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Well there are perfectly happy people in Toronto. So no, Toronto is not the primary evil that makes people unhappy. So what is the evil?

you blame tax
you blame the weather
you blame "money did not help"
you blame "no luxury" to choose (while in fact you have the luxury to choose).

You blame everything you can blame.
So you can say to yourself: it is not my fault of being unhappy. you see, everything is AGAINST me.

The only thing in this world capable of making you unhappy is: YOU.

Just try asking yourself: Why are there many people who also live in Toronto, who also earn whatever salary, who also see the snow, are happy?

try to be the change you want to see in this world!
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  • ZT: 我眼中的上海的生活成本
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ZT我眼中的上海的生活成本



    标准,和我父亲差不多,1200多一些. 我父母说每个月总共开销大概要达到1500-2000左






    得没有卡的人就是loser. 其实我觉得那些叫国内生活好的,那么是既得利益者,要么

    就这样。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • GOOD. 论坛导读
      • 真实的百姓生活
    • 而且现在国内物价飞涨,工资却不涨。
      • 嘿咱俩聚了
      • 不是说吗,物价好比头发长,工资好比眉毛短~
    • 真实可信。
    • 庆祝海归版创版!
    • 这有什么好争的,简直就是一个盲人摸象的现代版.
      • 瞎子摸象之所以成为寓言,就是因为它是重复出现的。讨论不在于导出什么新东西,在于信息交流。
        • 信息交流明显不是作者的原意,说高质量生活也好,低质量生活也好,本来就只是反映冰山一角,难不成你将众生百态全搬出来?没劲!
    • You only know part of the story.
    • 要过上好日子, 哪儿都不容易, 国内家乡好歹还有些基础, 遇上个甚么事不会太心慌, 这儿可真是从头来过, 有时还真挺慌的
      • 国内基本已经没有社会保障,老百姓生个大病可能破产,没有收入等着饿死。你在加拿大慌的可能是自己达不到国内时的对等经济水平和社会地位。国内很多人慌的是吃不起猪肉,付不起100万的mortgage,生不起病,或者活不下去。哪个更慌?
        • The social safety net in Canada comes at a huge price tag for the middle-class. When you fork over more than half of your sweat blood money to the government every year, it is a real pain.
          I get a bit depression every tax season. That's the difference between socialism and capitalism I guess
          • We both get depressed with tax. But. You still choose Canada over China. right? Words are cheap. It is only what you do that REVEALS what you really think.
            • Not everyone has a luxury to choose where to live and work. Every country has its merits as well its problems. China does not provide enough welfare to the poor, but because of that the taxes can be much lower ,
              Lower taxes prompt people to work harder because they can keep more of their money. and entrepreneurs are more willing to creat new businesses because they are rewarded handsomely due to the favorable business environment,lower taxes and labour cost. That's why the economic growth are much faster. The day China implements a socialist system like Canada is the day its economic miracle ends
              • I can not agree morewith Omega4! Counting our money at the end of each year, you will find we mostlikely and hardly have 20k left in hands, alhtough the family income is 120K+ and
                we did not feel we had a leisured living, for example, when shopping, low price usually has to be taken into account, firstly. Dot not say money is not important, we in canada, what we can do except counting money and watching snow? My life style is pretty much like
                working-go home-cooking-interneeting(Rolia, pay bill... etc..) sleeping. how about you guys?!
                • Ditto from me. especially this horrible winter, drives me crazy. For me, staying here is just like waiting for death, even though I have a fairly good job in Toronto, making over 70k annually, still, this is not the life I want to have, too boring.
                  • 70k/yr is nothing. No offense.
                    • 70k是不算多,不过对我来说也挺不容易,我不是做IT的,也不喜欢accounting, 现在还是做老本行,市场推广,公司也还算不错,还算比较满意了。
                      • 是啊,在这里做市场和销售的不多啊,我们还算同行。
                        • 是呀,大部分中国人都在做IT或者财务,要不就是卖房子,卖保险之类的。
                          • 也要看,我在这里已经做了几年销售。
                  • Well there are perfectly happy people in Toronto. So no, Toronto is not the primary evil that makes people unhappy. So what is the evil?
                    you blame tax
                    you blame the weather
                    you blame "money did not help"
                    you blame "no luxury" to choose (while in fact you have the luxury to choose).

                    You blame everything you can blame.
                    So you can say to yourself: it is not my fault of being unhappy. you see, everything is AGAINST me.

                    The only thing in this world capable of making you unhappy is: YOU.

                    Just try asking yourself: Why are there many people who also live in Toronto, who also earn whatever salary, who also see the snow, are happy?

                    try to be the change you want to see in this world!
                    • 这道理每个人都懂,只不过有的人愿意接受现状,有的人不愿意,没有什么对错的。
                      • 这只是网上的讨论,本来也不见得是要确定对错,就是大家交流意见。也许会对对方有用。我可不敢说谁错了,我只是觉得如果有不高兴“不愿意”的地方应该客观分析自己的问题,而不是把所有问题都怪加拿大
                        • 本来也没有把所有的问题都怪加拿大呀?大家只不过觉得国内的环境也许更适合自身的发展。虽说加拿大的天蓝,水清,可是这让人发疯郁闷的冬天,我觉得我在这里生活也活不久。
                          • 斗嘴归斗嘴,我看出你的确不太适应这里。既然还要待一阵子,其实冬天也有可以玩的。滑雪啊,snowshoe啊,狗拉雪橇,滑冰,钓鱼...



                            • 您在魁北克?
                              嗯,当初之所以移民,也是因为我老婆逼的。您说的这些东西基本上都玩过,还打过猎,跟朋友开船出海呢。我原来住的地方雪也很大,传说中的加拿大唯一的双语省,那边几乎全都是本地人。景色不错的说,我原来的办公室对面就是大西洋。在那边生活的几年,几乎所有的朋友都是本地人,也有机会跟当地的一些商界政要们成为朋友,像什么aliant, irving的高层,当地市长,省商业厅,省移民部长等之类的。后来因为工作原因搬到了多伦多。虽然是北京人,但是坦白说还是不喜欢这冰天雪地的。不过这边打高尔夫球还是不错的,比国内便宜不少。
                              • 很不错呀,看到你的point了。anyway,我喜欢自然,喜欢动物,喜欢自由自在,所以这里是我的天堂。^__^ 没有想统一别人的思想,只想说既然还在这里,多想想好的地方,多笑笑才好。
                              • montreal
                                • 我去年一个人自己开车从NB的SAINT JOHN到多伦多,1600多公里,不过在MONTREAL的时候,还是走错路了。
                  • I am so agree with you, the winter here drive me nuts.I hate snow, but I like the spring here, what can I do?
              • "Not everyone has a luxury to choose where to live and work."--the question here is: DO YOU? because we are talking about your preference of Canada over China.
                There is a difference between I CANNOT and I DO NOT WANT TO.

                If you are able to get a visa to china and get the the right to work in China, then YOU CAN.
                I guess most of the people who come to this forum CAN.

                You choose not to go, because YOU DO NOT WANT TO.

                So yes, you have the luxury of choosing. And you already chose Canada (of course, it is the fact), with some complaints here and there.
                • I said every country has its merits and problems so I am not denying the benefits of living in Canada. Whether it's better than China, that depends on the person
                  The longer you live and work in one place, the harder for you to leave everything behind and start over from groud zero in a new place. Even if you can, what about your spouse, your kids? I'm not totally against tax, but I do believe the tax level in Canada has reached a level that is punitive for hardworking people and this is a drag to the economic growth. We moved to a new country in seek of better live, but now when we talk to old friends, classmates about our lives, we can only praise cleaner air and water, because we can not match them when it comes to pocket-book matters, that does not make a lot of us very happy
                  • If one's idea of "better life" is defined by money...well, then what you said is agreeable. by the way how do you value clean water and air? Do you realize that they could make you live longer? So how do you value "live longer"?
                    I personally think "live longer" is more valuable than being rich, as long as I have reached a standard of comfortable life. I dont know if 70k/yr is nothing or something. but i bet even 70k/yr can make people in canada have a comfortable life.

                    Well if you think they might not make you live longer. or live longer means not much...then... i mean, it is your life and i cannot argue otherwise.

                    I am just asking people to "think out of the box".

                    by the way, i live in quebec. If you want to blame the tax, take a number and wait in line. ^__^

                    • 这种事情,每个人的情况不同,也没什么好争的。喜欢这的就留下,不喜欢的就回去。
                      • 就是这句话。不喜欢的就回去。既然留下来了,干嘛不多想想加拿大好的地方?老是抱怨不好的地方是能让人胃口好还是精神爽?
                        • 我是没有办法的留,这不在等入籍呢么,折腾了这么长时间,不拿个身份那不白折腾了。
                          • 看来你的确不喜欢加拿大,只喜欢当加拿大公民。
                            • 加拿大公民我都不想当,要不是因为我老婆非要我入,另外公司这边有转到亚太区的希望,我早就杀回去了。
                              在这生活的几年,因为工作原因,经常出差,从vancouver到halifax, 几乎都走过了,要说加拿大我最喜欢的城市,还就只有halifax. 我们原来没事就开车过去玩,btw, 那边赌场的black jack 也比多伦多便宜。至于适应不适应,我觉得不是能力问题,是想不想的问题。要说融入主流社会,至少我们家我觉得还算容的凑合。我老婆在canada post corporation做HR, 算是政府工作了,待遇比较不错的说。我的收入也算是白领中一般的,做MARKETING的。我们两个都不到30岁,算是还凑合的了。但是一想也许在加拿大就这样一辈子了,每天这种按部就班的生活,我就觉得自己在浪费生命。
                              • 浪费生命....
      • 亲朋好友,人多好办事。。做事也好心不慌。。
      • what r u talking about
    • True!!!
      This is truth. The retirement salary for my parents are 2500/month.
    • 非常同意, 我算了一下,好像在上海生活的成本已经比这里高了。衣服也比这里贵,看病也贵,房子也贵,读书就不用说了,车也比这里贵,肉现在比这里稍贵一些。好像只有vegtable比这里便宜


    • "觉的一定还是卡的好,国内很多还是觉得没有卡的人就是loser. "这是指什么卡?
    • 很真实~