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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



G. July 25 2020 6:48 am Rodriguez and Ward, Kat: "Video: David Nino Rodriguez and Charlie Ward 7-24-20" by Kat - 7.25.20

Charlie Ward is in direct communication with people who are part of The Global Alliance and who are working with President Trump. Charlie receives INTEL direct from the Chinese Dragon Family, which is a family he has known and worked with for more than 15-years. Charlie Ward has been moving money around the planet for various Governments and billionaires for the last 15-years. He is uniquely qualified to know who has money, where it is, and who controls it. He himself has seen caves crammed full of gold and can report that there are at least 178 of those that he personally knows about.

Key Points:

- Trump is saving the world right now.

- Trump has won the war, we are in the endgame

- We are in the Global Financial Reset right this minute

- We are in the changing of the banking system right this minute

- The new USN (U.S. Note) became public knowledge this week… it is known in banking circles and is backed by gold

- Re The New Quantum Financial System... behind the QFS is blockchain which is Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple… it’ll be a digital currency but there will still be cash just not on the same level of cash as there has been…

5:10 Charlie Ward: I’ve worked behind the scenes… I’ve moved Currency for governments… and you come into contact with some very very good people… Diplomats etc… I said that this was going to happen last year… I was told this last year…So when people say you’re a conspiracy theorist I say, not really… I was told this was going to happen and it happened… how could that be a conspiracy?

6:06: David “Nino” Rodriguez: Absolutely… so where we are right now… we’re actually in a Global Reset… and that is what’s happening right now… I'm backtracking a little right now… during this Covid-19… Trump is taking down the Royal Family, the Vatican, using the pandemic to push forward his agenda to take these deep state criminals down…

6:31 Charlie: That’s how I understand it… I was told right from Day 1 that they were going to collapse the world’s economy… and I was like, “yeah, course you are”… suddenly when what they told me starts to happen you start to sort of wake-up to, hang-on a second… this is actually happening…

6:58 When you consider that the Covid-19 that was put upon us in March of this year… on the 11th of March it was downgraded officially by the British Government, by the American Government, by the WHO, by the CDC, all the authorities… as to nothing more than the flu… “It’s amazing that they shut down the world’s economy on a virus that was no worse than the common cold.”

8:04 Charlie: Originally the virus was created by the deep state, the Democrats, etc…. it came out of Wuhan… came out of a laboratory… whether it was let out on purpose, whether it was an accident we’ll never know…But you have to understand that Fauci and the CIA funded that laboratory in Wuhan… now the deep state and the Democrats create this Covid-19… and Trump and his team were planning to shut down the world’s economy but later in the year (of 2020)… probably about now… but they jumped on it, and turned it to their own advantage… and they’ve done an amazing job…

9:09 Charlie cont.: Now this situation that Trump has found himself in… he was personally selected to do this job… he was selected well in advance… to literally take down the deep state / cabal… this was planned for many many years… by many many people…

9:41: David: To most people who already know… Q had picked him as the brand… to run for President… was it post-9-11 or pre-9-11... that they chose him?

10:23 David: So, right now we’re in this Global Reset… and during this time… there’s 2-agendas at play… we’re like in a WWIII of a war for consciousness… a war for people’s minds… you’ve got the Mainstream Media pulling the sheeple one way… actually the people who are mind-controlled… and other people have to go and find their Media in different avenues like this… right here what we’re doing…

11:10: Charlie: Trump is not just winning, he’s actually won, but we’re in the end game. There’s absolutely no chance of Trump losing. I know that 100% to be correct.

12:30 Charlie cont.: Most people in America are completely oblivious to the fact that in the last election that Trump won “just”… or by a “small margin”… had Hilary Clinton not tried to fiddle the figures and fix it… he’d have actually won by a complete landslide…

12:53 David: Right, she tried to steal the election and still failed… so these take-downs that are happening under the cover of Covid… we’ve got Obama, Hilary, pedo-wood, you know, Hollywood going down… we got all these big names, all these CEOs stepping down… can you elaborate on that a little bit?... what’s the INTEL you’re getting on all of that?

13:16 Charlie: It’s a very very well thought-out plan… taking them down in a certain order… and one of the critical things to take out very early on was the barristers, lawyers and judges… that was the first step… we wouldn’t have known who they were…The infrastructure needed to be taken down first… so they (the deep state) had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide… so that makes a lot of sense…

13:49 Charlie cont.: And now we’re getting to the back-end… where they’re taking down the big names… and it’s very very clever that Ghislaine Maxwell was taken down at the time she was taken down… because they’ll point the finger at her…

15:00 Charlie: Course they want chaos… that’s exactly what they want… and they’re in trouble… we’re seeing the end-game playout… it’s fascinating to watch it… they’re panicking like crazy…You look at Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and that lot… they’re absolutely paranoid… they NEVER DREAMT this would happen… the Democrats thought that it [Hilary] was such an easy win against Trump… they can’t believe what’s actually happening to them…

15:55 David: It’s just everybody in power… everybody’s been compromised… people need to understand this… it’s not just the Democrats… it’s the Democrats AND the Republicans… the deep state has their tentacles in every facet of your life…

27:44 Charlie: Look at where BLM get its money from… and that’s Soros and the Clinton Foundation… and it’s going to the Biden campaign… it’s a political stunt… yes, they’ll try riots… but in America it’s very easy to work out… it’s all in Democrat states…

32:14 Charlie: The thing is with a war, there’s always 2-sides… and the deep state / illuminati / cabal have been in control for 400 years… they’re not going to give up easily…Yes, it’s very very true… a lot of the Masons are being taken down because it’s all part of it… all part of the deep state…

32:43 Charlie: We tend to know the big names at the top of the tree… The Vatican, the Royal Family, the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, George Soros… we know all the big names… but there’s a lot of names we wouldn’t know who they were… who are part of the deep state… who are their foot soldiers…(David said Ghislaine Maxwell documents are going to be released next week… Charlie said that once she was refused bail she became very cooperative…)

35:30 Charlie: Bill Gates will very clearly be arrested… and I believe he already has been arrested and charged… he has massive crimes against Humanity… he’s killed many children in India and in Africa with his vaccines… A very simple fact that all the people that died of Covid-19 HAD the flu vaccine… ALL OF THEM… not 99%... ALL… not one person died who had not had a vaccine… every single person that died of Covid-19 had been vaccinated against the flu…I’m 100% serious and that documented on the WHO website… on the CDC website… and on the British Government websites… clearly documented… If that doesn't wake people up nothing will… and they’re trying to roll out a vaccine that has never been tested on humans…

40:22 The Global Financial Reset is currently in process this week…it’s actually going ahead this week from what I understand…I understand that earlier this week the new USN the new U.S. Note became public knowledge but not widespread…its known within the banking circles,
that it’s backed by gold…it’s the new currency

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 全球金融重置:很快所有人会认识,体验到万物丰盛,包括房贷在内的所有债务都回被免除掉,所有国家所有人都有基本收入。战争很快就会消失,ZT Nesara - Gesara How it works - explained with Jack Kidd & Charlie Ward

    • 这个真的是做白日梦 +6
      • 绝对不是白日梦
    • 这个是中文的:ZT 20个答案——GESARA.全球经济安全与改革法案(GESARA, GlobalEconomicSecurityandReformationAct)最近已由世界上所有209个主权国家实施,这是最具突破性的改革行动,不仅席卷了这个国家,而且席卷了整个地球,跨越了动荡和短暂的人类历史
      • 列了二十条,没有基本收入啊?有了基本收入,是不是也能实现基本的财务自由啦?
        • Re:有了基本收入,是不是也能实现基本的财务自由啦? 应该是,最上面的英文视频提到了基本收入,大意就是所有人不会再有现在这样的财务压力。只是SENIOR的基本收入更高。英文视频链接 Nesara - Gesara How it works - explained with Jack Kidd & Charlie Ward

    • 原来是共产主义实现了。。。 +2
    • 这个视频提到金融重置今年发生,有人的学生贷款(15万)被忽然免除了。

      • 你需要看医生,真的。 +8
    • 其实看看中国历史就知道 “全球金融重置”肯定会发生。中国历史里在贫富分化严重,土地/财富集中到少数人手中时,农民破产,变成游民,统治系统/国家就会崩溃。主要通过农民起义,提出“均贫富”类似的口号,建立一个新的朝代来实现。同时达到一定程度的财富平均分配。
      • 现在世界财富主要集中在1%人手中,大部分国家已经或就近破产,普通人生活水平大幅降低,所以很多人有动力进行一次“全球金融重置”。具体怎么发生,什么时间发生没人知道。
    • 从灵性/高维世界的角度看这件事就更简单了。真实的世界万物丰盛,但在我们这个3维世界没反映出来。人的意识提高后,内心丰盛了,3维世界会反映出“万物丰盛”。到时肯定会有一个转变,让所有人在这个3维世界真实体验到“万物丰盛”。
      • 这个视频讲述了这一点。 Quantum Manifestation with Marina Jacobi

    • 正在进行的全球大逮捕是金融重置的一部分
      • 2020年7月10日更 新
    • “$$$$ New monetary system three months to six months timeline.Stock will plummet to new sectors of artificial intelligence new platforms in order to stabilize the global economy.Stay tuned More to comeYour wealth will be monitored and secured.

      “$$$$ New monetary system three months to six months timeline. Stock will plummet to new sectors of artificial intelligence new platforms in order to stabilize the global economy. Stay tuned More to come Your wealth will be monitored and secured. President Trump second term he will not win the house but in the second quarter he will have full victory. All negative minions exposed. Humanity unites for the children. And slow recovery to your new dawn.” The Council Of Nine

      • FACEBOOK链接
    • 圣哲曼|繁荣基金
    • 有些世界舞台的乱象是声东击西的战术,让暗中进行的全球金融重置顺利发生。新版美元(美国财政部发行,与黄金挂钩)已于本周7月24日开始流通
      G. July 25 2020 6:48 am Rodriguez and Ward, Kat: "Video: David Nino Rodriguez and Charlie Ward 7-24-20" by Kat - 7.25.20

      Charlie Ward is in direct communication with people who are part of The Global Alliance and who are working with President Trump. Charlie receives INTEL direct from the Chinese Dragon Family, which is a family he has known and worked with for more than 15-years. Charlie Ward has been moving money around the planet for various Governments and billionaires for the last 15-years. He is uniquely qualified to know who has money, where it is, and who controls it. He himself has seen caves crammed full of gold and can report that there are at least 178 of those that he personally knows about.

      Key Points:

      - Trump is saving the world right now.

      - Trump has won the war, we are in the endgame

      - We are in the Global Financial Reset right this minute

      - We are in the changing of the banking system right this minute

      - The new USN (U.S. Note) became public knowledge this week… it is known in banking circles and is backed by gold

      - Re The New Quantum Financial System... behind the QFS is blockchain which is Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple… it’ll be a digital currency but there will still be cash just not on the same level of cash as there has been…

      5:10 Charlie Ward: I’ve worked behind the scenes… I’ve moved Currency for governments… and you come into contact with some very very good people… Diplomats etc… I said that this was going to happen last year… I was told this last year…So when people say you’re a conspiracy theorist I say, not really… I was told this was going to happen and it happened… how could that be a conspiracy?

      6:06: David “Nino” Rodriguez: Absolutely… so where we are right now… we’re actually in a Global Reset… and that is what’s happening right now… I'm backtracking a little right now… during this Covid-19… Trump is taking down the Royal Family, the Vatican, using the pandemic to push forward his agenda to take these deep state criminals down…

      6:31 Charlie: That’s how I understand it… I was told right from Day 1 that they were going to collapse the world’s economy… and I was like, “yeah, course you are”… suddenly when what they told me starts to happen you start to sort of wake-up to, hang-on a second… this is actually happening…

      6:58 When you consider that the Covid-19 that was put upon us in March of this year… on the 11th of March it was downgraded officially by the British Government, by the American Government, by the WHO, by the CDC, all the authorities… as to nothing more than the flu… “It’s amazing that they shut down the world’s economy on a virus that was no worse than the common cold.”

      8:04 Charlie: Originally the virus was created by the deep state, the Democrats, etc…. it came out of Wuhan… came out of a laboratory… whether it was let out on purpose, whether it was an accident we’ll never know…But you have to understand that Fauci and the CIA funded that laboratory in Wuhan… now the deep state and the Democrats create this Covid-19… and Trump and his team were planning to shut down the world’s economy but later in the year (of 2020)… probably about now… but they jumped on it, and turned it to their own advantage… and they’ve done an amazing job…

      9:09 Charlie cont.: Now this situation that Trump has found himself in… he was personally selected to do this job… he was selected well in advance… to literally take down the deep state / cabal… this was planned for many many years… by many many people…

      9:41: David: To most people who already know… Q had picked him as the brand… to run for President… was it post-9-11 or pre-9-11... that they chose him?

      10:23 David: So, right now we’re in this Global Reset… and during this time… there’s 2-agendas at play… we’re like in a WWIII of a war for consciousness… a war for people’s minds… you’ve got the Mainstream Media pulling the sheeple one way… actually the people who are mind-controlled… and other people have to go and find their Media in different avenues like this… right here what we’re doing…

      11:10: Charlie: Trump is not just winning, he’s actually won, but we’re in the end game. There’s absolutely no chance of Trump losing. I know that 100% to be correct.

      12:30 Charlie cont.: Most people in America are completely oblivious to the fact that in the last election that Trump won “just”… or by a “small margin”… had Hilary Clinton not tried to fiddle the figures and fix it… he’d have actually won by a complete landslide…

      12:53 David: Right, she tried to steal the election and still failed… so these take-downs that are happening under the cover of Covid… we’ve got Obama, Hilary, pedo-wood, you know, Hollywood going down… we got all these big names, all these CEOs stepping down… can you elaborate on that a little bit?... what’s the INTEL you’re getting on all of that?

      13:16 Charlie: It’s a very very well thought-out plan… taking them down in a certain order… and one of the critical things to take out very early on was the barristers, lawyers and judges… that was the first step… we wouldn’t have known who they were…The infrastructure needed to be taken down first… so they (the deep state) had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide… so that makes a lot of sense…

      13:49 Charlie cont.: And now we’re getting to the back-end… where they’re taking down the big names… and it’s very very clever that Ghislaine Maxwell was taken down at the time she was taken down… because they’ll point the finger at her…

      15:00 Charlie: Course they want chaos… that’s exactly what they want… and they’re in trouble… we’re seeing the end-game playout… it’s fascinating to watch it… they’re panicking like crazy…You look at Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and that lot… they’re absolutely paranoid… they NEVER DREAMT this would happen… the Democrats thought that it [Hilary] was such an easy win against Trump… they can’t believe what’s actually happening to them…

      15:55 David: It’s just everybody in power… everybody’s been compromised… people need to understand this… it’s not just the Democrats… it’s the Democrats AND the Republicans… the deep state has their tentacles in every facet of your life…

      27:44 Charlie: Look at where BLM get its money from… and that’s Soros and the Clinton Foundation… and it’s going to the Biden campaign… it’s a political stunt… yes, they’ll try riots… but in America it’s very easy to work out… it’s all in Democrat states…

      32:14 Charlie: The thing is with a war, there’s always 2-sides… and the deep state / illuminati / cabal have been in control for 400 years… they’re not going to give up easily…Yes, it’s very very true… a lot of the Masons are being taken down because it’s all part of it… all part of the deep state…

      32:43 Charlie: We tend to know the big names at the top of the tree… The Vatican, the Royal Family, the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, George Soros… we know all the big names… but there’s a lot of names we wouldn’t know who they were… who are part of the deep state… who are their foot soldiers…(David said Ghislaine Maxwell documents are going to be released next week… Charlie said that once she was refused bail she became very cooperative…)

      35:30 Charlie: Bill Gates will very clearly be arrested… and I believe he already has been arrested and charged… he has massive crimes against Humanity… he’s killed many children in India and in Africa with his vaccines… A very simple fact that all the people that died of Covid-19 HAD the flu vaccine… ALL OF THEM… not 99%... ALL… not one person died who had not had a vaccine… every single person that died of Covid-19 had been vaccinated against the flu…I’m 100% serious and that documented on the WHO website… on the CDC website… and on the British Government websites… clearly documented… If that doesn't wake people up nothing will… and they’re trying to roll out a vaccine that has never been tested on humans…

      40:22 The Global Financial Reset is currently in process this week…it’s actually going ahead this week from what I understand…I understand that earlier this week the new USN the new U.S. Note became public knowledge but not widespread…its known within the banking circles,
      that it’s backed by gold…it’s the new currency

    • Laura Uplinter and Sacha Stone Talks NESARA (Transcribed by Kat) -- July 24, 2020
      • Quantum Financial System Explanation and the Cabal || Rinus Verhagen
    • 对于《国家经济社会和改革法案》的回答,NESARA,我们在看什么?会发生什么?当这个计划实施的时候,我们正在谈论结束我们文明中整个财政金融信托经济秩序的庞氏骗局.在某一时刻,它将结束。并重新启动

      54:20 When that gets implemented we're talking about an end to the Ponzi scheme of the entire fiscal financial fiduciary economic order of our civilization.


      In one moment in time,it will come to an end.And re-boot.


      • 因为通过 NESARA 和 GESARA 将会暴露的事实是,人类,活着的灵魂,在过去的几百年里已经被巴比伦的神职人员证券化了,他们是全球金融系统的审计员,现在正在死亡.通过出生登记、出生证明、死亡证明、结婚证明、土地登记、汽车登记,我们从出生起就被捆绑在一起
        因为通过 NESARA 和 GESARA 将会暴露的事实是,人类,活着的灵魂,在过去的几百年里已经被巴比伦的神职人员证券化了,他们是全球金融系统的审计员,现在正在死亡

        58:56 We've literally been bonded from birth using registrations and birth certificates,and death certificates,marriage certificates,land registrations,car registrations…registering anything and everything is a securitization of our reality.


        59:13 And it is this Babylonian priesthood,this brotherhood of the snake,that have been controlling the wealth and the flow of the collateral and the collateral has been the living.


        We were turned into dead fictions and traded and securitized.That's the crime against Humankind that is to be exposed through the NESARA act.

        我们变成了死亡的虚构,交易和证券化。这就是将通过 NESARA 法案曝光的反人类罪
        • 我们变成了死亡的虚构,交易和证券化。这就是将通过 NESARA 法案曝光的反人类罪