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I have similiar experience, I have about 2 years in fund accounting,

my next target is financial analyst.. however, there are so many financial analyst positions out there.. salary range from 40k to 75k and even higher.. I don't know where to start either..

for you, one year as fund accountant is kinda short, not long enough to present yourslef as an "experienced" analyst, which might end you up in the ass end of the compensation range, not necessarily better than fund accountant.

I knew a buy who recently got hired as financial analyst, has 5 year fund accountant experience and CGA.

Alternatively, you can talk to your HR consultants to seek their advice too.. however, keep looking and trying won't hurt
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 请教一下金融论坛的各位大侠,本人考过了CFA level 1,明年6月考CFA Level 2。本地fund accountant工作经验1年半,想换工作。请问像我这样的背景,目前该找什么样的工作比较对头?
    • 顶!金融论坛上这么多CFA Candidates or charter holders,就不能分享一下你们的宝贵经验吗?
      • 人家吃得香呢,让别人进来,不就分一杯羹,不讲是正常的。但这坛上也有些好心人,耐心等等吧!
        • 我还没有指望大家给我找工作呢,我只是想看看自己找工作应该如何定位,如何从fund accountant一步一步地走向financial analyst 的路。对这边的工作划分还不是很了解,所以上来问问大家而已。谢了。
          • 自己努力吧!送你一句话在:远远看他人,他们都很厉害。近近接触他们,他们都不如你!
            • 严重同意你这句话,呵呵
    • 我也在努力从fund accoutant的魔掌中跳出来。。。 +1
      • 我还想去试试Fund Accountant 工作呢。 过了CFA 1, 不过以前是纯IT。
        • Accounting is far less interesting than IT
          • Investment is more interesting than IT.
          • Then you don't know accounting. Better don't pick up a topic you don't even know
            • I am not interested in accounting doesn't mean I don't know accounting. Actually I do know a little bit of it.
        • fund accounting属于劳动密集型行业,慎入!!!
          • fund accounting就是要做基金定价的工作,1-2个月搞懂流程,接下来的就是重复的手工操作。入门的工作而已,所以不能呆久的。
            • It depends on what type of company you work with. Some fund accountants work for a few years, still don't know how bond interest accrual works, and some basic accounting knowledge
              because system does all the entries. when comes to resolve breaks, like PnL, they have no clue. So, fund accounting does need skill, especially working for hedge fund accounting.
              • I think it depends on the person as well. No company can push you to calculate the accrual interest for bond, but you can learn them by yourself. It's easy to verify in your daily process. And it's a kind of knowledge you'd better know.
                • agreed. if only involved in processing, you don't need to know how system calculates. However, when you need to do more analysis on the number, like reconciliation, you need more knowledge.
    • Knowledge x Connection -> Successful Career, especially in financial industry
      • vicky2005(孩子她爹),多给大家讲讲投行的故事吧。也介绍介绍投行的具体工作内容嘛。。。
        • 故事嘛有机会再说
          IBD里几个老Banker在外面揽生意,他们手下一帮二十几岁的analyst没日没夜地算asset,liability and financing cost。显然我们不太可能在那里混。

          Trading分Agency Trading和Proprietary Trading。Agency Trading以sales为核心,显然...
      • +1. However, Connection doesn't work itself. Networking makes your Connections work;-)
        • I am doing networking here right now, 我有的是财经背景knowledge可是谁能赐我一个connection呢?哪怕是有劳动密集型/魔掌之称的fund accountant, 这个围城我也愿意进去啊,甘做守城人其乐也无穷吧!
        • Well said
    • 如果想做真正的投资,比如Portfolio Management还是挺难进的。当然也不是没有移民在这一行,但相对来说机会很少。如果有机会的话,不妨先试试投资的后台支持,
      比如Performance Analysis, etc. 进了这个圈子,有了connection后再找机会。Fund Accountant是个比较繁琐的工作。 还有就是CFA只是个锦上添花的东东,而不是雪中送炭的。祝好运!
      • can I have a short Q? is performance analysis belong to financial analysis? and what's some of the basic requirements to work as one?
    • I have similiar experience, I have about 2 years in fund accounting,
      my next target is financial analyst.. however, there are so many financial analyst positions out there.. salary range from 40k to 75k and even higher.. I don't know where to start either..

      for you, one year as fund accountant is kinda short, not long enough to present yourslef as an "experienced" analyst, which might end you up in the ass end of the compensation range, not necessarily better than fund accountant.

      I knew a buy who recently got hired as financial analyst, has 5 year fund accountant experience and CGA.

      Alternatively, you can talk to your HR consultants to seek their advice too.. however, keep looking and trying won't hurt
      • Got it. Thanks for your analysis. I will try posting and get more experience in the current job. I love to work close to the market.
        • 想了解一下基金公司的financial analyst都做什么工作呢?具体的一天会是什么样?
          • FA is just a title. it really depends on what you do in a fund house. Some people do back/mid office support, and their title is FA... ...