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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛We are here today to pay our tribute to our special friend, Gary Zuo. Special I mean we didn’t even know his name while he was alive and many people here did not have any contact with Gary in person. However, many people have been benefited from his online postings on the forums (ROLIA, WUEWEI), inspired and encouraged by his passion, his warmness and generous help and assistance. And I am sure that many of us will still be.

When we first come to a new place, we start from ground zero. Any advice, any guidance would be helpful when we start a new life. Many people who have experiences may be too busy to share their experience with others, or maybe too shy to do so, or like myself just too lazy to share my experience. But Gary was very different, he put his whole heart to try to help people, and he fervently put his efforts to share his insights. This is not easy, As people could be skeptical about his motivation, he might be misunderstood. But we had never seen Gary to give up. I don’t know what motivated him, but I do know he must have a strong belief in what he was doing, he must have strong faith in what he was doing and for sure he must have a big heart in order to do that.

Andrew, Amy, Ryan, you had a great Dad, you should be proud of him. Although your Dad will not be able to give advice anymore when you need him or hold your hands when you need help. But his expectation is still there; his love is still with you; his encouragement is still with you, The only difference is that he will not be able to check with you, to discuss with you. However, just like many people, who didn’t know your Dad before, still benefited, inspired and encouraged from your Dad’s work and spirit. We believe that you will get the same and even more. Sometimes you might feel abandoned or forgotten, but be strong and never give up, there are many people like your Dad with big heart who are willing and ready to help.

For folks here today, we know that the Sun cannot shed light on every corner. Sometimes people may lose their track, lose their confidence, or lose their goal; a word could help him/her back to the right track, boost their confidence and re-align their goals. Like a person in darkness fumble to find an outlet, if you can give your hands, you can light a candle, or you can give a few warm words, you can make a difference, together we can make our community better, our world better.

We believe we can do it, because Gary has proved it, This is Gary’s legacy that we can and must carry on.

Gary you will be with us forever更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 【纪念兵哥】 +23
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛We are here today to pay our tribute to our special friend, Gary Zuo. Special I mean we didn’t even know his name while he was alive and many people here did not have any contact with Gary in person. However, many people have been benefited from his online postings on the forums (ROLIA, WUEWEI), inspired and encouraged by his passion, his warmness and generous help and assistance. And I am sure that many of us will still be.

    When we first come to a new place, we start from ground zero. Any advice, any guidance would be helpful when we start a new life. Many people who have experiences may be too busy to share their experience with others, or maybe too shy to do so, or like myself just too lazy to share my experience. But Gary was very different, he put his whole heart to try to help people, and he fervently put his efforts to share his insights. This is not easy, As people could be skeptical about his motivation, he might be misunderstood. But we had never seen Gary to give up. I don’t know what motivated him, but I do know he must have a strong belief in what he was doing, he must have strong faith in what he was doing and for sure he must have a big heart in order to do that.

    Andrew, Amy, Ryan, you had a great Dad, you should be proud of him. Although your Dad will not be able to give advice anymore when you need him or hold your hands when you need help. But his expectation is still there; his love is still with you; his encouragement is still with you, The only difference is that he will not be able to check with you, to discuss with you. However, just like many people, who didn’t know your Dad before, still benefited, inspired and encouraged from your Dad’s work and spirit. We believe that you will get the same and even more. Sometimes you might feel abandoned or forgotten, but be strong and never give up, there are many people like your Dad with big heart who are willing and ready to help.

    For folks here today, we know that the Sun cannot shed light on every corner. Sometimes people may lose their track, lose their confidence, or lose their goal; a word could help him/her back to the right track, boost their confidence and re-align their goals. Like a person in darkness fumble to find an outlet, if you can give your hands, you can light a candle, or you can give a few warm words, you can make a difference, together we can make our community better, our world better.

    We believe we can do it, because Gary has proved it, This is Gary’s legacy that we can and must carry on.

    Gary you will be with us forever更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 为什么不用中文? +6
      • 好像兵哥的孩子有的听不懂中文。现场也有很多人不懂中文。不过大家都懂英文。
    • 再次谢谢你和Fuan,以及帮忙润色的网友。。。你们的合作非常好地表达了诸多网友的心声。。。 +5
    • 老玩,写得真好。今天这么多人为兵哥送行也说明了兵哥的善良为人和对大家的真心帮助。谢谢你和Fuan了。 +4
    • 这篇悼词和你的宣读都非常出色,道出了大家的心声,很有深度,非常让人动容,不枉兵哥一腔热血帮助大家,做了那么多人的mentor。有这么多从未见过兵哥的网友爱戴怀念他,为他洒泪、哀痛,悲叹英才早逝,兵哥真是个不平凡的人。 +5
      • 因为有不讲汉语的出席者吧。读得确实好,铿锵有力。 谢谢老顽童和Fuan,以及其他网友。完全不知道此时该在这个纪念日里说些什么。。。 +1
    • 好样的 顽童!
    • 感动!真棒!。。。 +1
    • 赞!@ isup, 这就是肉联温暖故事之一。
      • 顽童认真的时候是真认真。赞一下顽童和网友们 +1
        • 以后叫“鲜肉顽童”吧~~) +5
    • 谢谢顽童! +1
    • 说的真好!谢谢网友了。
    • 顽童说得好..
    • Well said!
    • 有人情,有氛围,有鼓励。 +1
    • Bravo! Well done. Helping those in need is wincity's legacy. +1
    • 写得很好,讲得也很好,很感动,我当时也在场。 +1
      • “顽童” 今天令人刮目相看。有勇气,有魄力,赞! +1
    • 老玩童真是有情, 有义, 有担当! 写出了兵哥一生之于家人, 朋友, 你我和这个社区的意义。"Together we can make our community better, our world better. " 这句话说的太好了。谢谢表达了我们的心声。 +5
    • 感动。好人真多!
      • 同感动。
    • 逝者安息 生者保重 +2
    • 这是fuan和刺哥的致辞,我只是宣读,谢谢大家。
      • 谢谢你们! +1
    • Well said. 生命无情,网络有情。兵哥走好,未曾拜读过你的文章,但调侃过你的歌声,相信你不会记仇,相信你在天堂会看到那不一样月光,尽情歌唱。
    • 谢谢老顽童,谢谢所有出席追悼会的同学们,愿兵哥在天堂一切都好。。。
    • 兵哥安息! 给所有参加追悼会的ID, 尤其是童童点赞!!
    • 发言很有震撼力,深情并茂,那时那刻的兵哥儿女们将会牢记父亲在网络中的威望。在场的人都为Rolia网友人才济济而感叹,非常感谢arfeifei,Fuan and redneck! +1
    • 谢谢老顽童。I will tell my sons this sad story.
    • 谢谢顽童,fuan,刺哥,以及所有到场的网友。你们代表了我们
    • 老顽童欺骗了俺,原来英文这么好
    • 昨天, 天也一直下雨.
    • 谢谢顽童, 说的真好! ROLIA 人才济济, 情谊无限~~~感动!
    • 写的真好,我虽没能到场,也好感动!谢谢所有到场的朋友,你们也代表了我们.
    • 情真意切!好文!
    • 又看哭了。。。