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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Waterloo Math Important Websites:


This website contains a list of important dates to mark down!


This website contains a list of degree requirements for graduation.


This website contains a list of all courses offered at Waterloo


This website contains a list of all course sections, enroll status, class location, professor, etc.

Typical Courses For First year

In the first term, a math faculty student will take 2 mathematics, 1 computer science, 1 communication, and 1 elective course.

Math Courses

The two mandatory courses are MATH135 and MATH137. MATH137 is mostly a review of grade 12 differential calculus with more detail and emphasis on solution writing and problem solving. MATH135 is one of the most difficult courses for first year math students. This course teaches techniques of proof writing through topics in algebra and number theory. Many students struggle with this course due to their minimum experience in proof and solution writing.

For students who wish to challenge themselves, they can replace MATH135/137 with MATH145/147, respectively. These are called the advanced sections. The advanced sections covers twice as much content as the regular sections with more depth, problem solving, and solution writing. Due to the difficulty of these courses, students are recommended to have a score of 80+ on the Euclid competition.

如果想讨论更多如何准备大一数学,请私信我或者416-312-7717更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 加国大学 / U.Waterloo / 干货:送给滑铁卢大一数学和计算机科学的新生 +6
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Waterloo Math Important Websites:


    This website contains a list of important dates to mark down!


    This website contains a list of degree requirements for graduation.


    This website contains a list of all courses offered at Waterloo


    This website contains a list of all course sections, enroll status, class location, professor, etc.

    Typical Courses For First year

    In the first term, a math faculty student will take 2 mathematics, 1 computer science, 1 communication, and 1 elective course.

    Math Courses

    The two mandatory courses are MATH135 and MATH137. MATH137 is mostly a review of grade 12 differential calculus with more detail and emphasis on solution writing and problem solving. MATH135 is one of the most difficult courses for first year math students. This course teaches techniques of proof writing through topics in algebra and number theory. Many students struggle with this course due to their minimum experience in proof and solution writing.

    For students who wish to challenge themselves, they can replace MATH135/137 with MATH145/147, respectively. These are called the advanced sections. The advanced sections covers twice as much content as the regular sections with more depth, problem solving, and solution writing. Due to the difficulty of these courses, students are recommended to have a score of 80+ on the Euclid competition.

    如果想讨论更多如何准备大一数学,请私信我或者416-312-7717更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 都读大学了,还要补习数学?看来高中补习害人不浅。 +5
      • 不是补习害人,是学校学的太少害人
      • 看高中补的是什么,如果补的竞赛数学,孩子提高了能力,大学不用补了;如果高中时学校的的课程需要补,一路补进大学,那上贼船了,不补难毕业;或者孩子真的上了一个她/他原本不该上的program +6
    • 我11岁的儿子正在做数论,没发现很难啊。
      • 儿子天分很高呀!祝贺!
        • 儿子读到哪里我读到哪里,陪读。然后还充当解释翻译工作。
      • 数论是从一数到一万,然后再评论一下吗?
    • 大学还要补的话,是不是要一路补到博士啊?这样的补习是害人的。
      • 很多学生不需要补,但有些学生就需要补。那既然要补,就找个好点的学校和老师补吧 +2
    • 照这样的节奏,以后工作了还得补上班要做的事:-)
      • 以前真的不知道有那么多在补习的,确实觉得没必要,但确实有太多是补出来的好成绩。赞赏不靠补就能学得好的孩子! +1
    • 最后的电话号码是精华中的精华 +6
      • LOL! +1
      • 楼主说了,我可不是做广告啊! +1
        • 哎,版主给这帖安置的这个宝地,无比清净,感觉都没啥人上这里来。彻底灭了我做广告的念头!可惜了我们这个干货!
          • 哈哈 说的好像蛮有道理的。 +1