啡什么的。
    • Duang!
      • my two cents: 已婚的就不要搞这一套了。离了再说
        • 妹妹,你的想法很单纯,很天真。你或者想来这里找成熟的,脸帅的,x能力强的,也许这里有,但是还要这样的人未婚,天天跟你浪漫,就是你的逻辑思维能力太差了。
          • Who told you that? It would be fine if he is legally single (either single or divorced). I just mean it would be a shame for someone already in a relationship. Appearance, desire for sex, and other factors could be ignored in this aspect.
        • My 5 cents:
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Everybody has his/her own demons, this is particularly true for people who access this board. Most men come to here to talk/look for sex, It's the primary topic for this board so nothing is more proper than that . For me, I just want to find a way to express my anger and get a bit comfort. I would like to meet a girl maybe within similar situation, we can console each other and have some fun time together. A platonic relationship would be perfect for now, that will be enough to get me back to even and maybe find my inner peace. I know the chance is slim, but I don't care, just saying something here and getting response kind of helped. I come to this board because I don't want to go to "love" or "looking for her/him" cause I am still inside the marriage , as you mentioned. BTW, you probably should go there. I am not sure what kind of demon drove you here, but you are barking on the wrong tree.

          You probably are never married and have no single clue what marriage life is like, and what the end of marriage means to a middle life person, what kind of damage it could cause, to him/her, their children, their family, mentally, emotionally, financially. It's not a decision easy to make.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Very very good written. Some people on this forum have found matching partner and are making progress rooting out the demons to find liberation from all those pains you mentioned.
            Marriage is just a form. The paper can not stop anything if one is determined. Responsibility to children is priority, but that priority can also be debated. Mid-life is the time to find answers to the questions that have been puzzling us for all the past years. A crisis is also an opportunity. What you get from this crisis/opportunity is up to you.

            Good luck.
          • 那你不就是鼓励人家搞婚外情? 你自己已婚的不算, 还要勾搭人家已婚的, 让人家老公带绿帽子。。。
        • my three cents:I am single but I wont find some one desperate looking for relationship. period.
          • Very well. United, we shall give a dime :-)
            • You bet.
    • 原来男人也会这么冲动。建议你先冷静冷静,弄清楚你妻子的想法和态度。目前这种状态找“红颜”对自己和“红颜”都无益。
    • 俺实话实说啊, 建议楼主回去把广告词重写。。。
      不知道ROLIA 的帖子能不能删掉,你要找红颜,直接写你的目的 要求之类就足够了;你写上你老婆的这些,表现的像个怨妇,哪个女子敢出来跟你见面 ,别人花时间出来陪你聊天 吃饭 等等之类的了,万一你还要来个AA制,不仅浪费了时间 浪费了金钱,最后还弄个不愉快,先不说美女,你说哪个女子敢跳出来上你的钩 。哈哈
      • 很有道理。找红颜要有认真的态度,也要为对方着想
      • 这话说的,男的就不能抱怨,就得硬抗?等见面才发现是怨妇,那岂不更耽误女方时间金钱。所以好的广告就要先过滤掉虚假客户群。我们找有同样精神需求的女性,不找吊凯子的。
        • 那祝您好运哈!
          俺性格直爽,是希望您在这发广告了,能找到你想要的,就像写个简历想得到工作一样;如果你只是此时气愤 ,写个广告了发泄发泄,不在意是否有女子上钩,不想要什么结果,那我讲这话真的是没什么意义
    • You are being authentic. A good Ad. Revenge/anger/doubt is your first reaction. The deeper you dive into the pain, the higher you may rise (if you ever float again). Wondering what did you do last night - pretending nothing changes, or saying it out?
    • 你竟然还考虑默默地做个男配角?也许你成全他们,全身而退更显得象个男人
      Leave her. There is nothing there worth saving. If you stay you will never be an equal in the marriage again. Get out. This will end badly anyway. Your wife is cheating on you, and you want to be cheating back on her, that's not the solution.
    • 这女人有时候就是闷了,不敢真出去找刺激,就在网上勾勾搭搭的,其实你真放她走她也不走,挑明了教训几句就行了。
    • 前面一大堆无非是托词或者借口,就算你没发现你老婆在搞婚外情,难道你就不想上其他女人?挖哈哈哈哈哈,老兄你一个大老爷们,有什么好装的啊
      • 不能这么说。你这么做伤害自己老婆和人家老公。当然你找小姐是另外回事,加拿大合法的吧?
        • 好像是合法的,加拿大的警察不管这些事情