突破单词的框框,把句子当做是一长串音节,重音就是节拍点,当然这个节拍要打对,多是放在信息关键词上.而且打法也不唯一,比如你举的What college should I attend in the fall,我也可以只重读COllege和FAll,中间全压缩掉,这样这个句子的节拍就从3拍变成2拍了,语速更快.
Very well said! 我的英语启蒙教育,现在听起来是很无厘头的,但就是管用。上课第一天,老师不教音标和字母,在我们连英文字母哪几个都没搞清楚的时候,先放一个个简单生动小故事的幻灯片,听成句成句的英语,纯粹练习听力,练习模仿声音,老师也没有半个字的中文解释,但所有同学都能明白七分。一个月以后老师才轻描淡写讲字母。课堂上鼓励比划比划,或宁可憋的满脸通红,越困窘越印象深下次能记住,但不允许有半个字中文。这套方法完全就是按照婴儿学习语言的循序渐进过程科学设计的。语言必须按照 -听说读写- 这个先后次序学。
sort of agree. It's more important to apply the rules reliably, in addition to understand the rules.
可以理解,完全相信。不过美国人做的 nuts的事情也很多,没有必要当成真理或标准,语言之美,还是靠 common sense. Things need to make sense, to start with. What has happened does not make a rule simply because it has happened.事实上我后来发现我的这一点反馈与您接下来讲的按意群分短或连颂很相近。
There are a lot of linkings in the songs. At least to me, it's a fun way to get used to liaison. The language rhythm works same way just like music, 1, and 2,and 3; slow quick-quick slow. (quick-quick is one beat =slow, just like foxtrot step)
Just like netfriend Slowdownforrose,I also totally agree "中国人讲英语,正确地划分意群,比语速重要得多". In addition to 苏修's points, I'd like to add one more, English is stress-timed language,English is stress-timed language, we have to use thought group, stress, rhythm to speak it naturally. On the other hand, Chinese is syllable-timed language, which we have been used to. This is one kind of weakness for chinese to speak English. This is also one of reasons that we pronouce well but not easily to be understood by native speakers. My two cents, improving rhythm is a fast make-over to our spoken english