我一直觉得,独立自强(自强和坚强不一样)应该是ABOVE AVERAGE 的.不时所有的女性都能做到,就是没做到,也没什么大不了的,天塌下来还有男人,其他强的女人顶着.非要把所有的女人都逼到那个地步,这世界也太可怕了.
a smart woman's independence does not come from her refusal of being pampered and spoiled,nor from her willingness to endure hardship and suffering. it rather originates from the confidence that, if, and only if, it is necessary to be on her own she possesses all the resources. to be independent is different from being an "iron woman" -- that will be a shame to the woman as well as to the man, if there is one.
I feel it is very common that in a marriage family 很多是强颜欢笑?? wife and husband 痛骂 each other,给孩子脸色看的 because they are not happy ??. Look at this "幸福家庭" forum, how many are complaining their unhappy family life?
-dream123(new day);
以前很钦佩这样的女人,有了孩子,我不再钦佩她们。人的时间精力是有限的,不可能一个人承担所有,包括伴侣的工作,或者又是女强人又是好妈妈。我现在理解的坚强独立不再是一个人包干所有,而是精神独立为中心,实际操作像管理者,学会delegate work to others.之前The Atlantic 杂志有篇The Why Women Still Can't Have It All也有讨论。
Singles, some of them are choosing to be single or awaiting for their perfect love, some of them are released from their unhappy marriage. No matter what Calgary, "坚强与独立 " is a good personality for singles, and deserve our respect.
女人手里,应该有两项武器。第一个武器是“以柔克刚”,第二个武器是“独立坚强”。这两项武器的使用顺序是很有说头的。以女人本身的特点,“以柔克刚”应该是女人的主要武器。女人通过征服男人来征服世界。当“以柔克刚”的武器不好用的时候,再拿出"独立坚强"的武器,以便应急。然而,请记住,女人的柔情万丈永远是女人的看家武器,要时刻操练,决不可放弃。“独立坚强” is only for damage control. 男人会对“独立坚强”的女人避而远之的。当你拥有可以让你独立栖身的树木时,你同时失去了整个森林。