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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!
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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


最新特别提示: 没有办理完毕到中国的工作签证前,请不要以旅游签证或商务签证入境,否则,外籍员工还需回国办理到中国的工作签证。因为到中国的工作签证必须在中国驻外领事馆办理。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛就业许可证、工作签证、就业证和居留许可的操作程序
Process of obtaining Employment Certificate, Work Visa, Work Permit and
Residence Permit for Foreign Employees
工提供资料,本公司 在上海办理。就业许可证、工作签证通知书办理完毕,交付外籍员工,
签证办理完毕,外籍员工持工作签证进入中国上海,外籍员工进入上海后,由本公司 办理外
外籍员工进入中国的入境地为中国上海,外籍员工的最早入境时间可以由本公司 在其所提
个工作日将本公司 为外籍员工办理就业许可证和工作签证通知书所需的资料交与本公司,确
保本公司 及时办理。具体操作详见以下操作程序。
General Introduction
In order to enter China and work legally in China, enter China, foreign employees will need
Employment Certificate, Work Visa Notification Letter, Work Visa, Work Permit and Residence
Permit. Employment Certificate and Work Visa Notification Letter should be applied before the
foreign employee enters Shanghai, China. The foreign employees should provide relevant
materials to 本公司 and 本公司 will apply for Employment Certificate and Work Visa Notification
Letter on behalf of the foreign employees in Shanghai. Once Work Permit and Work Visa
Notification Letter are obtained, 本公司 will arrange to send them to the foreign employees and
then the foreign employees should apply for Work Visa at Chinese consulate in foreign countries
with them. Once Work Visa is obtained, the foreign employees are able to enter Shanghai, China
with the Work Visa. After the foreign employee enters Shanghai, 本公司 will apply for Work Permit
and Residence Permit for the foreign employees.
The place(port) where the foreign employee enters China should be Shanghai. The earliest entry
date can be specified by in the Work Visa Notification Letter by 本公司 or to be decided by the
foreign employees themselves, but the foreign employees should inform and provide the relevant
materials required for Work Permit and Work Visa Notification Letter to 本公司 20 working days in
advance in order to assure that 本公司 have enough time to process and deliver.
The detailed procedure & required materials please see individual steps below.
The procedure of obtaining the foreign employees’ Employment Certificate, Work Visa
Notification Letter and Work Permit and Residence Permit are as follows:
Step 1: Material list for Employment Certificate and Visa Notification Letter application
( Before Entering China )
□ *外籍员工履历证明
*CV of concerned foreigner
□ *外籍员工最高学历证明
*Documentation of academic credentials of
concerned foreigner
□ *有效护照
*Valid passport
□ 公司离职证明
Statement of resignation from last company (if any)
If last company is based in China, statement of
resignation shall be stamped by the company;
otherwise, no need to provide this document.
Note: All the materials marked with “*” are must-have materials that shall be provided to 本公司.
备注(Remarks & other information/materials) :
CV( including the highest academic credentials) of concerned foreigner shall be
continuous in the experiences.
Detailed contact address and fax number from home country.
C)注明最早的入境时间(或由本公司 在工作签证通知书上注明)
Earliest date for entering China (otherwise, 本公司 will specify in Work Visa
Notification Letter)
D)2 寸半身正面免冠照片4 张
4 passport-size photos of concerned foreigner
Martial status : single or married
Step 2 : Foreign employee collects the above mentioned materials that the foreign employees need
provide and hands over the materials to 本公司.
第三步:本公司 审核外籍员工的资料,审核完毕,本公司 在上海办理外籍员工的就业许可证
Step 3: 本公司 examines the materials and 本公司 applies for Employment Certificate and Work
Visa Notification Letter in Shanghai for the foreign employees if there are no problems with
第四步:本公司 办理完毕外籍员工的就业许可证和工作签证通知书后,本公司 将外籍员工的
就业许可证原件和工作签证原件交付外籍员工。外籍员工持本公司 提供的就业许可
Step 4: After obtaining the Employment Certificate and Work Visa Notification Letter, 本公司
will arrange them to be delivered to foreign employees. With the Employment Certificate and
Work Visa Notification Letter, the foreign employees should go applying for Work Visa at Chinese
consulates in home country. (Employment Certificate should be taken back to China)
备注: 外籍员工按工作签证通知书上所注明的时间入境(此入境时间只能延后,不能提前)
Remarks: The earliest entry date should be according to the approved date of the Work Visa
Notification Letter. (can enter later but not earlier than that date)
后,外籍员工与本公司 签订劳动合同,并将就业许可证原件交付本公司
Step 5: The foreign employees enter Shanghai, China with the Work Visa issued by the Chinese
consulate in home country. After entering Shanghai, the foreign employees should sign the
Employee Service Agreement with 本公司, and provide the original Employment Certificate to
Step 6: The foreign employees should process Health Certificate and Temporary Residence
Permit in Shanghai with assistance or instructions from 本公司
A) 办理健康证(由本公司 预约指定医院进行体检):
Obtaining Health Certificate (health check in the hospitals designated by 本公司) with
two options below:
The foreign employees can go to the hospitals by themselves.
或 or
2) 由本公司 工作人员陪同前往体检(需收取服务费)
Can choose to be accompanied by 本公司 staff to the hospital (service fee will apply)
体检完毕,领取健康证需工作时间5-7 天
After the health check, there will be 5 to 7 working days to obtain the Health Certificate.
B) 办理上海临时住宿证:
Processing Shanghai Temporary Residence Permit with two options below:
Checking in Shanghai hotels which can host foreigners and ask the hotel to provide
Shanghai temporary residence permit. (Don’t forget to ask the hotel to chop and
better to fill “To Be Decided” in the date for check out)
或 or
Renting an apartment and signing a lease with landlord, by which the foreign
employees can obtain Shanghai Temporary Residence Permit in local police office
Step 7: The foreign employees should hand over his Health Certificate, Shanghai Temporary
Residence Permit and passport to 本公司 and 本公司 will process work permit and residence permit
for them
第八步:本公司 办理外籍员工的就业证
Step 8: 本公司 processes Work Permit for the foreign employees, which takes about 5 working
days upon receipt of all materials
第九步:本公司 办理外籍员工的居留许可(第一次办理居留许可的外籍员工需和本公司 工作
Step 9: 本公司 processes Residence Permit for the foreign employees, which takes about 5
working days upon receipt of all materials
(For the foreign employees who applies Residence Permit for first time, their presence at Shanghai
bureau of entry & exit of Aliens is required. 本公司 staff can accompany them to go there)
第十步:本公司 领取外籍员工的就业证和居留许可,并将外籍员工的就业证、居留许可和护
Step 10: 本公司 obtain Work Permit and Residence Permit from government bureaus and hand over
Work Permit, Residence Permit and Passport to the foreign employees. The foreign employees
should acknowledge receipt of them by signing.
本公司 办理外籍员工的就业许可证、工作签证、就业证、居留许可的服务全部完成。
The whole process for obtaining Employment Certificate, Work Visa Notification Letter, Work
Visa , Work Permit and Residence Permit for the foreign employees will be completed at this
特别提示: 没有办理完毕到中国的工作签证前,请不要以旅游签证或商务签证入境,否则,
Special Note: Before obtaining the Work Visa, please don’t enter China with a Tourist or
Business Visa. Otherwise, the foreign employee has to go back to the home country again for
applying for the Work Visa, as the application has to be processed at the Chinese consulates
located in their home country.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 这里有回流到上海的吗? 有空大家聚会一下, 互相交流一下.
    • 我在上海浦东,有机会多联系!Cathy email yuxiangx@yahoo.com
    • 我在上海浦东, 联系我在 blueprintitworks@hotmail.com
    • 我在浦西,weiwei_cat@hotmail,com
    • 回流后感觉怎么样啊?环境,工作机会,生活...能分享一下吗?我也准备近期回流上海.
    • 周六下午怎样, 一起喝茶.
      • count me in. check PM pls.
    • 6月15日(星期天)下午3点, 上海商城新元素餐厅一楼, (南京西路1376号), 喝茶不贵, 而且还很安静. 想交流一下的就来吧.
      • 我下个月中旬回上海,公司在张江。浦东的朋友能否PM我你的电话,想问一下那里的住房和孩子上学的问题。谢谢了!
      • 星期天下午在上海商城的活动还按时举行吗?
        • 有兴趣的就来吧, 欢迎光临.
    • 今天来了两人, 也是一个好的开始, 希望下次有更多人来. 如果你提前告诉我会来参加, 我会PM 我的电话给你.
      • 可惜啊,我下个月底才回来呢,以后有活动的话,不要忘了通知我哦,谢谢
    • 加我一个,很想了解这税务怎样做
    • 6月21日(星期六)下午3点, 上海商城新元素餐厅, (南京西路1376号), 喝茶不贵, 而且还很安静. 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你.
      • 这两个星期六都没空,希望以后有机会见面交流.
      • 呀遗憾,我16日来的多伦多办工签, 24日才回上海.
        • 工作签证不能在国内签吗? 还是你怕注销户口. 能在近点其他国家, 如韩国签证, 一定要回原居住地?
          • 第一次工签原来可到香港等地办理,最近由于临近奥运,为了避免不必要的麻烦还是回了加拿大(签证邀请函上也已写明了要你去办理的地方)
            • 写明回加拿大签证??? 现在怎么搞的?
              • 是写明回加拿大签证, 还是说出中国签证就可以. 如果是写明要回国籍所在地签证, 这也太绝了.
            • 从这看来就算奥运会结束, 这政策也不一定能改回去了. 海外华人这下更不方便了.
            • 回国籍地签证? 加拿大不在中国旁边, 回一次耗时耗钱
              • 我所要去的公司的HR的人说,我只需要办理回国的旅游签证,其他的工作许可证和暂住证公司负责办理。不会有什么变化吧?
                • 最新特别提示: 没有办理完毕到中国的工作签证前,请不要以旅游签证或商务签证入境,否则,外籍员工还需回国办理到中国的工作签证。因为到中国的工作签证必须在中国驻外领事馆办理。
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛就业许可证、工作签证、就业证和居留许可的操作程序
                  Process of obtaining Employment Certificate, Work Visa, Work Permit and
                  Residence Permit for Foreign Employees
                  工提供资料,本公司 在上海办理。就业许可证、工作签证通知书办理完毕,交付外籍员工,
                  签证办理完毕,外籍员工持工作签证进入中国上海,外籍员工进入上海后,由本公司 办理外
                  外籍员工进入中国的入境地为中国上海,外籍员工的最早入境时间可以由本公司 在其所提
                  个工作日将本公司 为外籍员工办理就业许可证和工作签证通知书所需的资料交与本公司,确
                  保本公司 及时办理。具体操作详见以下操作程序。
                  General Introduction
                  In order to enter China and work legally in China, enter China, foreign employees will need
                  Employment Certificate, Work Visa Notification Letter, Work Visa, Work Permit and Residence
                  Permit. Employment Certificate and Work Visa Notification Letter should be applied before the
                  foreign employee enters Shanghai, China. The foreign employees should provide relevant
                  materials to 本公司 and 本公司 will apply for Employment Certificate and Work Visa Notification
                  Letter on behalf of the foreign employees in Shanghai. Once Work Permit and Work Visa
                  Notification Letter are obtained, 本公司 will arrange to send them to the foreign employees and
                  then the foreign employees should apply for Work Visa at Chinese consulate in foreign countries
                  with them. Once Work Visa is obtained, the foreign employees are able to enter Shanghai, China
                  with the Work Visa. After the foreign employee enters Shanghai, 本公司 will apply for Work Permit
                  and Residence Permit for the foreign employees.
                  The place(port) where the foreign employee enters China should be Shanghai. The earliest entry
                  date can be specified by in the Work Visa Notification Letter by 本公司 or to be decided by the
                  foreign employees themselves, but the foreign employees should inform and provide the relevant
                  materials required for Work Permit and Work Visa Notification Letter to 本公司 20 working days in
                  advance in order to assure that 本公司 have enough time to process and deliver.
                  The detailed procedure & required materials please see individual steps below.
                  The procedure of obtaining the foreign employees’ Employment Certificate, Work Visa
                  Notification Letter and Work Permit and Residence Permit are as follows:
                  Step 1: Material list for Employment Certificate and Visa Notification Letter application
                  ( Before Entering China )
                  □ *外籍员工履历证明
                  *CV of concerned foreigner
                  □ *外籍员工最高学历证明
                  *Documentation of academic credentials of
                  concerned foreigner
                  □ *有效护照
                  *Valid passport
                  □ 公司离职证明
                  Statement of resignation from last company (if any)
                  If last company is based in China, statement of
                  resignation shall be stamped by the company;
                  otherwise, no need to provide this document.
                  Note: All the materials marked with “*” are must-have materials that shall be provided to 本公司.
                  备注(Remarks & other information/materials) :
                  CV( including the highest academic credentials) of concerned foreigner shall be
                  continuous in the experiences.
                  Detailed contact address and fax number from home country.
                  C)注明最早的入境时间(或由本公司 在工作签证通知书上注明)
                  Earliest date for entering China (otherwise, 本公司 will specify in Work Visa
                  Notification Letter)
                  D)2 寸半身正面免冠照片4 张
                  4 passport-size photos of concerned foreigner
                  Martial status : single or married
                  Step 2 : Foreign employee collects the above mentioned materials that the foreign employees need
                  provide and hands over the materials to 本公司.
                  第三步:本公司 审核外籍员工的资料,审核完毕,本公司 在上海办理外籍员工的就业许可证
                  Step 3: 本公司 examines the materials and 本公司 applies for Employment Certificate and Work
                  Visa Notification Letter in Shanghai for the foreign employees if there are no problems with
                  第四步:本公司 办理完毕外籍员工的就业许可证和工作签证通知书后,本公司 将外籍员工的
                  就业许可证原件和工作签证原件交付外籍员工。外籍员工持本公司 提供的就业许可
                  Step 4: After obtaining the Employment Certificate and Work Visa Notification Letter, 本公司
                  will arrange them to be delivered to foreign employees. With the Employment Certificate and
                  Work Visa Notification Letter, the foreign employees should go applying for Work Visa at Chinese
                  consulates in home country. (Employment Certificate should be taken back to China)
                  备注: 外籍员工按工作签证通知书上所注明的时间入境(此入境时间只能延后,不能提前)
                  Remarks: The earliest entry date should be according to the approved date of the Work Visa
                  Notification Letter. (can enter later but not earlier than that date)
                  后,外籍员工与本公司 签订劳动合同,并将就业许可证原件交付本公司
                  Step 5: The foreign employees enter Shanghai, China with the Work Visa issued by the Chinese
                  consulate in home country. After entering Shanghai, the foreign employees should sign the
                  Employee Service Agreement with 本公司, and provide the original Employment Certificate to
                  Step 6: The foreign employees should process Health Certificate and Temporary Residence
                  Permit in Shanghai with assistance or instructions from 本公司
                  A) 办理健康证(由本公司 预约指定医院进行体检):
                  Obtaining Health Certificate (health check in the hospitals designated by 本公司) with
                  two options below:
                  The foreign employees can go to the hospitals by themselves.
                  或 or
                  2) 由本公司 工作人员陪同前往体检(需收取服务费)
                  Can choose to be accompanied by 本公司 staff to the hospital (service fee will apply)
                  体检完毕,领取健康证需工作时间5-7 天
                  After the health check, there will be 5 to 7 working days to obtain the Health Certificate.
                  B) 办理上海临时住宿证:
                  Processing Shanghai Temporary Residence Permit with two options below:
                  Checking in Shanghai hotels which can host foreigners and ask the hotel to provide
                  Shanghai temporary residence permit. (Don’t forget to ask the hotel to chop and
                  better to fill “To Be Decided” in the date for check out)
                  或 or
                  Renting an apartment and signing a lease with landlord, by which the foreign
                  employees can obtain Shanghai Temporary Residence Permit in local police office
                  Step 7: The foreign employees should hand over his Health Certificate, Shanghai Temporary
                  Residence Permit and passport to 本公司 and 本公司 will process work permit and residence permit
                  for them
                  第八步:本公司 办理外籍员工的就业证
                  Step 8: 本公司 processes Work Permit for the foreign employees, which takes about 5 working
                  days upon receipt of all materials
                  第九步:本公司 办理外籍员工的居留许可(第一次办理居留许可的外籍员工需和本公司 工作
                  Step 9: 本公司 processes Residence Permit for the foreign employees, which takes about 5
                  working days upon receipt of all materials
                  (For the foreign employees who applies Residence Permit for first time, their presence at Shanghai
                  bureau of entry & exit of Aliens is required. 本公司 staff can accompany them to go there)
                  第十步:本公司 领取外籍员工的就业证和居留许可,并将外籍员工的就业证、居留许可和护
                  Step 10: 本公司 obtain Work Permit and Residence Permit from government bureaus and hand over
                  Work Permit, Residence Permit and Passport to the foreign employees. The foreign employees
                  should acknowledge receipt of them by signing.
                  本公司 办理外籍员工的就业许可证、工作签证、就业证、居留许可的服务全部完成。
                  The whole process for obtaining Employment Certificate, Work Visa Notification Letter, Work
                  Visa , Work Permit and Residence Permit for the foreign employees will be completed at this
                  特别提示: 没有办理完毕到中国的工作签证前,请不要以旅游签证或商务签证入境,否则,
                  Special Note: Before obtaining the Work Visa, please don’t enter China with a Tourist or
                  Business Visa. Otherwise, the foreign employee has to go back to the home country again for
                  applying for the Work Visa, as the application has to be processed at the Chinese consulates
                  located in their home country.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • 诚然, 以前有公司可以代客户到HK或国外代办. 但现在一般建议在国外签好回去.
                  • 谢谢ado.lo的information. You are a such nice person, I really appreciate what you have done for us.
                    我又打电话询问了Human Resources 的那位专门负责给海归办理工作许可证的女职员,她依然说没问题,可以在国内办理。这个公司就在这大半年从北美雇佣了35个海归,应该没有什么问题吧。
        • 我是22日的机票到上海,现在还在Mississauga。能否PM我你的Phone Number,能否请教一些搬家的问题。也许以后还能成为朋友。
      • 谢谢Annies组织活动..6月21日的聚会错过了...希望能参加下次聚会活动
    • 看来回上海的人不少, 我准备把星期六的活动办下去, 希望你们到时候能抽空参加, 我觉得这样的活动对大家都是有益的.
      • 目前在多伦多上学,明年回上海找工作,希望多认识一些回上海的朋友,我的MSN:mxdld@hotmail.com,希望能多多联系!
    • 6月28日(星期六)下午3点, 上海商城新元素餐厅, (南京西路1376号), 喝茶不贵, 而且还很安静. 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你.
      • 我7月23日才能到上海,以后会去拜访各位。You guys have a good time!
      • 算我一个 :)
        • 我pm电话给你, 查一下.
    • 7月5日(星期六)下午3点, 上海商城新元素餐厅, (南京西路1376号), 喝茶不贵, 而且还很安静. 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你
      • 我在上海浦东,刚看到你的贴子,不知7月12日又没有喝茶,可以带孩子来吗,我有两个孩子
        • 当然了, 上个星期又有新的朋友来. 希望下次能见到你, 带孩子来吧, 那里的西餐也不错的. 下次活动前,我会PM我的电话给你的.另外我创建了一个群, ( group179726@msnzone.cn ) , 把这个加入到MSN, 就可以随时交流了.
    • 7月12日(星期六)下午3点, 上海商城新元素餐厅, (南京西路1376号), 喝茶不贵, 而且还很安静. 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你
    • 7月19日(星期六)下午3点, 上海商城新元素餐厅, (南京西路1376号), 喝茶不贵, 而且还很安静. 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你
    • 不知,你是先回流,再找工作, 还是找到工作, 再回流。我目前在加拿大有一份马马虎虎的工作。由于个人原因,需要回国, 不知是否可以给一些建议。 不胜感激
      • 最好的是找好工作再回来,薪水不一样的.
    • 7月26日(星期六)下午3点, 上海商城新元素餐厅, (南京西路1376号), 喝茶不贵, 而且还很安静. 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你
    • 8月2日(星期六)下午3点, 萨莉亚(静安寺店), 静安区万航渡路32号2楼(近静安寺地铁站), 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你. 我们已经有很多的朋友加入了.
      • 8月2日的活动来了14个人, 好热闹呀. 他们是Sha-li 一家, Lisa 一家,Yu, Bill, annies, Yin, Yan.........希望我们的活动一次比一次好.
    • 目前在多伦多上学,明年回上海找工作,希望多认识一些回上海的朋友,我的MSN:mxdld@hotmail.com,希望能多多联系!
    • 我在浦东, 联系我lois_chen@hotmail.com. 我回国一年半了, 收入不高, 但是生活过得蛮惬意的.
      • 谢谢, 我们每周六都有活动的, 希望你参加. 我觉得开心就好了, 别的不重要的.
      • 有得必有失啊
    • 8月16日(星期六)下午3点, 萨莉亚(静安寺店), 静安区万航渡路32号2楼(近静安寺地铁站), 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你. 我们已经有很多的朋友加入了
      • 哈哈!
        • 聚会的活动还在办吗?我也是外派工作在上海,徐家汇.
          • 我从来没去过,应该还在办。你回来多久了?
    • 9月20日(星期六), 12:00-2:00 自助餐, 地点:天下一家茶馆(上海市浦东新区樱花路435号 ,近世纪公园地铁站), 2:00-5:00, 游览世纪公园. 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你. 我们已经有很多的朋友加入了
      • 我回来已经一年了。但我现在在加拿大,10月9日回上海。不知是否还有聚会?
    • 10月11日(星期六), 12:00-2:00 自助餐, 地点:天下一家茶馆(上海市浦东新区樱花路435号 ,近世纪公园地铁站), 2:00-5:00, 游览世纪公园. 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你. 我们已经有很多的朋友加入了
      • 上星期的聚会我没赶上,请问这星期还有吗?在哪里?
    • 11月1日(星期六)下午3点, 萨莉亚(静安寺店), 静安区万航渡路32号2楼(近静安寺地铁站), 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你. 我们已经有很多的朋友加入了
    • 11月份有活动吗? 我正好回国度假, 顺带了解下国内就业情况. 大家都在国内做什么工作呢? 现在国内形势好吗? MSN: englishbay789@hotmail.com
      • 我爱人马上要办签证续签,她是探亲签证, 上海会不会要求她把户口销掉.
    • 上海圣诞节聚会 12月24日(星期三) 7:00 PM 地点: 延安西路1033号近昭化路 小肥羊火锅 欢迎大家的参加我们的活动. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!!!!!!!!!
      • 有没有谁有和公司谈Relocation的, 能否给个PM,有些问题请教。
    • 最近有没有活动呀,我正回国度假,也想了解回国发展的状况。
      • 请问有人想租房吗?我人在加拿大,房子在浦东,202平方,2层复式,精装修,全家具,全配,4500人民币每月.联系电话,1-905-7301351, or email: mayerzhao@hotmail.com
        • I'm quite interesting, could you tell me your room accurate address?
    • Hey, Anny, 最近还有聚会吗?我回来两个月了。sonyatim@gmail.com
      • 这个周末有聚会吗?3/21/2009?
      • 2009年4月16日(星期六)下午3点, 上海商城新元素餐厅, (南京西路1376号), 喝茶不贵, 而且还很安静. 想交流一下的就来吧.如果你要来参加, 请留言, 我会PM我的电话给你
        • 群的地址: group179726@msnzone.cn
    • 由于预防猪流感的进一步蔓延,明天的活动暂时取消, 敬请谅解!!!!